Page 16 - aruba-today-20181217
P. 16

                 Monday 17 deceMber 2018

            Troubled Teens win Awards with Poems and Art

            SAVANETA  —  “I  won,  I  have a heart for voluntary  The Contest
            won”,  sounded  the  happy  work  and  they  feel  like  The  assessment  was  for
            respond  from  one  of  the  helping  and  reaching  out  each  teen  to  decorate  a
            teens  of  the  Ortho-peda-  to  those  in  need.  “On  the  book and write about their
            gogical  Center  (OC)  who  island  there  is  a  culture  of  life  and  experiences.  The
            gained  an  award  with  her  judgement  and  punish-     end  results  were  exposed
            writing  for  a  contest.  The  ment.  ‘Bad  children’  must  for the first time at the Aru-
            contest  is  a  project  orga-  be punished is often heard  ba  Art  Fair  in  San  Nicolas
            nized  by  Merveline  Geer-  in  the  community.  People  last  October.  The  exposi-
            man  and  her  husband  are  many  times  harsh  and  tion  attracted  a  wide  au-
            Mike for troubled teens be-  I would like to turn this cold  dience  and  many  people
            tween 12 and 18 years old.  into warmth towards these  shared their emotions upon
            “These children have been  children,  by  showing  the  the topic. After the Art Fair
            through  a  lot,  they  are  public  their  background  the  books  were  exposited
            abused, traumatized and in  and  story.  To  bring  aware-  at several Community Cen-
            their  adolescent  phase  as  ness  that  this  is  not  their  ters. The public was invited
            well. They are judged upon  choice.”  The  couple  has  to vote for the best writing
            and receive a lot of nega-   three children of their own  and  the  best  decoration.
            tivity  within  community.  and Merveline says: “When  Merveline:  “The  decora-
            Who would not be troubled  I  look  at  my  children  and  tion was the easy part, the
            by a past like that? But the  the children of the institute  writing  caused  some  resis-
            only  thing  they  lacked  is  I  see  two  basic  elements  tance but in the end it was
            love  and  a  safe  home.”  the latter lack: love and a  actually helping them.” The
            Saturday  evening  Geer-     home with peace and rest.  stories,  poems  and  quotes   es. One of the girls tells Aru-  ed off from scratch.”
            man  opened  her  home  to  On the island social cohe-    are  very  touching  and     ba Today about her life: “I
            them,  to  give  them  love  sion  fell  apart,  everybody  well-written in many cases.   lived in the Dominican Re-  To Give a Voice
            and attention.               is  too  busy  with  jobs  and  There is no change one will   public but things went very  700  votes  came  from  the
                                         people do not take care of  not  be  moved  by  reading   bad, I was beaten up many  community centers (MFA’s)
            Merveline  and  her  hus-    each other no more.”         the cries from the heart, but   times. My mother was here  Savaneta, St. Cruz, Parade-
            band  are  caretakers,  they                              also the dreams and wish-    in Aruba and she came get  ra  and  Noord.  Merveline:
                                                                                                   me,  the  only  thing  is  that  “But  there  were  many
                                                                                                   she could not give me the  more visitors. Not all people
                                                                                                   love I needed. A teacher at  wanted  to  vote  because
                                                                                                   school initiated my process  they  were  overwhelmed
                                                                                                   to go live at the OC.” She  with  the  pain  of  the  chil-
                                                                                                   feels  more  in  peace  now,  dren written down. The re-
                                                                                                   though  in  the  beginning  sponse  from  the  audience
                                                                                                   she felt she was imprisoned.  was  very  good,  they  were
                                                                                                   “I  see  things  more  positive  happy  with  the  attention
                                                                                                   now  and  feel  I  can  make  for these children.” Her next
                                                                                                   that change. Her dream is  project  she  would  like  to
                                                                                                   to go to Hollywood and be-   work  with  young  drug  ad-
                                                                                                   come  famous.  “Beyonce  dicts. “It is important to give
                                                                                                   and Jennifer Lopez are my  a voice to those who never
                                                                                                   role models, they also start-  get to speak out.”q
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