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                                                                                                                           Tuesday 9 OcTOber 2018

            Colorful Streets in Diverse San Nicolas

            By Linda Reijnders           while  walking  the  prom-
                                         enade  of  San  Nicolas.
            SAN  NICOLAS  —  Sunrise  For  the  rumbling  stomach
            City is the nickname of San  there was Divi Fusion Popup
            Nicolas,  but  we  could  call  Restaurant,  for  the  occa-
            it  the  City  of  Diversity  as  sion housed in an open air
            well.  There’s  diversity  in  its  monumental ruin. Sushi, Cri-
            people as it is a multicultur-  ollo and other meals were
            al  society  and  diversity  in  offered by several vendors;
            looks also. The colorful mu-  nevertheless it was said that
            rals, the mix of architecture  the choice was too limited.
            & art and the cultural vibes  The former customs building
            were  united  last  weekend  transformed into an art ex-
            in the Aruba Art Fair. Aruba  position  center  for  Ateliers
            Today was present and ab-    ’89 and the recently reno-
            sorbed  both  the  creativity  vated National Library was
            and the culinary.            an expo location. Creative
                                         center,  Cosecha,  opened
            Collectors,  arts  profession-  its doors to show what they
            als,  and  the  public  were  offer  and  the  street  were
            engaged  with  a  selec-     filled with artisans that sold
            tion  of  modern  and  con-  their handmade goods.
            temporary  artworks  at  af-
            fordable  prices.With  more  Music  in  the  streets  and  Art Fair that was combined  they  are  abused,  trauma-  the island there is a culture
            than  20,000  visitors  in  the  bars on the side added to  with the creativity of art, an  tized  and  in  their  adoles-  of  judgement  and  punish-
            last 2 years, 8 projects and  the ambience. At the end  inspirational combination.     cent  phase  as  well.  They  ment.  ‘Bad  children’  must
            33  murals  done  by  artists  of the street in front of the                           are  judged  and  receive  a  be punished is often heard
            from  different  corners  the  Nicolaas Store the touch of  Art with a Purpose         lot of negativity within com-  in  the  community.  People
            world. The Aruba Art Fair is  the Caribbean was evident  The exposition by the teens  munity.  But  the  only  thing  many  times  are  harsh  and
            a unique experience in the  when  typical  ‘soca  mu-     of  the  Ortho-pedagogical  they  lacked  is  love  and  a  I would like to turn this cold-
            Caribbean.                   sic’ was played stimulating  Center  (OC)  was  Inspira-  safe home. Who would not  ness  to  warmth  towards
                                         many locals and tourists to  tional.    The  center  is  a  24-  be  troubled  by  a  past  like  these  children,  by  show-
            Eyes  get  filled  by  the  col-  shake  their  hips.  San  Nico-  care for troubled teens be-  that?”  Merveline  and  her  ing  the  public  their  back-
            ors of the murals and works  las has that real Caribbean  tween 12 and 18 years old.  husband  are  caretakers,  ground and story. To bring
            that  crossed  your  path  spirit and during this Aruba  This  particular  exhibit  was  they  have  a  heart  for  vol-  awareness  that  this  is  not
                                                                      organized  by  Merveline  unteerr work and they feel  their choice.”
                                                                      Geerman.  “These  children  like  helping  and  reaching       Continued on Next Page
                                                                      have  been  through  a  lot,  out  to  those  in  need.  “On
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