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U.S. NEWS Wednesday 19 december 2018
Chicago officers likely didn't
see train that killed them
CHICAGO (AP) — Two Chi- near where the officers other people before taking
cago police officers may were struck. Guglielmi said his own life.
not have seen or heard the the man was being ques- And in February, Cmdr.
commuter train that fatally tioned and had not yet Paul Bauer was fatally shot
struck them because they been charged with any while pursuing a suspect in
were focused on another crime. "These brave young the Loop business district.
train coming from the op- men were consumed with The total is the highest num-
posite direction, a depart- identifying a potential ber of Chicago officers
ment spokesman said Tues- threat," Superintendent Ed- killed in the line of duty in
day. die Johnson explained to one year since five were
Spokesman Anthony Gug- reporters at a news confer- killed in 2010. Their deaths
lielmi said "very limited" ence late Monday night. mark the first time two offi-
video from a body cam- Later, Guglielmi said, John- cers died in the same inci- A Chicago police officer stands on the street following the pro-
era one of the officers was son led a delegation of the dent since 1990, according cession with the bodies as two fallen Chicago police officers ar-
wearing helped investiga- department's command to Dave Bayless, spokes- rive at the medical examiner's office in Chicago, Tuesday morn-
tors piece together how staff to search the area man for the Chicago Police ing, Dec. 18, 2018.
the tragedy might have along the tracks to recover Memorial Foundation.q Associated Press
happened. the remains of the two of-
The officers had run onto an ficers. Guglielmi said John-
elevated area of the tracks son has met with the fami-
Monday night on the city's lies of the two officers.
far South Side to investi- The officers were assigned
gate gunfire. On the video, to the Calumet police dis-
they "clearly acknowledge" trict. Marmolejo, 36, had
a northbound train just be- been a member of the
fore the southbound train department for 2 ½ years;
hit them, Guglielmi said. Gary, 31, had been on the
"They must have thought force for 18 months. Both
the sound they heard was were married with chil-
the northbound train," dren. Marmolejo was the
he said. "They must have father of three children,
missed the sound of the one in high school and two
train right behind them." younger children; Gary had
Officers Eduardo Mar- a 6-month-old daughter.
molejo and Conrad Gary Four Chicago police offi-
were doing surveillance cers now have been killed
after Shotspotter technol- in the line of duty this year.
ogy that detects the sound The tragedy bore similarities
of gunfire alerted police to the 2002 death of Chi-
about shots fired in the cago Police Officer Benja-
area. Between the sound min Perez, who was fatally
of the first train and the fact struck by a commuter train
that they were focused on while conducting surveil-
finding a gunman, they lance on narcotics activity
were unable to move off on the city's West Side.
the tracks. Officer Samuel Jimenez
The man Mamolejo and was killed in a shootout last
Gary were pursuing was month after he chased a
taken into custody by other gunman inside a hospital
officers a short time later, on Chicago's South Side.
and a gun was recovered That shooter also killed two