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                                                                                                       SPORTS Monday 17 deceMber 2018

            Simmons, Embiid lead 76ers

            past Cavs in Butler's return

            By STEVE HERRICK             after  Cleveland  cut  a  him one-on-one down low
             Associated Press            13-point lead to 86-85 late  because he's just too big."
            CLEVELAND  (AP)  —  Jimmy  in the third quarter.          LONG TRIP
            Butler's  return  brought  out  The  Sixers  led  86-73  mid-  The Sixers complete a chal-
            the best in his Philadelphia  way  through  the  quarter,  lenging  back-to-back  set
            teammates.                   but  Cleveland  scored  12  in  San  Antonio  on  Mon-
            Ben Simmons had 22 points,  straight  points  and  trailed  day. Simmons was the only
            11 rebounds and 14 assists  by  one  after  Larry  Nance  player to go more than 30
            for  his  third  triple-double  Jr.'s  dunk.  Wilson  Chandler  minutes as Brown made lib-
            of  the  season,  Joel  Embiid  hit a 3-pointer from the cor-  eral  use  of  his  bench.  "I'm
            scored  24  points  and  the  ner  as  time  ran  out  in  the  happy  to  get  on  a  plane
            76ers routed the Cleveland  period,  starting  the  decid-  and  know  nobody  played
            Cavaliers  128-105  on  Sun-  ing run.                    reckless  minutes,  and  we
            day.                         "The margin for error in this  got the win," Brown said.
            Butler scored 19 points after  game  is  very  small  for  us,"  TIP-INS
            missing two games — both  Cavaliers coach Larry Drew  76ers:  Redick  was  limping
            losses  —  with  a  strained  said. "Margin for errors is not  after  landing  awkwardly
            groin.                       just  a  turnover,  it's  a  bad  while  being  fouled  in  the
            "He's  such  a  large  person-  shot,  it's  not  getting  back  first  quarter,  but  remained
            ality  and  his  talent  is  sort  defensively."          in the game and played 28
            of  a  spirit  he  brings  to  our  The  Cavaliers  led  44-34  minutes.  ...  Brown  walked
            group,"  coach  Brett  Brown  early in the second quarter,  halfway on the floor to call
            said.                        but Philadelphia ended the  timeout after Osman drove
            Butler was 6 of 10 from the  first half on a 31-14 run.   the  length  of  the  floor  for
            field  and  hit  three  3-point-  Butler was injured in the first  an  uncontested  layup  in
            ers. He gave Simmons most  quarter  Monday  against  the second quarter.
            of the credit.               Detroit  and  went  scoreless  Cavaliers: Hood picked up   Philadelphia  76ers'  Ben  Simmons  (25),  from  Australia,  shoots
                                                                                                   against Cleveland Cavaliers' Rodney Hood (1) during the sec-
            "Ben  is  doing  what  he  al-  in  10  minutes.  Philadelphia  two fouls in the first 1:13 and   ond half of an NBA basketball game Sunday, Dec. 16, 2018, in
            ways  does  for  us,  passing  won that game, but lost to  went to the bench. ... Ante   Cleveland.
            the ball," Butler said. "When  Brooklyn  and  Indiana  with  Zizic started at center after                                      Associated Press
            he's  playing  like  that,  the  Butler out.              not  playing  in  four  straight
            game is really easy for ev-  "I felt good," he said. "When  games.  Zizic  and  Nance  guard Embiid. ... Channing  the  injured  Tristan  Thomp-
            erybody."                    you  play  with  such  good  each  picked  up  two  fouls  Frye, who started the previ-  son, entered the game late
            Simmons  had  his  15th  ca-  guys that draw so much at-  in the first quarter trying to  ous two games in place of  in the period.q
            reer triple-double.          tention, I have the easy job.
            helped  because  we  had  don't care how many shots  Loves set scoring records to
                                  back  I hang my hat on defense. I
            multiple  guys  that  could  I get or anything."
            put it away," he said. "I just  TOUGH MATCHUP             win Father-Son Challenge
            do  what  I  can  offensively  Drew knows even trying to
            and help find guys who are  slow down Embiid is not an    ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Da-     by one the 18-hole record  last two years on the PGA
            scoring. Numbers are num-    easy  task.  Not  only  is  the   vis  Love  III  and  his  son  Dru  in a scramble format.  Tour,  European  Tour  and
            bers. Obviously, stat-wise, it  7-footer a dominant player   played so well Sunday that  They  won  by  three  shots Tour, but he has
            looks good."                 in the lane, he has also hit   they  set  two  scoring  re-  at  26-under  118,  another  yet  to  earn  a  card  and
            Landry  Shamet  added  16  36 3-pointers this season.     cords, rallied from a three-  record in the scramble for-  missed out in the qualifying
            points  for  Philadelphia,  J.J.  "He's  a  force  —  size,  the   shot deficit to win the PNC  mat.                tournament this year.
            Redick  had  14  points  and  ability  to  shoot  it  from  the   Father-Son  Challenge  and  "Who knows? This might be  They  were  unstoppable  in
            Wilson Chandler 11.          three,  the  ability  to  take  it   then  wondered  if  they  our  last  time  playing,  so  it  the second and final round,
            Cedi  Osman  and  Jordan  off the dribble," Drew said.    would get to play again.     was fun to finish it off," Love  making only four pars and
            Clarkson  each  scored  18  "You  don't  see  a  guy  that   Team  Love  shot  27  on  the  said.                   the  rest  birdies  and  two
            points  for  Cleveland.  Rod-  size being able to shoot the   front  nine  at  The  Ritz-Carl-  The  36-hole  event  is  for  eagles.
            ney  Hood  and  Matthew  ball as well as he does from     ton Golf Club to get in the  players  who  have  won  a  The  56  beat  by  one  the
            Dellavedova  each  had  13  the three. Where he's most    mix,  took  the  lead  with  a  major or The Players Cham-  record  previously  held  by
            points,  and  rookie  point  deadly is when he's playing   birdie at No. 11 and finished  pionship, and their partner  Raymond  and  Raymond
            guard Collin Sexton added  with his back to the basket.   off  their  record  round  with  cannot  hold  a  PGA  Tour-  Floyd Jr. in 1994 and by Bob
            12.                          Just for his size alone, I don't   four more birdies an eagle  sanctioned card. Dru Love  and David Charles in 1998.
            Philadelphia  broke  it  open  think anybody can defend   for a 16-under 56, breaking  has played 17 times in the  q
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