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Tuesday 9 OcTOber 2018
Ryan says 'big fight' coming over border wall after election
By LISA MASCARO and human trafficking as
WASHINGTON (AP) — top achievements in the
House Speaker Paul Ryan Republican-led House. He
on Monday promised a called them "big things we
"big fight" over border wall have delivered, big prom-
funding after midterm elec- ises we have kept."
tions as part of a commit- During a questions-and-
ment he made to President answers session, Ryan was
Donald Trump. asked about Saudi journal-
Ryan said he and others in ist Jamal Khashoggi, who
Congress did not think a disappeared last week af-
funding fight made sense ter visiting his country's con-
ahead of the midterms. sulate in Turkey.
Trump wants three times "It's very disturbing," Ryan
the $1.6 billion Congress has said. "We need to get clear
tentatively agreed to pro- facts from both countries."
vide this year for the border Ryan, once a potential
wall with Mexico. The presi- presidential contender —
dent threatened to force and the GOP's 2012 vice
a shutdown over the issue, presidential nominee —
but instead signed legisla- said he's "done with elect-
tion funding some parts of ed politics" for now, at least.
the government through Ryan is retiring rather than
Dec. 7. House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wis., speaks to the National Press Club, Monday, Oct. 8, 2018, in seeking re-election in his
"What the president wants Washington. Ryan is delivering an upbeat assessment of the GOP’s accomplishments as he makes home state of Wisconsin.
to do is get a bigger down the case for his party in the November election. Republicans face a difficult
payment so it can be Associated Press election as they try to keep
built faster," Ryan said in their House majority in Con-
a speech at the National committee includes $5 bil- to go fight for securing ing the wall. gress, with Democrats ener-
Press Club. lion for physical barriers the border and getting Talk of a partial govern- gized for the fall.
"We intend on having a full- and associated technol- these policy objectives ment shutdown over the Ryan warned against
fledged discussion about ogy along the U.S. southern achieved," Ryan said. divisive immigration issue electing Democrats, saying
how to complete this mis- border. Legislation that Trump punctuated an otherwise the party has gone "further
sion of securing our border Asked if he made a com- signed in September fund- upbeat talk from Ryan on left to the fringes" and only
and we will have a big fight mitment to Trump for a shut- ed more than 70 percent the GOP's accomplish- promises "more disorder,
about it," Ryan said. down over wall funds, Ryan of the government through ments as he made the more chaos."
A bill being considered in said the blame would fall to the fall of 2019. But funding case for his party in the No- The speaker was on the
the Senate allocates $1.6 Democrats, who are in the for some agencies was only vember election. sidelines of the Senate bat-
billion for Trump's wall, far minority in Congress and extended to Dec. 7, includ- The speaker pointed to tax tle over confirming Brett Ka-
short of the $5 billion Trump largely oppose increased ing for the Department of cuts, bolstered defense vanaugh to the Supreme
is seeking. funding for the wall. Homeland Security, which spending and efforts to Court, as nominees are only
A bill approved by a House "We have a commitment would be tasked with build- curtail opioid addiction approved by the Senate.q
Hillary and Bill Clinton to go on tour this year
in a series of conversations ahead of the midterms ment, to one of the United
dubbed "An Evening with could give the GOP fresh States' most controversial
President Bill Clinton and fodder and create head- and unpredictable presi-
former Secretary of State aches for Democrats seek- dential elections, they pro-
Hillary Rodham Clinton." It ing to move on from the vide a unique perspective
is being produced by tour 2016 election. on the past, and remark-
promoter Live Nation, the They will kick off the trek able insight into where we
company behind Michelle Nov. 18 in Las Vegas at go from here," Live Nation
Obama's massive tour to 5,200-seat Park Theater. said in a statement.
promote her new book as They will visit Toronto's Sco- The Clintons' first show next
well as tours for Beyonce, tiabank Arena on Nov. 27, year will be April 11 at the
Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars. Montreal's Bell Centre on nearly 3,000-seat Beacon
The couple will hold joint Nov. 28 and Smart Finan- Theatre in New York. The
conversations at the shows cial Center in Sugar Land, tour wraps May 4 at the
and share "stories and in- Texas, on Dec. 4. Forum in Inglewood, Cali-
spiring anecdotes that "Attendees will have the fornia.
In this Nov. 8, 2016, file photo, Democratic presidential candi-
date Hillary Clinton, and her husband former President Bill Clin- shaped their historic ca- opportunity to hear one-of- The Clintons will also visit
ton, greet supporters after voting in Chappaqua, N.Y. reers in public service, while a-kind conversations with Philadelphia's The Met,
Associated Press also discussing issues of the the two leaders as they Detroit's Fox Theatre, DAR
day and looking toward tell their stories from some Constitution Hall in Wash-
By MESFIN FEKADU Hillary and Bill Clinton. the future," Live Nation said. of the most impactful mo- ington, D.C., and Opera
NEW YORK (AP) — Now that The Clintons announced The Clintons remain a fa- ments in modern history. House in Boston.
Beyonce and Jay-Z are off Monday they will visit four vorite target of Republicans From the American presi- Tickets go on sale Friday at
the road, another power cities in 2018 and nine in and their re-emergence on dency to the halls of the 10 a.m. local time at Live-
couple is taking their place: 2019 across North America the political scene weeks Senate and State Depart-