Page 12 - aruba-today-20181217
P. 12

                 Monday 17 deceMber 2018

            Exodus from Venezuela leaves families divided across borders

            By CHRISTINE ARMARIO                                                                                                together  often  find  them-
            SCOTT SMITH                                                                                                         selves  separated,  whether
            BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) —                                                                                             by agents at the border or
            When Emili Espinoza was fi-                                                                                         deportation  orders  issued
            nally able to make a video                                                                                          years or decades later.
            call  to  the  3-year-old  son                                                                                      The  impact  can  vary  de-
            she hadn't seen since flee-                                                                                         pending   on    age   and
            ing  Venezuela,  the  little                                                                                        length  of  time  apart,  said
            boy named Elvis didn't rec-                                                                                         Joanna  Dreby,  an  associ-
            ognize her.                                                                                                         ate  professor  of  sociology
            "No," he told her. "My mom                                                                                          at  the  University  at  Alba-
            is sleeping."                                                                                                       ny, State University of New
            That  cold  denial  sent  a                                                                                         York.  Babies  and  toddlers
            shiver of sadness down her                                                                                          are at an age where bond-
            spine.  She  reminded  him                                                                                          ing  is  considered  crucial
            of  the  chocolate-covered                                                                                          and  little  is  known  about
            bananas  she  used  to  buy                                                                                         the  long-term  impact  of
            him,  hoping  to  trigger  a                                                                                        separation.  Middle-school
            memory.  But  his  young                                                                                            aged children, meanwhile,
            mind  couldn't  grasp  the                                                                                          tend to suffer the most ad-
            recollection.                                                                                                       verse  consequences.  They
            His  mother  wasn't  the                                                                                            are  old  enough  to  know
            28-year-old  woman  with     In this Dec. 11, 2018 photo, Venezuelan migrant Emili Espinoza commutes back home after a   what's  going  on,  but  may
            almond-colored  eyes  star-  day's work at a health food restaurant in Bogota, Colombia.                            not totally understand their
            ing  at  him  through  a  cell                                                                     Associated Press  parent's rationale in choos-
            phone  screen,  he  insisted,                                                                                       ing to be apart.
            but  the  young  lady  who  hopes  —  sometimes  frus-    Nations.  About  1  million  ration is one more."         "They  may  come,  as  they
            happened  to  be  taking  trated — that their families  have  landed  in  neighbor-    Experts  who  have  studied  get  older,  to  understand
            care of him that afternoon  can soon join them. The re-   ing Colombia after making  migrant  families  say  the  the  rationale,"  Dreby  said.
            and  was  napping  a  few  sult is a profound alteration  long treks by bus and foot  same factors typically drive  "But  it  doesn't  change  the
            feet away.                   of families, with sometimes  .  In  one  survey  by  Colom-  the  decision  to  flee  with-  feelings of resentment they
            Like  thousands  of  other  devastating  consequenc-      bian officials, 73 percent of  out  children,  regardless  of  grapple with."
            Venezuelan migrants what  es.                             the  more  than  250,000  mi-  country  of  origin:  Uncer-  Like  other  migrants,  Ven-
            the  U.N.  calls  the  largest  Co-workers  at  the  health  grant  families  questioned  tainty  about  the  journey,  ezuelan  families  are  likely
            exodus  of  people  in  South  foods  restaurant  in  Bogo-  said they had left relatives  worries about job prospects  to  try  to  reunite  as  quickly
            America's  modern  history,  ta  where  Espinoza  cleans  behind in Venezuela.         in a new country and a be-   as possible, a trend Colom-
            Espinoza had made an ag-     tables tried to console her,  Another  smaller  survey  by  lief that the separation will  bian  authorities  believe  is
            onizing  choice  six  months  saying the child was simply  the  International  Rescue  only be temporary. A rise in  already  happening,  which
            ago:  To  leave  without  her  confused  and  likely  asso-  Committee,  a  humanitari-  female migration in recent  will  result  in  even  higher
            three children. She did not  ciated  the  word  "mother"  an aid group, found 52 per-  decades  has  also  led  to  numbers  of  Venezuelans
            have  the  money  to  bring  with any one of the female  cent of 312 Venezuelans re-   larger  numbers  of  children  living  abroad.  Colombian
            them  and  had  no  idea  neighbors  or  relatives  in  cently arrived in Colombia   separated from their moth-     Foreign   Minister   Carlos
            what  trials  she  might  face  Venezuela  now  helping  reported  being  separated  ers.                           Holmes  Trujillo  recently  es-
            in  Colombia.  So  she  left  take care of him.           from at least one child they  Perhaps nowhere has the is-  timated  that  there  could
            them with her brother in the  "He  would  consider  that  usually live with.           sue been more visible than  be  as  many  as  4  million
            hopes  of  earning  enough  person his mother and not  "The  rate  of  family  sepa-   at  the  U.S.-Mexico  bor-   Venezuelans  in  Colombia
            to  feed  them  and,  with  me,"  she  said,  weeping  at  ration  and  separation  of  der,  where  families  make  by  2021.  In  their  survey  of
            time, reunite.               the memory.                  parents  from  children  is  wrenching  decisions  over  about 250,000 Venezuelan
            It's  a  pattern  that  echoes  An  estimated  2.3  million  just  staggering,"  said  Mari-  whether  to  bring  children  migrant  families,  Colom-
            other  migrations  through-  Venezuelans    have    fled  anne  Menjivar,  the  IRC's  on long treks — often cov-   bian officials found an av-
            out the world, from Central  their nation's hyperinflation,  Venezuela  and  Colombia  ering hundreds of miles and  erage  of  just  1.7  people
            America,  the  Caribbean  food and medical shortag-       director. "These are people  finally across scorching, iso-  per "family," indicating that
            and Asia: Heads of house-    es over the last three years,  who have multiple layers of  lated  deserts.  Even  fami-  most  had  relatives  scat-
            holds  are  fleeing  first,  with  according  to  the  United  trauma and the child sepa-  lies  who  cross  into  the  U.S.  tered across borders. q
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