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U.S. NEWS Monday 17 deceMber 2018
SHUTDOWN suggested that could take
Continued from Front the form of a stopgap bill
The money would not go that extends funding until
for the wall but for fencing January, or a longer-term
upgrades and other bor- bill that includes money for
der security. Democrats border security.
also offered to simply keep "There are a lot of things
funding at its current level, you need to do with border
$1.3 billion. security," he said. "One is a
Showing no signs of budg- physical barrier but also the
ing, Schumer said Sunday technology, the manpow-
that it was up to Trump to er, the enforcement, all of
decide whether parts of those things, and our cur-
the federal government rent laws are in some ways
shut down at midnight Fri- an incentive for people to
day over his border wall, come to this country ille-
sending thousands of fed- gally, and they go through
eral employees home with- great risk and possibly
out pay during the holi- great harm."
days. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, In this Nov. 2, 2018, file photo, President Donald Trump's White House Senior Adviser Stephen Miller
About one-quarter of the urged senators to revisit a boards Air Force One for campaign rallies in West Virginia and Indiana, in Andrews Air Force Base,
government would be af- bill she helped push earlier Md.
fected, including the de- this year that would pro- Associated Press
partments of Homeland Se- vide $2.5 billion for border
curity, Transportation, Agri- security, including physical
culture, State and Justice, barriers as well as tech-
as well as national parks. nology and border patrol
"He is not going to get the agents.
wall in any form," Schumer Schumer declined to say
said. whether Democrats would
Both parties in Congress be willing to consider pro-
have suggested that Trump posals other than the two
would likely need to make options that he and Pelosi
the next move to resolve offered.
the impasse. The House Republicans "should join us
is taking an extended in one of these two propos-
weekend break, returning als, which would get more
Wednesday night. The Sen- than enough votes passed
ate returns Monday after a and avoid a shutdown,"
three-day absence. Schumer said. "Then, if the
Trump had neither ac- president wants to debate
cepted nor rejected the the wall next year, he can.
Democrats' proposal as of I don't think he'll get it. But
Friday, according to the he shouldn't use innocent
Democrats, telling them he workers as hostage for his
would take a look. Trump temper tantrum."
will need Democratic votes Miller and Barrasso spoke
either way, now or in the on CBS' "Face the Nation,"
new year, for passage. Schumer appeared on
Wyoming Sen. John Bar- NBC's "Meet the Press," and
rasso, the No. 3 Republi- Collins was on ABC's "This
can in the Senate, said Re- Week."q
publicans remain hopeful
they can come up with a
proposal that can be ac-
ceptable to Trump and
pass both chambers. He