Page 24 - aruba-today-20181217
P. 24

                 Monday 17 deceMber 2018

            Hertz, Clear partner to speed rentals with biometric scans

            By DEE-ANN DURBIN                                                                                                   mised,  you  can't  really  do
             AP Business Writer                                                                                                 anything about it," he said.
            Biometric  screening  is  ex-                                                                                       "The more people who po-
            panding  to  the  rental  car                                                                                       tentially  have  it,  the  more
            industry.                                                                                                           potential  for  things  to  go
            Hertz  said  Tuesday  it  is                                                                                        bad."
            teaming up with Clear, the                                                                                          Seidman-Becker said Clear
            maker of biometric screen-                                                                                          will  not  sell  or  share  the
            ing  kiosks  found  at  many                                                                                        data  it  collects.  She  not-
            airports, in an effort to slash                                                                                     ed  that  the  company  has
            the time it takes to pick up                                                                                        been  certified  by  the  U.S.
            a  rental  car.  Clear  hopes                                                                                       Department  of  Homeland
            it  will  lead  more  travelers                                                                                     Security.
            to its platform, which has 3                                                                                        But  Jeramie  Scott,  the  na-
            million members in the U.S.                                                                                         tional  security  counsel  for
            It's  the  latest  place  con-                                                                                      the Electronic Privacy Infor-
            sumers  will  find  biometric                                                                                       mation Center, said sharing
            technology,    which   has                                                                                          biometric  data  is  still  risky,
            migrated  over  the  last  50                                                                                       because there are no fed-
            years  from  secure  govern-                                                                                        eral laws governing the col-
            ment facilities and banks to                                                                                        lection,  use  and  retention
            airports, stadiums and even                                                                                         of biometric data.
            smartphones  that  unlock                                                                                           "An individual might sign up
            with the touch a fingerprint.                                                                                       for one use only to find out
            Hertz  is  the  first  rental  car                                                                                  that  down  the  road  their
            company to use the tech-                                                                                            data  is  being  used  in  an-
            nology.                                                                                                             other manner," he said.
            Improvements  in  camer-                                                                                            Marinello  said  Clear  ap-
            as  and  other  technology   In this Friday, Dec. 7, 2018, photo, a rental car driver demonstrates a new biometric scanning   proached   Hertz   about
                                         machine by placing his finger on the reader at the Hertz facility at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta
            have  made  it  cheaper  to   International Airport, in Atlanta.                                                    the  partnership  and  Hertz
            install  scanners  that  can                                                                       Associated Press   agreed  to  pay  for  the  in-
            read  fingerprints,  faces,                                                                                         stallation of the Clear pods.
            and  irises.  More  than  100  next  year,  including  John  bers  of  the  Gold  Plus  Re-  drivers  could  be  wearing  Marinello wouldn't say how
            airports worldwide use bio-  F.  Kennedy  Airport  in  New  wards program, which also  makeup  or  winter  scarves  much Hertz is investing, but
            metric  readers  from  Clear,  York, San Francisco Interna-  has  no  fee.  Travelers  can  that change their features.  said the company expects
            Vision-Box  and  other  com-  tional  Airport  and  Los  An-  sign up for Clear at a Hertz  "If you don't do the biomet-  to  recoup  that  through  in-
            panies to scan passengers.  geles International Airport.  location. To upgrade to air-  rics right, you'll turn off the  creased customers and re-
            Walt  Disney  World  verifies  Hertz  Gold  Plus  Rewards  port service, which promis-  customer  more,"  he  said.  turn visits.
            visitors' identity by scanning  loyalty  program  members  es to move Clear members  But     biometric   scanning  Hertz  has  been  eager
            fingerprints.                with access to Clear will be  through security lines more  done  well  could  be  more  to  adopt  new  technol-
            And the advancements will  able to bypass the counter,  quickly,  travelers  must  pay  robust  and  secure  than  ogy and partner with other
            likely  keep  coming.  Micro-  pick up their car and head  a monthly fee of $15.       having  an  employee  see  companies  in  an  effort  to
            soft  is  working  with  Austra-  to  the  exit  gate.  There,  Clear  says  it's  the  first  time  if  a  driver's  face  matches  prove there is still a future in
            lia's national bank on card-  Clear  pods  equipped  with  it  will  be  identifying  mem-  their license, he said.  rental cars despite pressure
            less  ATM  machines  that  cameras and touchscreens  bers  based  on  their  face  Jain  doesn't  think  custom-    from  ride-hailing  compa-
            would let people withdraw  can read their face or their  instead  of  their  iris  or  their  ers need to be particularly  nies  and  self-driving  cars.
            cash  using  a  facial  scan  fingerprints.  If  they  match  fingerprints.   Clear   CEO  worried about facial scans.  It's  a  partner  with  Volvo
            and  personal  identifica-   up  with  Hertz's  reservation  Caryn   Seidman-Becker  He  points  out  that  millions  in  an  autonomous  driving
            tion  number.  Universities  in  data,  the  gate  will  open.  says the cameras can take  of  people  have  shared  incubator  in  Israel,  for  ex-
            London  and  Copenhagen  Hertz will have at least one  measurements and identify  photos  of  their  faces  on  ample.
            have on-campus groceries  lane  dedicated  to  Clear  minute differences in facial  Facebook  and  other  plat-     Clear,  too,  has  been  try-
            that  let  students  pay  with  members at each location.  features.                   forms already.               ing to boost its membership
            their  finger.  Some  laptops  Hertz  President  and  CEO  Amil  Jain,  a  professor  at  But Justin Brookman, direc-  through  partnerships  after
            can now be unlocked with  Kathy  Marinello  expects  Michigan  State  University  tor  of  consumer  privacy  Seidman-Becker  bought  it
            a fingerprint scan.          Clear to shave 1.5 minutes  who researches biometrics,  and  technology  for  Con-     out  of  bankruptcy  in  2010.
            Hertz  with  Clear  launched  off  what's  now  a  two-min-  says facial screenings work  sumer  Reports,  said  con-  Delta  Air  Lines  bought  a  5
            their  biometrics  scans  this  ute checkout process.     by  comparing  an  original  sumers  should  think  twice  percent  stake  in  the  com-
            week at Hartsfield-Jackson  "In the world of travel, I think  photo  to  a  new  one.  That  before  sharing  personal  pany  in  2016  and  offers
            Atlanta  International  Air-  time is of the essence," she  could be tough in a rental  identifiers.                discounted Clear member-
            port. It will be rolled out to  said.                     car lane, where the lighting  "Once your biometric data  ship  rates  for  its  frequent
            40 more U.S. Hertz locations  The service is free for mem-  may differ substantially and  gets  leaked  or  compro-  fliers.q
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