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             Wednesday 19 december 2018

            Truce brings hope for Yemen, but peace could prove elusive

            By AHMED AL-HAJ                                                                                                     seized  and  held  much  of
            SAMY MAGDY                                                                                                          northern  Yemen,  includ-
            SANAA,  Yemen  (AP)  —  A                                                                                           ing  the  capital,  Sanaa,  at
            cease-fire on Tuesday halt-                                                                                         great  cost,  have  consis-
            ed  months  of  heavy  fight-                                                                                       tently rejected the govern-
            ing  in  Yemen's  port  city  of                                                                                    ment's  demands  that  they
            Hodeida, raising hopes that                                                                                         withdraw and give up their
            the  latest  U.N.-led  peace                                                                                        heavy weapons.
            efforts can end the civil war                                                                                       Saudi Arabia and the Unit-
            and  alleviate  the  world's                                                                                        ed  Arab  Emirates,  mean-
            worst humanitarian crisis.                                                                                          while, view the rebels as an
            But  the  truce  in  the  Red                                                                                       increasingly dangerous Ira-
            Sea  city  remains  fragile,                                                                                        nian proxy. The rebels have
            and it's unclear if the Saudi-                                                                                      fired  ballistic  missiles  deep
            backed  government  and                                                                                             into Saudi Arabia and have
            the   Iran-aligned   Houthi                                                                                         attacked  vessels  in  the
            rebels  can  reach  a  wider                                                                                        Red  Sea.  The  conflict  has
            peace agreement despite                                                                                             caused a humanitarian ca-
            mounting       international                                                                                        tastrophe.  Emaciated  chil-
            pressure to end the war.                                                                                            dren are being brought to
            Yemeni  officials  said  the                                                                                        overwhelmed  clinics,  and
            fighting  in  Hodeida  sub-                                                                                         in  some  areas  families  are
            sided early Tuesday as the   In this Sept. 27, 2018 file photo, a father gives water to his malnourished daughter at a feeding   surviving  off  leaves  boiled
            cease-fire took effect, with   center in a hospital in Hodeida, Yemen.                                              into  a  sour  green  paste.
            only sporadic fire from au-                                                                        Associated Press  The  fighting  and  displace-
            tomatic  weapons  heard                                                                                             ment have also generated
            across the city.             ments on the ground."        them.                        not part of a wider peace  a cholera epidemic.
            Some  70  percent  of  Ye-   U.N.  spokesman  Stephane  The  fighting  has  killed  tens  process: It's an agreement  U.N. Secretary-General An-
            men's  food  imports  and  Dujarric said Maj. Gen. Pat-   of  thousands  of  people,  made  for  humanitarian  tonio Guterres warned Sun-
            humanitarian    aid   enter  rick  Cammaert,  who  has  and  has  driven  millions  to  rather  than  political  rea-  day that if Yemen's human-
            through Hodeida, which re-   been  appointed  to  head  the brink of starvation. The  sons," he said.               itarian  situation  does  not
            mained  open  even as  the  the  coordination  commit-    U.N. calls it the world's worst  The  United  States,  which  improve,  14  million  people
            Saudi-led  coalition  waged  tee  overseeing  the  cease-  humanitarian disaster.      supports  the  Saudi-led  co-  will be in need of food aid
            a  months-long  campaign  fire,  will  depart  New  York  British  Foreign  Secretary  alition,  has  stepped  up  in 2019, 6 million more than
            that  failed  to  dislodge  the  with a team later this week  Jeremy  Hunt  welcomed  pressure to end the fighting  this year.
            rebels.  Aid  groups  feared  headed for Yemen.           the  cease-fire,  urging  all  amid  the  fallout  from  the  "There  is  a  high  level  of
            the  port's  closure  could  He said the Dutch general  warring  parties  "to  stick  to  killing of Saudi dissident jour-  hunger in Yemen," he said,
            plunge Yemen into famine.    will convene a first meeting  the terms agreed at peace  nalist and Washington Post  adding  that  even  though
            The    truce   agreement,  of the committee, which in-    talks last week in Stockholm  columnist Jamal Khashoggi  the situation has not techni-
            reached last week at U.N.-   cludes military and security  so we can achieve a long-   by  Saudi  agents,  which  cally been declared a fam-
            brokered  talks  in  Sweden,  representatives  from  the  term political solution to this  brought  renewed  interna-  ine  "does  not  in  any  way
            calls on both sides to with-  government  and  the  reb-  horrific  crisis  and  end  the  tional attention to Yemen's  diminish our huge concern
            draw  from  the  city  and  its  els, by videoconference on  suffering of so many."    stalemated war.              with  the  very  high  level  of
            outskirts. A joint committee  Wednesday.                  The  cease-fire  is  the  first  That  provided  a  boost  to  hunger that exists."
            led by U.N. officers will over-  Yemen's   four-year   con-  step  in  a  process  the  U.N.  Griffiths'  efforts  to  bring  Last week, an international
            see the cease-fire and the  flict  pits  the  internationally  hopes  will  lead  to  a  prov-  the  two  sides  together  in  group  tracking  Yemen's
            redeployment  of  forces.  recognized      government,  ince-wide truce in Hodeida  Sweden.  In  addition  to  civil  war  reported  that  the
            Local  authorities  and  po-  backed  by  a  coalition  and  the  demilitarization  of  agreeing  on  a  cease-fire  conflict  has  killed  more
            lice will run the city and its  led  by  Saudi  Arabia  and  the Red Sea trade corridor,  for  Hodeida,  they  also  ex-  than  60,000  people,  both
            three  port  facilities  under  the  United  Arab  Emirates,  said  Peter  Salisbury,  a  se-  changed  lists  of  prisoners  combatants  and  civilians,
            U.N. supervision.            against Shiite rebels known  nior analyst at the Brussels-  ahead of a planned swap  since  2016.  That  is  much
            U.N.  envoy  Martin  Griffiths  as  Houthis.  Iran  supports  based  International  Crisis  to  be  carried  out  with  the  higher than the U.N. figure
            has said the committee will  the  rebels,  but  denies  al-  Group.                    Red Cross.                   of  10,000  civilian  deaths,
            get to work swiftly "to trans-  legations  from  the  coali-  "But  it's  important  to  note  But  a  wider  agreement  and  has  added  to  the  ur-
            late  the  momentum  built  tion, Western countries and  that  the  deal  itself  is  quite  could prove elusive.   gency  to  find  a  political
            up in Sweden into achieve-   U.N. experts that it is arming  specific in saying that this is  The  Houthis,  who  have  resolution.q
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