P. 10

Antilliaans Dagblad Dinsdag 16 mei 2017

    Morgen bespreekt de Tweede Kamercommissie voor Buitenlandse Zaken met de ministers Bert Koenders en Ronald Plasterk de situatie in Venezue-
    la en de impact daarvan op Curaçao, Aruba en Bonaire. Venezuela’s zaakgelastigde in Den Haag, Alvaro Sánchez Cordero, vreest dat er in het debat
    een te eenzijdig beeld van zijn land wordt geschetst.
  Venezuela will defend its sovereignty

  OPINIE                                                                 the 1970s - which includes  Thus, the intoxicating one-sided
                                                                         blocking international credit,  international media reporting
  By Alvaro Sánchez Cordero                                              disrupting distribution of food  that quite deliberately endorse
    n 1999, when a progressive                                           supplies and other essential  Almagro and US pronounce-
    revolution came to power in                                          items and speculating with a  ments, only fuels more violen-
  IVenezuela and President                                               fictitious, black-market, exchan-  ce. This is repugnant, especially
  Chavez was elected, a whole                                            ge rate that has brought major  since they know who is the
  new vision for the country was                                         economic difficulties and that,  source of the violence. Unfortu-
  put in place. The vast majority                                        as intended, has hit the poorest  nately, the international media
  of Venezuelans, who had hi-                                            sections of society generating  omits reporting that polls con-
  therto been ostracized, depoliti-                                      discontent. Thus, on the back of  sistently show that well over 80
  cized, disenfranchised, exploi-                                        these deliberately created econ-  percent strongly reject the cur-
  ted, socially excluded and discri-                                     omic difficulties, in December  rent violence and they also
  minated against, were finally                                          2015 the opposition won majo-  overwhelmingly oppose ‘regime
  included and empowered into a                                          rity in Parliament. Nonetheless,  change’.
  new democratic model that was                                          instead of building politically  There are indeed honest and
  both representative and partici-                                       upon such victory, they decided  decent government opponents
  patory. The net result was a new                                       to take a short cut by promising  who peacefully protest. Howe-
  sovereign nation in full control                                       to bring down President Madu-  ver, there are also hooligans,
  of its natural resources, with a                                       ro, one way or another. In six  mercenaries and paramilitaries,
  new Constitution, and a leaders-                                       months, the opposition-led  whose task is to confront the
  hip able to equally distribute oil                                     Parliament, used its majority to  police and create chaos. Second,
  revenues in a more fair and  Alvaro Sánchez Cordero                    foment violence, even to the  the law enforcement agents in
  efficient manner that ultimately                                       point that current Parliament  the streets have orders to res-
  produced highly positive social  reserve in the world), has been  mercenaries and paramilitaries  President, Julio Borges, openly  pect human rights. Those who
  and human results, such as:  very active destabilizing with  to perpetrate widespread terror,  called the military to rise up  have disobeyed that order are
  four million people lifted out of  the ultimate aim to topple our  among others. This is the con-  against the constitutional go-  being prosecuted.  Given this
  poverty, free and universal ac-  Government for the past 18  text of the opposition-led violen-  vernment.  dangerous scenario, and the fact
  cess to medical health and edu-  years. Though the list is practi-  ce that we see in Venezuela  Yet, throughout 2016, the  that the opposition refuses to
  cation, the eradication of illitera-  cally endless, the US has tried  right now but with some impor-  opposition failed to oust the  engage in dialogue with the
  cy, access to potable water, three  every dirty trick in the book.  tant additions. Firstly, Chavez is  government of President Madu-  government (even though Una-
  million pensioners and almost  They have given full financial  no longer with us. This has  ro, as they had promised, despi-  sur, the Vatican and three for-
  two million social houses,  backing and open political sup-  energized the US into believing  te the fact that they escalated the  mer presidents continue to
  among other achievements.  port to the Venezuelan right-  they now have better chances to  US-supported economic war.  appeal to them to do so), Presi-
    Of course, such progress  wing opposition’s violent and  succeed. Secondly, the current  This failure in the domestic  dent Maduro, invoking Arts
  came with a price tag. The US  unconstitutional efforts to oust  wave of destabilizing violence  terrain led them to try it from  347, 348 and 349 of Venezuela’s
  Government, intensely hostile  the democratically elected go-  has been more effective because  the outside, but whose crucial  Constitution, has called for a
