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WORLD NEWS Tuesday 9 OcTOber 2018
China says detained former Interpol chief accused of bribery
By GILLIAN WONG by using the police group's
BEIJING (AP) — Chinese au- red notices to pursue politi-
thorities scrambled to con- cal or economic fugitives,
tain a public relations mess for instance.
over the disappearance of "By putting him in the po-
the former Interpol presi- sition of Interpol chief,
dent during his trip home to China hoped to show its
China, saying Monday that determination to govern
he was being lawfully in- by law," said Zhang Lifan,
vestigated for bribery and an independent Chinese
other crimes. political analyst. "But now
But the government's an- the spokesman is in trouble
nouncement did little to and it has definitely dealt a
address concerns raised blow to China's image."
about the risks of appoint- Zhang said the haphazard
ing Chinese officials to way the case unfolded
leadership posts in inter- suggested that officials
national organizations. On were acting as if in some
Monday, the acting Inter- state of emergency. "Chi-
pol president told The As- na proceeded to do this in
sociated Press the agency an unconventional manner
had not been informed in without caring about its im-
advance of the Chinese age. It is rather an insult to
probe into Meng Hongwei, Interpol," he said.
who is also China's vice The acting president of In-
minister of public security. terpol, Kim Jong Yang, said
On Sunday, Meng's wife In this July 4, 2017, file photo, Interpol President Meng Hongwei delivers his opening address at the it had not been told about
made a bold public ap- Interpol World congress, in Singapore. the investigation of its chief.
peal from France to the Associated Press "I find it regrettable that the
international community to top leader of the organiza-
help locate her husband. "We should deeply recog- played out with Meng, 64, stature disappear has cast tion had to go out this way
The appeal — especially nize the serious damage whose unexplained dis- a shadow over the image and that we weren't specif-
unusual for senior Chinese that Meng Hongwei's bribe- appearance while on a Beijing has sought to culti- ically notified of what was
officials — cast an unwel- taking and suspected vio- trip home to China late vate as a modern country happening in advance,"
come light on extralegal lations of the law have last month prompted the with the rule of law. Kim said in a phone inter-
detentions that have in- caused the party and the French police to launch an Willy Lam, a Chinese politics view.
creasingly ensnared dis- cause of public security investigation. The French expert at the Chinese Uni- "We still don't have sufficient
sidents and allegedly cor- and deeply learn from this government and Interpol versity of Hong Kong, said information about what's
rupt or disloyal officials alike lesson," said the announce- also made their concerns Meng's case shows how happening (with Meng) or
under President Xi Jinping's ment about the meeting, known publicly in recent Chinese officials, no mat- whether it has anything to
authoritarian administra- chaired by Minister Zhao days. ter where they are, have to do with Chinese domestic
tion. Lezhi. By late Sunday night, China obey the Communist Party politics," he added.
In a sign of the urgent and Meng is the latest high- issued a terse announce- first and foremost. "This puts Monday's statement on the
possibly unplanned nature ranking official to fall victim ment that Meng was in the China's internal political ministry of public security's
of the investigation, the to a sweeping crackdown custody of party investiga- struggle over and above website provided no de-
Ministry of Public Security by the ruling Communist tors, and shortly after, Inter- the international norms on tails about the bribes Meng
said in an announcement Party on graft and per- pol said Meng had resigned the rule of law," Lam said. allegedly took or other
that top ministry officials ceived disloyalty. Most of- as the international police Rights groups had criticized crimes he is accused of, but
met in the early hours of ficials investigated by anti- agency's president. Meng Meng's appointment as suggested that he was also
Monday to discuss Meng's graft authorities are quietly could not be reached for head of Interpol in 2016. in trouble for political laps-
case. The announcement spirited away for question- comment. They pointed to the lack of es. Officials at the meeting
said Meng was being in- ing, cut off from contact The revelation that Chinese transparency in China's le- were told that they "must
vestigated for accepting from their families and not authorities would be bold gal system and the poten- always maintain the politi-
bribes and other crimes allowed access to lawyers, enough to forcibly make tial that the position would cal quality of being abso-
that were a result of his "will- sometimes for months. even a senior public securi- be misused to attack Bei- lutely loyal to the party,"
fulness." But that wasn't how it ty official with international jing's political opponents — the statement said.q