Page 27 - aruba-today-20181217
P. 27
CLASSIFIED Monday 17 deceMber 2018
Not into bingo, 84-year-old Texas Hospital
527 4000
woman gets college degree Imsan- San Nicolas
524 8833
By JAMIE STENGLE week 1 Presidential Unit #1313
Associated Press 2 br, 2 bath, ocean view, DOCTOR ON DUTY
RICHARDSON, Texas (AP) Sleeps 6 Oranjestad
— After raising five kids and $14,900 Dr. D. de Cuba Tel. 583 9195
retiring at age 77 from her e-mail San Nicolas
secretarial job, Janet Fein _________________________________210447
couldn't be blamed for fi- Tropicana Aruba Resort Women in Difficulties
nally relaxing, but that's not and Casino PHARMACY ON DUTY
her. For Sale or rent by owner Oranjestad:
Fein, now 84, went to back week 7 one bed Unit #1532F Eagle Tel. 587 9011
to school and will accom- Fri/Fri $3,900 San Nicolas
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plish a long-held goal this Week 13 Two bed Unit #4552H Women in Difficulties
week when she graduates Fri/Fri $4,900 OTHER
from the University of Texas contact in aruba Dental Clinic 587 9850
at Dallas with a bachelor's Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
degree. or cell 592 0500 Mobility Equip . Gire
"I didn't have anything to In this Dec. 10, 2018 photo, Janet Fein, 84, poses for a photo in In US 568 5165
do in retirement and I didn't Richardson, Texas. or cell 978 530 6077 Urgent Care 586 0448
think that playing bingo Associated Press _________________________________210463 Women in Difficulties
was up to my speed," said Aruba Divi Phoenix
Fein, who majored in soci- needing a walker and oxy- said, "She would speak up Studio WK # 50 14th Floor Police 100
ology because she felt it gen and eventually mov- a lot in class and I think that Penthouse with 35 weeks Oranjestad 527 3140
527 3200
was "substantial." ing to a senior living facility. it just made for a more in- remain Sta. Cruz 527 2900
She said she enjoyed all Then her knees gave out, teresting class ... because on the contract $6500 San Nicolas 584 5000
the reading and writing pa- so she did a semester of in- she literally remembered Renaissance Suites Police Tipline 11141
pers. "With each class I al- dependent study and took some of the times we were 1 br WK # 52 room # 2345 Ambulancia
ready knew a lot, but then I online classes to fulfill her talking about." Pool/ocean View $ 15,000 Fire Dept. 115
also learned a lot. And that degree requirements. Fein, who grew up in the call:630-1307 Red Cross 582 2219
made me happy," she said. "She did not give up in the Bronx in New York City, said TAXI SERVICES
People 65 and older make midst of her challenges that in high school she just _________________________________210473 Taxi Tas 587 5900
up less than one percent ... she just kept plugging wanted to graduate and Prof. Taxi 588 0035
of U.S. college students. In along," said Fein's college get a job. After graduating Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
2015, they accounted for adviser, Sheila Rollerson. early — at the age of 16 — Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
about 67,000 of about 20 Tracy Glass, 40, befriended she went to work as a sec- A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
million college students, Fein after they both took retary at a dress manufac- Women in Difficulties
according to the National front-row seats in a class. turer. She married, spent TRAVEL INFO
Center for Education Sta- "I sat right next to her and 18 years staying home with Aruba Airport 524 2424
tistics. over the course of the se- her children and worked American Airlines 582 2700
"Keeping oneself active mester built a fast friend- several jobs over the de- Avianca 588 0059
and vital and giving your- ship with her," said Glass, cades, including a 20-year Aruba Airlines 583 8300
588 2244
Jet Blue
self something to look for- who said Fein's firsthand stint as a secretary at a Surinam 582 7896
ward to like that is just a re- memories of world events Dallas orthopedic hospital Venezolana 583 7674
ally positive move," said Dr. — like the women's move- — the job she retired from Women in Difficulties
Carmel Dyer, executive di- ment — enlivened discus- in 2012. She also worked on CRUISES
rector of the UTHealth Con- sions. her associate degree for
sortium on Aging at The Carol Cirulli Lanham, a se- two decades before earn-
University of Texas Health nior lecturer in sociology, ing it in 1995.q
Science Center at Houston.
Fein took part in a state pro-
gram that allows people December 17
ages 65 and older to take carnival Sunshine
December 18
up to six credit hours for Marella ecplorer
free at public universities in Women in Difficulties
Texas. About 2,000 people AID FOUNDATIONS
took advantage of the of-
fer last year, according to FAVI- Visually Incapasitated
Tel. 582 5051
the Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board. Alcoholics Anonymous
Fein said she wanted the Tel. 736 2952
degree "with all of my heart" Narcotics Anonymous
Tel. 583 8989
and kept going to classes Women in Difficulties
even as she transitioned Tel. 583 5400
from living on her own and Centre for Diabetes
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