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A6   U.S. NEWS
             Wednesday 19 december 2018

            Judges push back against 'zero-tolerance' immigration policy

            SAN  DIEGO  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            San Diego.
            14  defendants  had  been                                                                                           If  convicted,  first-time  of-
            charged  with  entering  the                                                                                        fenders  can  be  punished
            country  illegally.  But  there                                                                                     by up to six months in prison.
            was a problem: When their                                                                                           They can be charged with
            cases were called in court,                                                                                         a felony if caught again.
            they  could  not  show  up                                                                                          The  administration  coun-
            because they had already                                                                                            tered  on  Oct.  9,  saying  it
            been deported.                                                                                                      would  not  deport  people
            U.S.  Magistrate  Judge  Wil-                                                                                       until  their  criminal  cases
            liam  Gallo  quickly  con-                                                                                          were    completed.    That
            cluded  that  none  of  the                                                                                         stopped  cases  from  being
            migrants  could  be  pros-                                                                                          dismissed  but  introduced
            ecuted  —  a  decision  that                                                                                        new  problems:  Keeping
            struck  at  the  heart  of  the                                                                                     people  in  custody  for  lon-
            Trump  administration's  ze-                                                                                        ger periods strained deten-
            ro-tolerance   immigration                                                                                          tion  space  and  imposed
            policy, which calls for treat-                                                                                      higher costs.
            ing  illegal  border  crossing                                                                                      "They  wanted  it  to  be  a
            as  a  common  crime.  He                                                                                           one-day  thing,  like  it  is
            dismissed  all  the  charges                                                                                        across  the  whole  border,
            and ordered that all bond                                                                                           because it's cheaper," said
            money be returned.                                                                                                  Jami  Ferrara,  who  repre-
            The  same  scene  played                                                                                            sents defense attorneys on
            out  every  day  for  several   In this Dec. 2, 2018 file photo, taken from the Tijuana, Mexico, side of the border, Honduran mi-  a  panel  with  judges  and
            weeks in San Diego — an-     grants react as they surrender to the U.S. Border Patrol after crossing the border wall in to the   prosecutors working on the
            other  example  of  judges   United States.                                                                         changes. "It's not a cheap
            challenging President Don-                                                                         Associated Press  system."
            ald Trump's moves on immi-                                                                                          It is unclear how many cas-
            gration  in  ways  large  and  But  the  rulings  defeated  the  criminal  cases  against  duced  the  mass  hearings  es were dismissed in San Di-
            small.  Last  month,  a  differ-  the  purpose  of  zero  toler-  them  will  be  dropped.  To  on  immigration  charges  in  ego, but defense attorneys
            ent  judge  halted  an  ad-  ance,  which  is  to  notch  avoid  getting  cases  dis-  California in July, adopting  estimate it was hundreds.
            ministration  policy  to  deny  convictions.              missed,  the  administration  a  model  that  has  been  in  The  legal  skirmishes  in  San
            asylum to people who en-     Gallo  and  other  California  could not conduct the type  place  for  years  in  Arizona,  Diego  court  have  not
            ter the country illegally.   judges  forced  the  govern-  of  lightning-quick  prosecu-  New  Mexico  and  Texas.  drawn  a  public  reaction
            The  dismissals  did  not  free  ment  to  choose  between  tions  that  it  practices  else-  The  hearings  soon  began  from  Trump,  and  the  Jus-
            any  migrants  or  allow  any  deporting   migrants   im-  where along the border.     running  past  6  p.m.  regu-  tice  Department  and  Cus-
            of them back into the U.S.  mediately  or  risking  that  Federal  prosecutors  intro-  larly.                      toms and Border Protection
                                                                                                   Defense    attorneys   fre-  agency  declined  to  com-
                                                                                                   quently objected that they  ment.
                                                                                                   didn't  have  enough  time  It costs the Marshals Service
                                                                                                   to consult with their clients,  an  average  of  almost  $90
                                                                                                   who appeared in the same  a  day  to  house  a  defen-
                                                                                                   clothes  they  wore  crossing  dant.  In  San  Diego,  space
                                                                                                   the border a day or so ear-  is at a premium, with room
                                                                                                   lier.                        for only 815  people at the
                                                                                                   Then,  on  Sept.  17,  Gallo  main holding facility.
                                                                                                   announced  that  judges  To  address  any  space
                                                                                                   would  no  longer  accept  limitations,  the  Marshals
                                                                                                   guilty  pleas  at  initial  ap-  Service  has  agreements
                                                                                                   pearances,  as  they  do  in  with  state  and  local  gov-
                                                                                                   Arizona and Texas. Instead,  ernments  and  the  federal
                                                                                                   they began setting second  Bureau  of  Prisons,  as  well
                                                                                                   hearings for five days later.  as  contracts  with  private
                                                                                                   Immigrants who posted bail  companies,      spokesman
                                                                                                   before  their  return  dates  Drew Wade said.
                                                                                                   were deported.               Many  defendants  are  un-
                                                                                                   "The  government,  in  many  able to make bail because
                                                                                                   respects,  was  duplicitous,"  some  judges  insist  they  be
                                                                                                   Gallo  said  on  a  recent  Fri-  released  to  "a  third-party
                                                                                                   day,  referring  to  the  deci-  custodian" in California, of-
                                                                                                   sion  to  deport  defendants  ten a relative who is respon-
                                                                                                   before they could return to  sible  for  making  sure  they
                                                                                                   court  for  resolution  of  their  return  to  court.  But  some
                                                                                                   cases.                       family  members  may  be
                                                                                                   On  the  same  day,  Gallo  reluctant to come forward
                                                                                                   dismissed  charges  against  if they are in the country il-
                                                                                                   the  14  defendants,  many  legally,  and  many  live  far
                                                                                                   of them Mexican men who  from San Diego.
                                                                                                   were  caught  hiding  amid  Defense  attorneys  have
                                                                                                   boulders and thick brush in  objected  to  the  require-
                                                                                                   rugged  mountains  east  of  ment. q
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