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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 17 deceMber 2018

            Tea thrown into harbor

            for anniversary of

            Boston Tea Party

            BOSTON  (AP)  —  Tea  will  Shawn  Ford,  executive  di-
            once again be thrown into  rector  for  the  Boston  Tea
            Boston Harbor to mark the  Party  Ships  and  Museum,
            245th  anniversary  of  the  said  it's  important  to  mark
            Boston Tea Party.            the anniversary because it
            Sunday  is  the  anniversary  was the "single most impor-
            of the protest during which  tant  event  that  led  to  the
            colonists  protesting  taxa-  American Revolution."
            tion without representation  "Simply put, if the Tea Party
            threw British tea into Boston  didn't  happen,  we  could
            Harbor  in  what  is  consid-  be  British  today,"  he  said.
            ered  a  pivotal  event  that  "The  citizens  of  Boston
            led to the American Revo-    stood  up  and  were  willing
            lution.                      to  risk  their  lives,  families,
            The  Old  South  Meeting  homes and fortunes based        In this Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018 photo, a discarded beam rests in the driveway of the home where
            House and the Boston Tea  on  this  idea  that  men  of   Sarah Clayes lived, in Framingham, Mass., after leaving Salem, Mass., following the 1692 witch
            Party  Ships  and  Museum  this country should be free    trials.
            are organizing the reenact-  from  taxation  without  rep-                                                                      Associated Press
            ment.  It  will  feature  more  resentation."
            than 40 crates of loose tea  He  said  the  destruction  of   For sale: Restored home of
            was sent in from across the  tea in Boston "changed the
            the  harbor  as  part  of  the  Harriet  Cross,  the  British  Salem witch trials refugee
            country  to  be  thrown  into  world."

            event.                       consul general to New Eng-
            Organizers  are  expecting  land, will welcome attend-    By MARK PRATT                the property.                nal home built at the site in
            thousands of spectators at  ees  to  celebrate  the  cur-  BOSTON  (AP)  —  A  once-   "We've already done tours,  1693 remains. The structure
            the  annual  event,  which  rent  relationship  between   run-down  historic  home  and  I  had  people  com-       still standing dates to 1776.
            will  shut  down  streets  Sun-  Boston  and  the  United   that stands where a wom-   ing up to me practically in  After a foreclosure around
            day night in Boston.         Kingdom.q                    an  accused  of  witchcraft  tears,  they  were  so  thrilled  2000,  the  privately  owned
                                                                      during  the  1692  Salem  we  had  saved  this  house,"  home  was  abandoned
            Report: Federal Air                                       witch trials settled after she  she said.                 and  became  derelict  .  It
                                                                      was spared the noose is on  Sarah  Clayes  was  jailed  was  vandalized  and  de-
            Marshal Service                                           the market after an exten-   during the 1692 witch trials,  faced with graffiti.
                                                                      sive renovation project.
                                                                                                   which  claimed  the  lives  of  The  trust  was  created  to
            curtailing surveillance                                   The  home  in  Framingham,  20  people,  including  her  make     renovations   that
                                                                      Massachusetts,  known  as  sisters, Rebecca Nurse and  turned out to be way more
                                                                      the Peter and Sarah Clayes  Mary  Easty.  She  was  freed  complicated  than  antici-
                                                                      House, hit the market Thurs-  in  1693  when  the  hysteria  pated,  said  Murphy,  who
            BOSTON (AP) — The Feder-     “no longer capturing” any
            al  Air  Marshal  Service  says  “routine passenger behav-  day with an asking price of  died down.                 herself spent hours scraping
            it’s  curtailing  a  domestic  iors on a plane that would   $975,000. An open house is  Sarah  and  her  husband,  paint and pulling weeds to
            surveillance program that’s  be seen as normal behav-     planned Sunday.              Peter,  along  with  other  help  her  contractor  hus-
            been accused of spying on  ior.”.                         Annie  Murphy,  executive  members of their extended  band,  Ned,  complete  the
            thousands of unwitting pas-  Agency  officials  say  mar-  director of the Framingham  family,  resettled  on  land  work.
            sengers  who  are  not  sus-  shals  no  longer  document   History Center and a mem-  about  35  miles  (55  kilome-  The  property  includes  a
            pected  of  a  crime  or  ap-  travelers’   minor   move-  ber  of  the  trust  formed  to  ters)  southwest  of  Salem  150-year-old   American
            pear on a terror watch list.  ments  and  behavior,  such   save the structure that had  that  in  1700  became  the  elm, a brook and the ruins
            The agency’s new director,  as  whether  they  use  the   fallen into disrepair, is confi-  town of Framingham.     of an old mill.
            David Kohl, tells the Boston  restroom  during  a  flight  or   dent someone who appre-  Historians   acknowledge  "It's  been  a  labor  of  love,"
            Globe that air marshals are  fidget in the airport.q      ciates  history  will  snap  up  that little, if any, of the origi-  Murphy said.q
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