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             Wednesday 19 december 2018

            Bohemian Restaurant: Check In Please

            PALM BEACH — Avant-garde from France,
            nonconformist  in  style  and  ethnic  in  cui-
            sine.  That  is  what  the  new  kid  in  town  is
            about  and  TONIGHT  they  even  top  the
            eclectic  vibe  with  live  Flamenco  singer
            Angela Baidez. Bohemian Restaurant is a
            different swing, European flair and outside
            dining,  a  place  from  the  same  owner  as
            the for years already successful Casa Tua
            restaurants.  They  know  their  dance  well,
            but this time they lift it to a different level.

            From  8  PM  tonight  Spanish  Paella  and
            much more is on the menu, of course with   of Barceló Resort in the center of the hi-rise
            pairing wines. The beautiful garden of Bo-  frenzy.
            hemian will be filled with lights, good food
            and live music in an intimate, hip and off-  Free Parking available at the parking lot in
            beat  ambiance.  Catchy  Rumba  Gitana     front of Barcelo Resort.
            and  dramatic  Spanish  ballads  combine   Make your reservations through their web-
            with  the  passionately  prepared  dishes  to   site:  Call
            tickle  your  taste  buds  to  the  max.  Bohe-  them  at  00  297  280  8448.  Facebook:  Bo-
            mian Restaurant is located on the corner   hemian. q

            Aruba to Me

            ORANJESTAD  –  We  would  like  to
            portrait you! By inviting you to send
            us  your  favorite  vacation  picture
            while  enjoying  our  Happy  Island.
            Complete  the  sentence:  Aruba  to                                     permission  to  The  Aruba  Today  a happy reader every day again.
            me is …….  Send your picture with                                       Newspaper,  Caribbean  Speed  For  today’s  newspaper  we  re-
            that text (including your name and                                      Printers  and  any  of  its  affiliated  ceived  some  great  pictures  from
            where you are from) to: news@aru-                                       companies  to  use  said  materials,  Shani  Fisher  and  Bari  Fisher.    They
    and  we  will  publish                                     as  well  as  names,  likeness,  etc.  wrote:  “Aruba  to  us  means  Fisher
            your vacation memory.                                                   for  promotional  purposes  without  Family  Fun  and  relaxation  on  our
                                                                                    compensation.                        annual trip to One happy island.”
            Isn’t  that  a  special  way  to  keep                                  Last  but  not  least:  check  out  our  This  year  their  Aunt  Tina  couldn’t
            your  best  moments  alive?  Please                                     website  and  Facebook  page!  make  the  trip  but  they  brought
            do note: By submitting photos, text                                     Thank  you  for  supporting  our  free  her  along  with  them  around  the
            or  any  other  materials,  you  give                                   newspaper, we strive to make you  island.q
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