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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 19 december 2018

            China will 'never seek hegemony,' Xi says in reform speech

            By YANAN WANG                alarm  over  what  they  call                                                          Throughout, Xi emphasized
            BEIJING  (AP)  —  China  will  China's  long  arm  of  influ-                                                       the  absolute  rule  of  the
            never  pursue  hegemony,  ence, which has been criti-                                                               Communist  Party  and  its
            President  Xi  Jinping  said  cized for being political as                                                          upholding  of  Chinese  sov-
            Tuesday  as  global  con-    well as economic.                                                                      ereignty.
            cerns persist over the coun-  While  Xi  said  China  is  "in-                                                      "No  one  is  in  a  position  to
            try's  growing  economic  in-  creasingly   approaching                                                             dictate  to  the  Chinese
            fluence.                     the  center  of  the  world                                                            people  what  should  or
            During  a  speech  to  mark  stage,"  he  also  noted  that                                                         should  not  be  done,"  he
            40 years of market reforms,  the  country  pursues  a  de-                                                          said.  "We  will  resolutely  re-
            Xi  repeated  China's  com-  fensive  national  defense                                                             form what can and needs
            mitment  to  a  multilateral  policy.                                                                               to  be  reformed,  and  we
            trading  system  and  further  "China's development does                                                            will  resolutely  uphold  what
            opening  of  its  economy.  not  pose  a  threat  to  any                                                           cannot and does not need
            However,  he  did  not  an-  country," Xi said. "No matter                                                          to be changed."
            nounce any new initiatives  how far China develops, it                                                              Xi's   speech    espoused
            to counter a slowing econ-   will never seek hegemony."   Chinese  President  Xi  Jinping  applauds  during  a  conference   "above all else," said Julian
                                                                      to commemorate the 40th anniversary of China's Reform and
            omy  and  trade  frictions  Xi chronicled at length the   Opening  Up  policy  at  the  Great  Hall  of  the  People  in  Beijing,   Gewirtz,  an  international
            with the United States.      country's  recent  achieve-  Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2018.                                   affairs  scholar  at  Harvard,
            The  Chinese  leader  said  ments, giving special credit                                           Associated Press  "the distinctiveness and ab-
            China  would  not  develop  to  former  leader  Deng                                                                solute  correctness  of  Chi-
            "at  the  expense  of  other  Xiaoping, whose reforms Xi  the architect of the chang-  nized as pioneers of reform.  na's path under the party's
            countries' interests."       said saved China from the  es, in order to elevate Xi.    The eclectic slate included  leadership."
            China's  expanding  foot-    brink of economic collapse  This time around, Xi spared  NBA player Yao Ming, Alib-    "This  was  a  broad  attempt
            print  worldwide  —  from  following  the  tumultuous  no  praise  for  Deng,  as  he  aba founder Jack Ma and  to provide a really positive,
            Asia-Pacific  to  Africa  and  Cultural Revolution.       began by remarking on the  Nobel prizewinning scientist  confidence-building  story
            beyond  through  a  broad  Other  celebrations  of  re-   significance of 1978 — the  Tu  Youyou.  They  received  of  China's  past  40  years
            network  of  infrastructure  form and opening up have  year  Deng  implemented  their medals to the tune of  and its future," said Gewirtz,
            projects called the Belt and  been criticized by scholars  his first reforms.          "Story of Spring," a patriotic  who  has  written  a  book
            Road  Initiative  —  has  led  for downplaying the role of  During  the  ceremony,  100  ballad  paying  tribute  to  about  China's  economic
            some  nations  to  raise  the  Deng,  widely  considered  individuals  were  recog-    Deng.                        reforms.q
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