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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 9 OcTOber 2018

            Not firing Rosenstein, Trump says; 'very good relationship'

            By ERIC TUCKER and JONA-     rector Robert Mueller to his
            THAN LEMIRE                  post  and  closely  oversees
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     his work.
            dent  Donald  Trump  said  "I  didn't  know  Rod  before,
            Monday he has no plans to  but  I've  gotten  to  know
            fire  Deputy  Attorney  Gen-  him,"  Trump  said  at  the
            eral  Rod  Rosenstein,  de-  White  House.  "I  look  for-
            livering  a  reprieve  for  the  ward to flying with him. It'll
            Justice Department official  be very nice."
            whose future has been the  The  Justice  Department
            source  of  intense  specula-  has denied that Rosenstein
            tion for two weeks.          had proposed invoking the
            Trump told reporters at the  25th  Amendment  of  the
            White House that he had "a  Constitution  and  issued  a
            very good relationship" with  statement that said the re-
            Rosenstein and was eager  mark  about  recording  the
            to  speak  with  him  aboard  president  was  meant  sar-
            Air  Force  One  on  a  flight  castically.
            to  Florida  for  the  Interna-  Even  so,  Rosenstein  told
            tional Association of Chiefs  White  House  officials  that
            of Police conference. They  he was willing to resign and
            did  talk,  for  about  45  min-  arrived at the White House
            utes, but not alone, a White  at  one  point  with  the  ex-
            House spokesman said.        pectation that he would be   Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein boards Air Force One in the rain, Monday, Oct. 8, 2018,
            The group discussed violent  fired. He met in person with   in Orlando, Fla.
            crime  in  Chicago,  support  White  House  chief  of  staff                                                                    Associated Press
            for local law enforcement,  John  Kelly  and  spoke  by
            border  security,  the  police  phone with Trump during a   to Trump curtailing Mueller's
            chiefs'  conference  they  tumultuous day that ended      probe. Although Trump has
            were flying to and "general  with him still in his job.   at times criticized his depu-
            DOJ  business,"  spokesman  Rosenstein    and     Trump   ty attorney general, he has
            Hogan Gidley said without  had  been  expected  to        reserved his sharpest verbal
            elaboration.                 meet  at  the  White  House   attacks  for  Attorney  Gen-
            "The  press  wants  to  know,  days  later,  but  that  meet-  eral  Jeff  Sessions,  who  re-
            'What did you talk about?'"  ing was put off so that the   cused himself from the Rus-
            Trump said later to an audi-  president  could  focus  on   sia  investigation  in  March
            ence of police officials. "But  a  confirmation  hearing  of   2017  because  of  his  own
            we had a very good talk, I  Supreme  Court  nominee       earlier involvement with the
            will say."                   Brett  Kavanaugh.  Trump     Trump campaign.
            The  flight  provided  an  op-  had previously said that he   Both men will likely see their
            portunity  for  their  most  ex-  would prefer not to fire the   futures  re-evaluated  after
            tensive  conversation  since  Justice Department's No. 2   the elections, Trump advis-
            news  reports  last  month  official and that Rosenstein   ers have said.
            that  Rosenstein  had  dis-  has told him he did not say   Besides  the  meeting  with
            cussed  the  possibilities  in  the  remarks  attributed  to   Trump, Rosenstein has also
            early  2017  of  secretly  re-  him. Advisers had also cau-  agreed to a private meet-
            cording  Trump  to  expose  tioned Trump against doing    ing with House Republicans
            chaos  in  the  White  House  anything  dramatic  in  the   who  want  to  question  him
            and invoking constitutional  weeks before the midterm     about  his  reported  state-
            provisions  to  get  him  re-  elections next month.      ments on the president.q
            moved from office.           Kelly  was  present  for  Mon-
            Those  reports  triggered  an  day's   conversation   be-
            avalanche  of  speculation  tween     Rosenstein   and
            about the future of Rosen-   Trump,  the  White  House
            stein  —  and  also  the  spe-  said, as was Rosenstein's top
            cial  counsel's  investigation  deputy  at  the  Justice  De-
            into  possible  coordination  partment, Ed O'Callaghan.
            between  Russia  and  the  The speculation over Rosen-
            Trump campaign since the  stein's  future  concerned
            deputy  attorney  general  Democrats,  who  feared
            appointed  former  FBI  Di-  that a dismissal could lead
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