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                   Tuesday 9 OcTOber 2018

            International Timeshare Conference in

            Aruba recognizing local pioneers

                                                                                                   In  1977  Raymond  Maduro  our island,” Tjin Asjoe-Croes
                                                                                                   opened  the  first  property  indicated.
                                                                                                   which  was  Aruba  Beach
                                                                                                   Club and with this our island
                                                                                                   was  converted  to  one  of
                                                                                                   the  first  destinations  in  the
                                                                                                   world  that  offered  the  op-  Tjin  Asjoe-Croes  also  said
                                                                                                   tion of having a timeshare  that  “we  need  to  appre-
                                                                                                   property.                    ciate  the  loyalty  that  our
                                                                                                                                visitors  show  us.  They  are
                                                                                                                                after  all  the  number  one
                                                                                                   Today  Aruba  has  a  total  vehicle  in  our  market.  38%
                                                                                                   of 13 properties of this kind  of the visitors that come in-
                                                                                                   and  it’s  considered  as  the  dicated  that  they  choose
                                                                                                   capital  of  the  industry  in  Aruba thanks to the recom-
            ORANJESTAD  ―  The  spot-    quarter  for  this  important  ‘shared  ownership’,  since  the Caribbean region. The  mendation  of  family  and
            light  in  the  world  of  time-  meeting  because  besides  the  model  before  known  executives  also  indicated  friends.  Our  friends  and
            share  was  recently  upon  highlighting  our  island  as  as timeshare, where tourist/  that  during  the  last  de-  timeshare owners are prob-
            our island through the Inter-  a  role  model  in  the  indus-  visitors buy a ‘fixed week’ at  cade,  Aruba  meet  a  con-  ably the most loyal spokes-
            national Shared Ownership  try,  they  also  recognized  a  resort,  has  change  con-  stant growth of 3% average  man and this is much more
            Investment     Conference  the  trajectory  of  our  local  siderably.  The  conference  in timeshare tourists and this  worth than gold”.
            that  took  place.  The  pres-  pioneers Raymond Maduro  started with opening words  represents 26% of all visitors
            tigious global giant Interval  and  Jan  van  Nes,  who  of-  by  Marcos  Agostini,  which  to Aruba per year.      Besides  a  special  presen-
            International was the orga-  fered our local companies  is  Vice  Executive  President                              tation by ATSA included in
            nizer and host of this event  the  opportunity  to  update  of  the  global  sales  and                             the  program,  the  confer-
            in its 20th edition.         and  advance  in  different  commercial  development  “As The Aruban Tourism Of-       ence  made  an  analysis  of
                                         aspects of this sector.      of Interval International.   fice  we  are  compromised  the  most  recent  develop-
            Company  owners,  devel-                                                               to direct the positioning of  ments  in  the  industry,  also
            opers  and  top  executives  In the past this conference  Consequently CEO of A.T.A  Aruba  and  lead  an  inno-    they   elaborated    upon
            of the most renamed com-     was  known  as  ‘Timeshare  Ms. Ronella Tijn Asjoe-Croes  vative and sustainable de-   the  topic  of  marketing  in
            panies around the world as-  &  Resort  Investment  Con-  came  forward  to  give  the  velopment in benefit of the  a  digital  era,  which  is  the
            sisted to interesting sessions  ference’ and in the course  assistants  a  welcome  and  Aruban  community  and  same topic that the United
            over a 2 day period of time.  of  time  it  was  adjusted  to  also mention that this year  its  visitors,  in  collaboration  Nations  World  Tourism  Or-
            The  Aruban  Tourism  Office  ‘Vacation  Ownership  In-   Aruba commemorated an  with  key  partners  like  the  ganization  and  A.T.A.  had
            is  extremely  pleased  with  vestment Conference’ with  important  moment  in  the  Aruba  Timeshare  Associa-     focused  upon  on  the  cel-
            Interval  International  for  the  evolution  of  this  indus-  timeshare  industry  which  tion (ATSA) and also voca-  ebration of the World Tour-
            choosing  Aruba  as  head-   try. Today we talk about a  was its 40 years anniversary.  tional  property  owners  on  ism Day.q

            JCI YALA presents “SECRET TO SUCCESS”

            presented pa Yithza Davelaar, Positive Psychology Coach

            ORANJESTAD — JCI Young  are  not  being  taught  at
            Active  Leaders  of  Aruba  school.  These  abilities  and
            (JCI  YALA)  proudly  pres-  techniques  will  be  given
            ents  a  Fundraising  Training  to you in details during this
            called  “Secret  to  Succes”  training. These will definitely
            which  will  be  conducted  help  you  prepare  yourself
            by  a  well-known  Psychol-  for  the  future  you  always
            ogy  Coach,  Yithza  Dave-   dreamed of.
            laar, from Curacao. Yitza is
            a  Certified  Coach,  speak-  Don’t  miss  the  opportunity
            er  and  trainer  of  the  John  to learn the tecniques and
            Maxwell Team.                secrets  to  be  successful  in
                                         life.  The  training  will  take
            In  order  to  succeed  in  life  place  on  Thursday  Octo-
            you need to have the right  ber 11th at the University of
            tools.  The  right  education  Aruba from 9 AM till 11 AM.
            will give you the job of your  For registration go to www.
            dreams  but  if  you  want  to  or jciyala@
            truly succeed you need to  or  call  at  730-
            have  certain  abilities  that  6005 or 5698177.

             JCI Young Active Leaders of Aruba (JCI YALA) is part of Junior Chamber International (JCI), a worldwide community of young active citizens ages
             18-40 who share the belief that in order to create positive change, we must take collective action to improve ourselves and the world around us.
             Engaging in activities ranging from community development to international projects, members demonstrate their social responsibility and im-
             prove themselves through participation, leadership and action. Visit their Facebook page JCI YALA - Young Active Leaders of Aruba for more
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