  to Venezuela’s socialist govern-  vernment such as, a coup d’état,  it is combined with a vicious  domestic component was the  Constituent Assembly as a
  ment controlling its own oil  an oil and business lock-out,  economic war – reminiscent of  current wave of violence to  democratic political mechanism
  (Venezuela has the largest oil  street barricades and hiring  what was to Allende in Chile in  justify US-led external interven-  to bring about peace. Society’s
                                                                         tion. This is how the Organiza-  response from all sections, even
                                              Advertentie                tion of American States (OAS)  from the private sector, has
  Cursus van                                                             comes into the equation. OAS  been highly supportive and the
                                                                                                 Constituent process promises to
                                                                         Secretary General, Luis Alma-
  stichting                                                              gro, violating nearly every norm  produce exciting new develop-
                                                                         both OAS itself and his strictly
                                                                                                 ments that are likely to deepen
                                                                         administrative function, has  the social dimensions of the
  Alzheimer                                                              dedicated his tenure to illegally  Bolivarian Constitution, broade-
                                                                         interfere in Venezuelan affairs  ning and strengthening the
  Van een onzer verslaggevers                                            by unsuccessfully seeking to  1999 Constitution.
  Willemstad - De stichting Alz-                                         activate the OAS Democratic  Venezuela has the right to
  heimer Curaçao heeft als doel de  sŽŽƌ ǀĞƌƐĐŚŝůůĞŶĚĞ ƉƌŽũĞĐƚĞŶ njŝũŶ ǁŝũ ŽƉ njŽĞŬ ŶĂĂƌ ĞĞŶ͗    Charter against Venezuela, thus  live in peace and not to be the
  levenskwaliteit van mensen die                                         enabling the external interven-  target of US-led, US-financed
  lijden aan dementie te verhogen.  h/dsK Z  Z                           tion. The US Government, the  and US-inspired permanent
  Ook verlenen zij steun aan de fa-                                      real behind-the-scenes master-  aggression. Venezuela demands
  milie en verzorgenden door het                                         mind of OAS strategy, has  respect for its sovereignty and
  geven van informatie. Ook in  tĞƌŬŽŵƐĐŚƌŝũǀŝŶŐ͗                        openly threatened many Latin  self-determination, rejects exter-
  mei worden weer verschillende  Ͳ   >ĞŝĚŝŶŐ ŐĞǀĞŶ ĂĂŶ ŵĞĚĞǁĞƌŬĞƌƐͬŽŶĚĞƌĂĂŶŶĞŵĞƌƐ    American and Caribbean coun-  nal interference in its internal
  activiteiten georganiseerd. De  sŽŽƌďĞƌĞŝĚĞŶ ǀĂŶ ƉƌŽũĞĐƚĞŶ             tries for siding with Venezuela  affairs, will not tolerate uncon-
  stichting organiseert een cursus  Ͳ                                    in the OAS.             stitutional and violent acts to
  voor mensen die zorgen voor  Ͳ   dŽĞnjŝĞŶ ŽƉ ŶĂůĞǀŝŶŐ ǀĂŶ ĐŽŶƚƌĂĐƚĞŶ ŵĞƚ ŽŶĚĞƌĂĂŶŶĞŵĞƌƐ     The failure of the US-inspi-  oust the legitimate and demo-
  een persoon met dementie. De  Ͳ   dŽĞnjŝĞŶ ŽƉ ŬǁĂůŝƚĞŝƚ ĞŶ ǀĞŝůŝŐŚĞŝĚ    red Almagro’s OAS strategy  cratically elected government,
  cursus bestaat uit vier dagdelen                                       against Venezuela has led to an  and will insist on dialogue as
  en geeft informatie over de ziek-  &ƵŶĐƚŝĞ ĞŝƐĞŶ͗                      extremely dangerous vicious  the only way to address the
  te, over omgaan met een per-   ŽƵǁŬƵŶĚŝŐĞ ŽƉůĞŝĚŝŶŐ                    circle: images of wanton violen-  problems the nation confronts.
  soon met dementie, activiteiten  Ͳ                                     ce in Venezuela feed Almagro’s  Unfortunately, the US and
  om te ondernemen met een de-  Ͳ   sĂŬďĞŬǁĂĂŵ ĞŶ ĞƌǀĂƌŝŶŐ ŵĞƚ ŚĞƚ ďŽƵǁĞŶ ŽƉ  ƵƌĂĐĂŽ    and US’s threats against Vene-  Venezuela’s extreme right insist
  menterende en hoe voor jezelf te   ŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƚŝĞǀĞ ǀĂĂƌĚŝŐŚĞĚĞŶ          zuela, which in turn, feed more  on violent means to effect ‘regi-
  zorgen als je zorg verleent. De  ĞůĨƐƚĂŶĚŝŐ͕ ĚĂĂĚŬƌĂĐŚƚŝŐ ĞŶ ƐƚƌĞƐƐďĞƐƚĞŶĚŝŐ    wanton and irrational violence  me change’. We in Venezuela
  cursusdagen zijn 16, 18, 23 en  Ͳ                                      in Venezuela.           have no choice but to defend
  24 mei en de bijeenkomsten op  Ͳ   EĞĚĞƌůĂŶĚƐ͕  ŶŐĞůƐ͕ WĂƉŝĂŵĞŶƚƵ        It is not in the interest of  our sovereignty.
  de Roodeweg 113 duren van                                              Maduro to have terror and vio-
  18.00 tot 20.00 uur. Kosten be-  ^ĂůĂƌŝƐ ŶĂĂƌ ŽƉůĞŝĚŝŶŐ ĞŶ ĞƌǀĂƌŝŶŐ͘ 'ĞůŝĞǀĞ Ƶǁ  s ĞŶ ƐŽůůŝĐŝƚĂƚŝĞ ƚĞ   lence in the streets. On the  Alvaro Sánchez Cordero is als
  dragen 50 gulden. Inschrijven  ŵĂŝůĞŶ ŶĂĂƌ ŝŶĨŽΛĂƋƵĂƌŝƵƐͲĐĂƌŝďďĞĂŶ͘ĐŽŵ ǀŽŽƌ ϭϵ ŵĞŝ Ă͘Ɛ͘    contrary, it is very much in the  zaakgelastigde van Venezuela
  via alzheimercuracao@gmail of                                          interest of the opposition to  gestationeerd op de Venezolaanse
  4623900.                                                               maintain it and even escalate it.  ambassade in Den Haag.
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