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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 9 OcTOber 2018

            Moratorium study results expected for the first quarter of 2019

            ORANJESTAD  —  The  Gov-     tel rooms. It has to do also  study.  It’s important to note  are  other  aspects  that  af-  plements hotel rooms only.
            ernment  of  Aruba  is  doing  with  the  general  manage-  that  for  the  least  6  years  fect  our  loading  capacity  There  must  be  an  integral
            the  proper  research  for  a  ment  and  the  procedure  there  have  been  no  new  such as shopping malls and  approach applied to it.q
            moratorium  based  on  our  for obtaining a permit for a  hotels built on Aruba, how-  real estate.  This is the rea-
            loading capacity.            piece of land. All this is be-  ever  our  loading  capacity  son  when  taking  this  into
                                         ing included in the ongoing  has been influenced. There  consideration it doesn’t im-
            Since April of 2018 the Gov-
            ernment of Aruba has been
            working   on   alternatives
            for  a  moratorium  on  hotel
            rooms.  A  reasonable  and
            responsible  study  is  being
            conducted which shows all
            the pros and cons. The Min-
            ister  of  Regional  Planning,
            Infrastructure  and  Environ-
            ment  Otmar  Oduber  ex-
            plained that the necessary
            studies  and  meetings  are
            taking place together with
            Aruba  Tourism  Authority.
            Results  of  this  study  based
            on  the  loading  capacity
            which  will  enforce  the  law
            for  the  moratorium  will  be
            presented  during  the  1st
            quarter of 2019.

            The government stands for
            a  responsible  study,  there
            is a reality on what the ca-
            pacity  should  be  but  this
            goes  further  than  just  ho-
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