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             Wednesday 19 december 2018

            Belgian PM offers to resign after migration tears government

            By LORNE COOK                                                                          In  a  tweet,  the  Royal  Pal-  tion  treaty  was  signed  just
            Associated Press                                                                       ace  said  Philippe  had  re-  over a week ago.
            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  Belgian                                                             ceived  Michel  and  was  The accord is non-binding,
            Prime  Minister  Charles  Mi-                                                          "withholding  his  decision"  but the N-VA said it still went
            chel submitted his resigna-                                                            about  what  steps  to  take  too  far  and  would  give
            tion Tuesday amid pressure                                                             next.                        even migrants who were in
            on his government after the                                                            Belgian media said the king  Belgium  without  authoriza-
            biggest coalition party quit                                                           would  meet  party  leaders  tion many additional rights.
            over Michel's support for a                                                            Wednesday  before  decid-    The  party  launched  an
            United  Nations  compact                                                               ing whether to accept the  in-your-face    social   me-
            on international migration.                                                            resignation  the  prime  min-  dia  campaign  against  the
            "I am taking the decision to                                                           ister  tendered  on  behalf  compact,  featuring  pic-
            offer  my  resignation.  I  am                                                         of  himself  and  his  govern-  tures  of  Muslim  women
            now going to see the king"                                                             ment.                        with  their  faces  covered
            to  inform  him,"  Michel  told                                                        Michel could be invited to  and  claiming  that  the  ac-
            Belgian lawmakers.           In this file photo dated Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018, Belgian Prime   lead  a  caretaker  govern-  cord  focused  on  allow-
            Before  the  prime  minister   Minister Charles Michel arrives for an EU summit in Brussels.   ment until an election can  ing  migrants  to  retain  the
            gave  his  notice,  lawmak-                                           Associated Press  be held.                    cultural  practices  of  their
            ers  had  been  demanding                                                              It's  the  first  time  the  king  homelands.  But  it  quickly
            he  submit  his  new  minor-  topics up for debate.       ber  of  government  minis-  has faced such a crisis. He  withdrew  the  materials  af-
            ity  government  to  a  confi-  Some  in  the  assembly  ters, and left. Michel made  ascended to the throne in  ter the campaign received
            dence vote. But Michel re-   pushed  for  an  election  to  no  comment  to  reporters  2013  after  his  father,  King  widespread criticism.
            fused, and a confrontation  be  held  before  the  regu-  upon  entering  and  leav-   Albert  II,  abdicated  for  A  number  of  governments
            this week seemed likely.     larly scheduled one in May.  ing  Belgian  King  Philippe's  health reasons.           refused  to  sign  the  U.N.
            Michel  tried  to  convince  Michel  again  refused,  say-  residence,  the  Palace  of  The  right-wing  N-VA  party  Global  Compact  Global
            the  Chamber  of  Repre-     ing  it  would  only  lead  to  Laeken in Brussels.       quit  the  government  after  Compact for Safe, Orderly
            sentatives of the reshaped  "stagnation for the whole of  The  king  holds  a  largely  Michel  sought  parliamen-  and   Regular   Migration.
            government's  plans  and  2019." After a short break for  symbolic role in Belgium but  tary  approval  to  support  They  included  the  United
            said  he  would  be  ready  reflection,  he  announced  becomes  a  pivotal  figure  the  U.N.  compact  against  States, but also a group of
            to  work  with  the  opposi-  he was resigning instead.   after inconclusive elections  its  wishes,  branding  his  mi-  European  Union  countries,
            tion, but his overtures were  As  lawmakers  applauded,  or disputes like the current  nority   government   "the  among them Austria which
            rejected.  His  2019  budget  he picked up his briefcase,  one  require  the  formation  Marrakech coalition," after  holds the EU's rotating presi-
            was  among  the  sensitive  shook the hands of a num-     of new governments.          the  city  where  the  migra-  dency until Dec. 31.q

            Spanish court gears up for high-stakes trial of separatists

            By ARITZ PARRA               neys  who  argued  the  trial                                                          ary.
            Associated Press             should be heard by the top                                                             Four  defendants  are  three
            MADRID  (AP)  —  A  prelimi-  regional court in Catalonia                                                           weeks into a prison hunger
            nary hearing in a  rebellion  rather  than  Spain's  highest                                                        strike  to  protest  what  they
            case against Catalan sep-    court in Madrid.                                                                       deem  unfair  treatment  by
            aratists  Tuesday  displayed  Prosecutors countered that                                                            Spain's  judiciary.  Central
            some of the dynamics be-     Madrid was the proper ven-                                                             government authorities say
            tween  defense  and  pros-   ue,  saying  the  events  that                                                         there  is  no  reason  for  the
            ecutors  expected  during  led  regional  lawmakers  to                                                             strike  and  the  defendants'
            a trial that is likely to domi-  make a unilateral declara-                                                         rights  are  guaranteed  by
            nate Spanish politics.       tion  of  independence  on                                                             Spain's  independent  judi-
            Altogether,  18  former  poli-  Oct. 27, 2017 had ramifica-                                                         ciary.
            ticians  and  activists  from  tions outside of Catalonia.                                                          The "trial of the century," as
            the  Catalonia  region  are  The country's top court also                                                           it's been labeled by domes-
            charged with rebellion, se-  has jurisdiction, prosecutors   Spanish  judges  preside  over  a  preliminary  hearing  at  the  Su-  tic media, has taken a high
            dition,  disobedience  and  argued,  because  the  se-    preme Court in Madrid, Tuesday Dec. 18, 2018.             political significance. Sepa-
            misuse  of  public  funds  for  cession  attempt  affected                                         Associated Press  ratists in the northeastern re-
            their  parts  in  an  attempt  all Spaniards.                                                                       gion have made clear that
            to  secede  from  Spain  last  Supreme  Court  judges  re-  later this week.           Jordi Sanchez and 16 other  they  will  use  proceedings
            year.                        jected  similar  defense  ap-  If  the  top  court  keeps  the  defendants  are  expected  to prove that they are be-
            At  Tuesday's  hearing,  a  peals  during  the  investiga-  case, former Catalan Vice  to appear there when the  ing tried for their ideas, and
            panel of seven magistrates  tive  stage  of  the  case.  A  President  Oriol  Junqueras,  trial  proceedings  get  un-  in particular for advancing
            heard  from  defense  attor-  final  decision  is  expected  activist-turned-politician  derway at the end of Janu-  a secessionist agenda.q
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