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U.S. NEWS Wednesday 19 december 2018
NEVADA said Kelly Dittmar, an as- workers union, will hold their powerful Culinary Work- erson, said in a statement
Continued from Front sistant professor of political seats until the next general ers Union Local 226, a key that the chamber is proud
No state has previously science at Rutgers-Cam- election in 2020. political organization in the to welcome both women.
had a female-majority or den. With the two Nevada "It's a great victory," Duran state. "In addition to a diversity of
even a 50 percent-female appointments, women will told The Associated Press Nguyen, a criminal defense backgrounds and life ex-
Legislature, according to make up 28.6 percent of in a telephone interview. lawyer, said called the periences," he said, "both
the Center for American state legislators nationwide "Women are proving to milestone "fantastic." Rochelle and Beatrice
Women and Politics at Rut- when new legislators are have more knowledge and "When women do better, I bring passion, energy, and
gers University, which tracks sworn into office in 2019, aren't afraid to show that think families are stronger," knowledge to the State
women's political represen- according to data from the power that they have." Nguyen said. Legislature that will bet-
tation. Center for American Wom- Duran has been a staff The Speaker of the Assem- ter serve our state and our
Women picked up seats in en and Politics. member since 1999 at the bly, Democrat Jason Fri- constituents."q
the Nevada Assembly and Women made up 24.3 per-
Senate during the 2018 No- cent of state legislators in
vember election but fell the U.S. a decade ago, the
short of an overall majority. center said.
Vacancies created by law- Studies of women who
makers who won election have served in Congress
to other offices in Novem- are probably comparable
ber, along with one sitting to female gains in state
female lawmaker then al- legislatures, she said, and
lowed women to gain ad- the studies have found
ditional seats. that "the more women you
Before 2018, New Hamp- have in the body, the more
shire was the first state to that their perspectives and
have a female majority in life experiences are inte-
any legislative chamber, grated into policy debates
when women held a ma- and deliberations."
jority in the New Hampshire Dittmar said the milestone
state Senate in 2009 and in Nevada could help
2010. change attitudes of what a
With the 2018 election, state Legislature should like.
women cracked the 50 "That might influence young
percent threshold in the people. It might influence
Nevada state Assembly other women to see that
and Colorado State House, body as both friendlier to
but no overall majority was them as well as more re-
reached until the Nevada sponsive to their concerns,"
appointments. she said.
"It is unprecedented at this Nguyen, an attorney, and
point to see a majority fe- Duran, a grievance spe-
male legislature overall," cialist with the state's casino