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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 17 deceMber 2018

             North Korea marks 7th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's death

            By ERIC TALMADGE                                                                       ficial  Korean  Central  News  taphs  around  the  country.
            Associated Press                                                                       Agency ran a lengthy com-    North  Korean  adults  wear
            PYONGYANG,  North  Korea                                                               mentary  late  Sunday  that  pins over their hearts bear-
            (AP)  —  North  Koreans  are                                                           slammed the United States  ing  the  likenesses  of  Kim  Il
            marking  the  seventh  an-                                                             for  "slander"  and  "sheer  Sung of Kim Jong Il, or both.
            niversary  of  the  death  of                                                          malice"  against  the  coun-  The North has yet to come
            leader Kim Jong Il with visits                                                         try and for dragging its feet  out with a Kim Jong Un pin
            to statues and vows of loy-                                                            on  efforts  to  improve  rela-  or  to  order  his  image  join
            alty to his son and succes-                                                            tions after Kim's summit with  the  others  on  every  wall,
            sor, Kim Jong Un.                                                                      President  Donald  Trump  in  though Kim and his wife, Ri
            As  snow  fell  Sunday,  tens                                                          Singapore in June.           Sol Ju, have been referred
            of  thousands  of  people                                                              The  commentary  deliber-    to  with  increasingly  lofty
            offered  flowers  and  paid                                                            ately  focused  its  criticism  titles  —  "chairman"  for  Kim
            respects  to  the  late  lead-                                                         on  the  State  Department  and  "respected  first  lady"
            er  at  Mansu  Hill  in  central                                                       and administration officials,  for  Ri.  A  special  portrait  of
            Pyongyang, the location of                                                             not  at  Trump,  suggesting  the  young  chairman  was
            huge bronze statues of the                                                             that  Pyongyang  remains  unveiled recently at a cer-
            "Dear Leader" and national                                                             open  to  another  summit.  emony  to  welcome  the
            founder Kim Il Sung.                                                                   Trump  has  suggested  he  visit  of  Cuba's  president,
            The  anniversary  observa-                                                             could meet Kim again early  but  none  have  appeared
            tions  were  expected  to                                                              next year.                   in  public  since.  And  unlike
            continue  through  Monday                                                              With  Kim's  power  base  his father and grandfather,
            across the country.                                                                    seemingly  more  solid  than  Kim's Jan. 8 birthday has yet
            The death of Kim Jong Il on   In this April 25, 2002, file photo, then North Korean leader Kim   ever,  and  his  recent  effort  to  be  declared  a  national
            Dec. 17, 2011, thrust his son   Jong Il claps from the balcony as soldiers salute him during a   to  establish  himself  on  the  holiday or even marked on
                                         military parade, celebrating the foundation of the armed forces
            into power when he was still   in Pyongyang, North Korea.                              world  stage  through  sum-  calendars.
            in his late 20s and a virtual                                         Associated Press  mits with Trump and others,  None  of  that  should  be
            unknown  figure  outside  of                                                           North Korea watchers have  assumed  to  be  a  sign  of
            the North.                   attained  a  goal  his  father  the  anniversary,  there  was  been  on  the  lookout  for  weakness, however.
            Despite  many  predictions  and     grandfather   could  little  mention  in  the  state  signs that his own personal-  Kim  is  generally  afforded
            from  outside  experts  that  only dream of — he is the  media  of  the  issues  that  ity cult is being bolstered.  the same reverential treat-
            he  wouldn't  be  up  to  the  first North Korean leader to  have  gotten  the  most  at-  Virtually  all  homes  and  ment  by  the  state  media,
            task, Kim Jong Un has con-   possess  an  arsenal  of  nu-  tention  elsewhere,  includ-  public  offices  in  North  Ko-  and  for  maintaining  a  re-
            solidated  his  power,  bol-  clear  weapons  and  long-  ing a flurry of speculation in  rea feature portraits of the  spectful  step  behind  his
            stered  the  country's  econ-  range  missiles  capable  of  South Korea that Kim might  elder  Kims,  who  are  also  predecessors,  he  is  cred-
            omy in the face of intense  reaching the United States.   visit  Seoul  by  the  end  of  memorialized  in  countless  ited  with  showing  humility
            international sanctions and  With  attention  focused  on  the year. But the North's of-  statues, mosaics and ceno-  and confidence.q
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