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                   Tuesday 9 OcTOber 2018

            October orbit: Astros advance with 11-3 win, sweep Indians

            By TOM WITHERS
            CLEVELAND  (AP)  —  As  his
            teammates  sprayed  each
            other  with  champagne
            and beer in Houston’s buzz-
            ing  clubhouse,  ace  Justin
            Verlander  stayed  clear  of
            the  fray  and  foam  while
            enjoying a cigar.
            This wasn’t the time to get
            soaked.  Bigger  parties  lie
            The  Astros  are  back  in  an
            October orbit.
            The defending World Series
            champions  advanced  to
            the  AL  Championship  Se-
            ries for the second straight
            year — with surprising ease
            — by completing a division-
            round sweep of Cleveland
            on  Monday  with  an  11-3
            lashing  in  Game  3  helped
            by two key throwing errors
            from Indians reliever Trevor
            Bauer.                       Houston Astros' George Springer (4) and teammates celebrate after defeating the Cleveland Indians in Game 3 of a baseball
            “No one takes anything for   American League Division Series, Monday, Oct. 8, 2018, in Cleveland.
            granted  here,”  Verlander                                                                                                      Associated Press
            said. “That’s the DNA of the
            guys  in  this  clubhouse.  This  that a second Series title is  ture while saying goodbye  the  enigmatic  pitcher  all  by  Baltimore  (1983,  1997).
            team  has  a  propensity  to  on their itinerary.         to teammates.                winter.                      After hitting just three home
            do  big  things  in  big  spots.  After the Astros finished this  “There’s  probably  a  mil-  “I caught the ball. I turned  runs in the final 1½ months
            This  is  an  atmosphere  that  demolition  of  the  Indians,  lion things you could point  around  to  throw  it,”  Bauer  of  the  regular  season,
            breeds winning.              they  briefly  celebrated  on  to why we didn’t win three  said.  “I  saw  Frankie  go-  Springer  went  deep  three
            “We  have  the  most  com-   the  infield  at  Progressive  games,”  said  Miller,  who  ing  to  my  right  and  the  times against Cleveland.
            plete team in baseball.”     Field  before  donning  ski  was  on  the  disabled  list  umpire  crossing  over  and  Unlike  the  Indians,  who
            Marwin Gonzalez hit a two-   goggles in their clubhouse.  three times this year. “This is  going  to  my  left.  I  was  in  coasted  to  a  third  straight
            run  double  off  Bauer  in  a  For  the  Indians,  another  isn’t the way we want it to  the  middle  of  throwing.  I  title, Houston got pushed.
            three-run  seventh  inning  ,  postseason  ended  ear-    end.”                        kind  of  flinched.  I  made  a  But once the Oakland Ath-
            and  the  Astros  scored  10  lier  than  planned.  Cleve-  Francisco  Lindor  homered  bad throw. There’s no way  letics applied pressure, the
            runs  in  their  final  three  at-  land was beaten in the first  off a circular digital clock in  around it. That should have  Astros took off and went 29-
            bats  to  turn  a  series  that  round for the second year  the fifth off Dallas Keuchel  been the end of the inning.  10 after Aug. 18.
            was supposed to be com-      in a row — New York came  to  give  Cleveland  a  2-1  “It  was  a  2-2  game  and  They’re soaring again.
            petitive  into  a  complete  back  from  a  2-0  deficit  in  lead  that  vanished  in  the  we’re  in  the  seventh  and  “At  no  point  this  season
            rout.                        2017 — and baseball’s lon-   seventh.                     had a chance. I didn’t ex-   was  there  any  compla-
            “We’re  the  reigning  world  gest  World  Series  champi-  With a major assist, actually  ecute.”  As  he  walked  to  cency with this team,” Ver-
            champs,  and  we  really  onship drought will reach a  two of them by Bauer, the  the dugout, Bauer, who did  lander said. “If I had been
            have  a  good  ability  to  71st anniversary.             Astros rallied off Bauer. The  not  commit  an  error  in  28  traded here after they won
            show up for the day,” Hous-  The Indians hit just .144 in the  starter-turned-postseason  appearances  this  season,  the World Series, instead of
            ton  manager  A.J.  Hinch  series, were outscored 21-6  reliever, who took the loss,  received  a  polite  ovation  before  it  last  year,  I  would
            said. “So proud of our guys,  and  have  lost  six  straight  stooped behind the mound  from  Cleveland  fans.  They  have  assumed  this  was  a
            the  work  they  put  into  the  playoff  games.  They  were  and  dropped  his  head  af-  appreciated  that  the  Indi-  young  and  hungry  team
            winter. It was a short winter  swept for the first time since  ter his two errant throws.  ans had to ride him in Octo-  when I walked in the club-
            for us. As you can see, our  the 1954 World Series.       Tony  Kemp  singled  and  ber because of all the other  house.”
            guys  are  pretty  hungry  to  “We got to go home now,  was      awarded     second  problems in the team’s bull-   ROCKET MEN
            advance.”                    before  we’re  ready  to,”  when Bauer’s pickoff throw  pen.  Mike  Clevinger  gave  Houston  hit  eight  homers
            The  Astros  moved  to  the  manager  Terry  Francona  hopped into the photogra-       Francona  a  terrific  outing  in the series, including two
            ALCS on-deck circle, where  said.  “That  hurts.  It  always  pher’s pit . Springer reached  — five strong innings before  from  Bregman  and  one
            they await the Boston-New  stings.  I  just  told  the  guys,  on  a  dribbler  that  catcher  Bauer entered.       apiece from Correa, Altuve
            York  winner  for  a  shot  to  we’ve  got  a  number  of  Yan Gomes couldn’t make  Springer, who struck out on  and Martin Maldonado.
            play  for  another  champi-  guys  that  are  free  agents.  a  play  on  as  Kemp  took  three pitches in his first two  The  Astros,  who  were  sev-
            onship.                      You know there’s going to  third. Jose Altuve grounded  at-bats  against  Clevinger,  enth  in  the  AL  with  205
            George     Springer   hom-   be some turnover, and it’s  into a forceout, with Kemp  got him the third time and  homers  in  the  regular  sea-
            ered  twice,  Carlos  Correa  a  real  special  group  to  all  scoring to tie it 2-2 .  drove the first pitch into the  son,  connected  four  times
            hit  three-run  homer  for  his  of us.                   Bauer  got  the  danger-     left-field  bleachers  to  tie  it  in Game 1.
            first  hit  of  the  postseason  “So that’s a hard one, when  ous  Alex  Bregman  to  hit  a  1-all . It was Springer’s fran-  NO CLUTCH
            and    Houston’s    bullpen  you’re saying goodbye be-    comebacker. But the right-   chise-record  ninth  homer  The  Indians  have  lost  nine
            combined  for  four  score-  fore you’re ready to.”       hander’s  throw  to  second  in the postseason — he hit  straight  consecutive  post-
            less  innings,  including  six  Reliever Andrew Miller, one  was off line , pulling Lindor  No. 10 in the eighth — and  season  games  when  fac-
            straight outs by winner Col-  of  several  potential  free  off the bag and and both  gave the Astros a homer in  ing  elimination,  dating  to
            lin McHugh , as the AL West  agents, couldn’t allow him-  runners were safe — a mis-   12  straight  playoff  games,  Game 7 of the 1997 World
            champions  served  notice  self  to  think  about  the  fu-  take  that  surely  will  haunt  matching the AL record set  Series.q
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