Page 10 - aruba-today-20181217
P. 10

                 Monday 17 deceMber 2018

            Hungary sees 4th day of protests over overtime, other issues

            By KESTER EDDY                                                                         Thursday for lighting a flare  court   for   administrative
            Associated Press                                                                       during a protest.            matters.
            BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) —                                                               The  labor  code  amend-     A government spokesman,
            Several  thousand  protest-                                                            ments  that  sparked  the  asked to comment on Sun-
            ers  marched  through  Bu-                                                             protests increase the maxi-  day's  demonstration,  said
            dapest for a fourth day to                                                             mum  number  of  overtime  in  an  email  that  citizens
            oppose laws promoted by                                                                hours that companies can  had a constitutional right to
            the Hungarian government                                                               demand from workers in a  assemble freely as long as
            that  critics  say  will  restrict                                                     year  from  250  to  400.  The  laws  weren't  broken  in  the
            workers'  rights  and  have                                                            changes,  intended  to  off-  process.
            undermined democracy.                                                                  set  Hungary's  growing  la-  On  Thursday,  some  pro-
            The   protesters   chanted                                                             bor shortage, also give em-  testers  threw  bottles  and
            anti-government     slogans                                                            ployers up to three years in-  smoke bombs at officers in
            and  braved  sub-zero  tem-                                                            stead of 12 months to settle  riot gear guarding the neo-
            peratures  Sunday  while     Vice-chairperson of Momentum party Anna Donath holds up a   payments of accrued over-  Gothic  parliament  build-
            gathered in front of parlia-  smoke grenade during an anti-government protest in the down-  time.                   ing. Police said two officers
            ment,  where  speakers  de-  town of Budapest, Hungary, Sunday, Dec. 16, 2018.         Since  the  first  protest  on  were injured.
            nounced  revised  overtime                                            Associated Press  Wednesday night and oth-    The  demonstrations  have
            rules  that  lawmakers  ap-                                                            ers  held  Thursday  and  Fri-  attracted disparate partici-
            proved Wednesday.            "Strike, strike, strike!"    "We  will  not  tire.  We  won't  day,  the  demonstrations  pants  from  across  Hunga-
            The  crowd  became  in-      Perhaps  as  a  result,  the  go  home.  Today  we  are  have  evolved  to  encom-     ry's political spectrum. They
            creasingly angry as speak-   event's  final  speaker  was  twice  as  much  as  yester-  pass other policies of Prime  include members of Jobbik,
            ers  called  for  the  demon-  more  defiant.  Anna  Don-  day. We are (growing) day  Minister Viktor Orban's gov-  which started out as a radi-
            strations to remain dignified  ath  ,  the  daughter  of  an  by day. This is a mass com-  ernment, including another  cal  right  movement  and
            and  peaceful,  chanting  outspoken  minister,  lit  a  munity."                       bill   passed   Wednesday  has worked to reframe itself
            "We've  had  enough!"  and  smoke flare and declared,  Police detained Donath on  that establishes a separate  as a "peoples'" party.q

                                                                      Kremlin candidate wins Far East

                                                                      governorship in repeat vote

                                                                      By MATTHEW BODNER            try  Medvedev  called  Ko-   rage  over  suspected  vot-
                                                                      Associated Press             zhemyako to congratulate  ing fraud, the Russian Cen-
                                                                      MOSCOW  (AP)  —  Russians  him on the victory.            tral  Election  Commission
                                                                      living  in  the  far  eastern  re-  President  Vladimir  Putin  quickly moved to annul the
                                                                      gion of Primorsky Krai elect-  tapped  Kozhemyako  to  results,  claiming  they  were
                                                                      ed a Kremlin-backed can-     stand in as governor of Pri-  impossible to verify as both
                                                                      didate  for  governor  Sun-  morsky  Krai  and  run  in  the  sides accused the other of
                                                                      day  after  the  results  from  election in place of the for-  improprieties.
                                                                      a  previous  election  were  mer  acting  governor,  An-  Tarasenko was not among
                                                                      thrown out due to alleged  drei Tarasenko.                the  four  candidates  who
                                                                      voting fraud.                Tarasenko,  who  represent-  competed     in   Sunday's
                                                                      Local election officials said  ed the ruling United Russia  vote.
                                                                      the acting governor of the  party  during  a  gubernato-  Andrei   Ishchenko,    the
                                                                      region,  Oleg  Kozhemyako,  rial  election  in  September,  Communist  candidate  in
                                                                      won  61.8  percent  of  the  appeared  ready  to  lose  the  September  vote  elec-
                                                                      votes  after  more  than  99  the election to a Commu-    tion, did not run again, ei-
                                                                      percent of the ballots had  nist  challenger  who  had  ther.  His  party  boycotted
                                                                      been  counted  in  the  Rus-  received 98 percent of the  Sunday's  election  and  he
                                                                      sian  region  on  the  Sea  of  vote after nearly half of the  failed  to  gather  the  re-
                                                                      Japan.                       ballots  were  counted.  But  quired  signatures  for  an
                                                                      The  election  commission  by  the  time  99  percent  of  independent  bid  for  gov-
                                                                      said  Andrei  Andreichenko  ballots were tallied, officials  ernor.
                                                                      of  the  nationalist  Liberal  declared  that  Tarasenko  The  election  commission
                                                                      Democratic Party came in  had  come  back  to  win  reported  a  39.6  percent
                                                                      second  with  25.2  percent  the  election  by  over  7,500  voter  turnout  for  Sunday's
                                                                      of the vote.                 votes.                       election, up from 29.2 per-
                                                                      Russian Prime Minister Dmi-  In the face of growing out-  cent in September.q
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