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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Monday 17 deceMber 2018
            Half of iconic Bert & I duo dies 60 years after recording

            By DAVID SHARP                                                                                                      prankster,  an  optimist  and
            Associated Press                                                                                                    a larger-than-life character
            PORTLAND,  Maine  (AP)  —                                                                                           whose  charisma  attracted
            Bob Bryan, one half of the                                                                                          people.  "He  was  friends
            comedy  duo  Bert  and  I,                                                                                          with  people  from  all  walks
            which  had  fun  at  the  ex-                                                                                       of life. Really, from the bot-
            pense  of  Maine  Yankees                                                                                           tom to the top, and he be-
            and  popularized  the  im-                                                                                          lieved in them all," she said.
            mortal   punchline,   "You                                                                                          Bryan leaves behind a wife,
            can't get there from here,"                                                                                         three  daughters,  a  bunch
            has  died  at  his  home  in                                                                                        of  grandchildren  and  a
            Quebec. He was 87.                                                                                                  great-granddaughter    —
            Bryan and the late Marshall                                                                                         and a heap of stories that
            Dodge created their humor                                                                                           have  withstood  the  test  of
            in a dormitory room at Yale                                                                                         time,  said  Cherie  Hoyt,  a
            University, and their 1958 al-                                                                                      friend  of  Bryan's  who  pro-
            bum was the first of several                                                                                        duced  the  "Bert  and  I  ...
            that shaped the state's hu-                                                                                         Rebooted"  recording  with
            mor and image.                                                                                                      Bryan  and  Maine  humorist
            Uttered  in  exaggerated                                                                                            Tim Sample.
            Down  East  accents,  the                                                                                           "You  can  listen  to  a  good
            jokes  have  withstood  the                                                                                         story  many  times  without
            test  of  time,  including  the   In this 1970s photo, Bob Bryan, left, and Marshall Dodge, the Down East Maine humorists behind   getting sick of it," Hoyt said.
                                         “Bert and I,” pose for a photo in Maine. Bryan died Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2018, in Sherbrooke,
            one  about  the  tourist  who   Quebec.                                                                             "I know them by heart, but
            befuddled  a  Mainer  by                                                                           Associated Press  I  still  find  them  funny.  I  still
            asking  for  directions.  The                                                                                       smile. I still chuckle."q
            native  concludes  with  a  The  pair  eventually  set  off
            famous  punchline:  "Come  in  different  directions  after
            to think of it, you can't get  selling  hundreds  of  thou-
            there from here."            sands of albums.
            Bryan,  who  died  Wednes-   Dodge toured the country
            day  in  Sherbrooke,  was  a  as  a  comedian  before  his
            native of Long Island, New  death  in  1982  in  Hawaii,
            York, who picked up the lo-  where  he  was  struck  by  a
            cal vernacular during sum-   hit-and-run  driver  while  bi-
            mers spent on a lake near  cycling.
            Ellsworth, Maine.            Bryan,  a  divinity  student
            The  stories  often  involved  who  went  on  to  be  or-
            a  fancy-pants  tourist  and  dained  as  an  Episcopal
            a laconic Mainer who gets  priest,  used  some  of  his
            the last word.               "Bert and I" earnings to buy
            "They  didn't  write  from  a float plane. As a bush pi-
            scratch  all  of  these  stories.  lot, he flew his plane to the
            They  adapted  them.  A  rugged  fishing  villages  in
            lot of them were off color,  northern  Quebec  to  minis-
            from lumber camps or fish-   ter to local residents.
            ing  wharfs.  They'd  rewrite  He  created  the  Quebec-
            them.  They  took  them  to  Labrador  Foundation  with
            the  next  level,"  said  Dean  a  goal  of  supporting  rural
            Lunt  from  Islandport  Press,  communities and the envi-
            which  sells  the  "Bert  and  I"  ronment  of  eastern  Cana-
            albums.                      da and New England.
            Humorist   and    storyteller  One  of  Bryan's  daughters,
            Garrison  Keillor  recalled  Sandy  Bryan  Weatherall,
            playing  cuts  of  the  "Bert  remembers  her  dad  and
            and  I"  albums  during  his  Dodge recording stories on
            early  stints  as  a  morn-  a reel-to-reel tape player in
            ing  disc  jockey.  And  the  her  Massachusetts  home.
            original  "Bert  and  I"  album  And  she  remembers  listen-
            made comedian-magician  ing for the sound of his air-
            Penn Jillette's list of the top  plane  to  mark  his  return
            12  comedy  albums  of  all  home.
            time.                        She  said  her  dad  was  a
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