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P. 14
Tuesday 9 OcTOber 2018
sors to arrange gifts for the the work Merveline and her
children that participated. husband do and would like
It would absolutely be a to sponsor the gifts for the
reward for them.” Aruba children or help in another
Today was impressed by way, please contact them
this ‘angel couple’ and the via Facebook Shoco Gar-
initiative they undertake to den or telephone number
reach out and help others. (297)593- 4821.q
If you feel connected to
Continued from Previous Page do not take care of each ems and quotes are very
The couple has three chil- other no more.” touching and well-written
dren of their own and in many cases. You will
Merveline says: “When I The assignment was for definitely be moved after
look at my children and the each teen to decorate a reading the cries from the
children of the institute I see book and write about their heart, but also the dreams
two basic elements the lat- life in it. Merveline: “The and wishes.
ter lack: love and a home decoration was the easy
with peace and rest. On part, the writing caused “My wish is to continue this
the island social cohesion some resistance but in the exhibition in the community
fell apart, everybody is too end it was actually help- centers (FMA’s) and I would
busy with jobs and people ing them.” The stories, po- also love to welcome spon-
Strategic Partnerships were essential to reach this milestone
for the Gateway 2030 Expansion Project
ORANJESTAD – Aruba Air- Stichting Pension Fund Tour- for their participation and tual construction works to sion project in a bigger,
port Authority N.V. (AAA) ism Sector Aruba (SPTSA), their trust in this very impor- begin and look forward to more modern and better
officially signed the Finan- and Stichting Fondo di tant project for the island. welcoming all passengers airport.”q
cial Closing documents Pensioen di Trahadornan We are ready for the ac- at the end of the expan-
with all the lenders last di Empresanan y Funda-
Monday October 1, 2018 at cionnan Publico (FPEF). All
Aeropuerto Internacional the lenders will participate
Reina Beatrix. in the construction bridge
loan period of 5 years and
A total loan facility of AWG thereafter either in 10-year
495 million has been closed or 15 year term loans.
with Vidanova Bank N.V. as
the Agent Bank, Security During the financing pro-
Agent and Paying Agent cess over the past few
representing all the lend- months the following com-
ers being: Stichting Alge- panies were also instrumen-
meen Pensioenfonds Aru- tal in reaching this mile-
ba (APFA), RBC Royal Bank stone: financeQUEST as the
(RBC), CIBC FirstCaribbean Financial Arranger; Brown
(CIBC), Algemeen Pen- Lawyers as the Transaction
sioenfonds van Curaçao Counsel; and Reliant Dutch
(APC), Caribbean Mercan- Caribbean as the Financial
tile Bank N.V. (CMB), Aruba Consultant on the finan-
Bank N.V. (AB), Pan-Ameri- cial modeling and business
can Life Insurance Compa- plan.
ny of Aruba (PALIG), FATUM
Life Aruba N.V. (Fatum), AAA CEO Mr. James Fazio:
Stichting Bedrijfspensioen- “Strategic Partnerships
fonds Aruba (SBA), Stichting were essential to reach this
Pensioenfonds Meta Bed- milestone and we are very
rijven Aruba (MetaFund), thankful to all the lenders