Page 9 - ARENDS JAN 24
P. 9

Tuesday 24 January 2017 BUSINESS

              US stock indexes close slightly lower; oil prices slide

                                                                                                   “There was that huge rally  meeting       with     busi-
                                                                                                   postelection and things re-  ness leaders, Trump repeat-
                                                                                                   ally  were  running  on  opti-  ed a campaign promise to
                                                                                                   mism,” said Lisa Kopp, head  cut  regulations  by  at  least
                                                                                                   of  traditional  investments  75  percent.  He  also  said
                                                                                                   at  U.S.  Bank  Wealth  Man-  there would be advantag-
                                                                                                   agement.  “What  you’re  es to companies that make
                                                                                                   seeing now is people com-    their  products  in  the  U.S.,
                                                                                                   ing  back  to  the  idea  that  suggesting he will impose a
                                                                                                   the  policies  aren’t  exactly  “substantial border tax” on
                                                                                                   clear ... and (Trump’s) abil-  foreign goods entering the
                                                                                                   ity  to  actually  push  every-  country.
                                                                                                   thing  through  exactly  the  Trump also signed a mem-
                                                                                                   way he wants is uncertain.”  orandum  announcing  the
                                                                                                   The  Dow  Jones  industrial  United  States’  intention  to
                                                                                                   average  fell  27.40  points,  withdraw  from  the  multi-
                                                                                                   or 0.1 percent, to 19,799.85.  nation  trade  agreement
                                                                                                   The Standard & Poor’s 500  known as the Trans-Pacific
                                                                                                   index  slid  6.11  points,  or  Partnership,  and  said  he
                                                                                                   0.3  percent,  to  2,265.20.  would   renegotiate   the
                                                                                                   The  Nasdaq  composite  in-  North American Free Trade
                                                                                                   dex lost 2.39 points, or 0.04  Agreement.
                                                                                                   percent,  to  5,552.94.  The  Companies  that  issued  re-
            Trader Robert Charmak, center, and Peter Tuchman, right, work on the floor of the New York Stock   Russell  2000,  which  tracks  sults  or  outlooks  that  fell
            Exchange, Monday, Jan. 23, 2017. Energy companies led U.S. stock indexes slightly lower Mon-  smaller  companies,  gave  short  of  Wall  Street’s  fore-
            day as the price of crude oil fell.                                                    up  4.01  points,  or  0.3  per-  casts put traders in a selling
                                                                           (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  cent, to 1,347.84.          mood.
            ALEX VEIGA                   dividend  stocks  did  better  earnings  and  deal  news.   The  major  stock  indexes  McDonald’s  fell  0.7  per-
            AP Business Writer           than  the  rest  of  the  mar-  They also had their eye on   were  down  slightly  early  cent  after  the  world’s  big-
            Energy companies led U.S.  ket as bond yields headed  Washington,  where  Presi-       Monday  and  veered  little  gest   hamburger     chain
            stock indexes slightly lower  lower,  making  those  sec-  dent  Donald  Trump  reaf-  throughout  the  day  as  in-  reported  a  fourth-quarter
            Monday  as  the  price  of  tors  more  appealing  to  in-  firmed  plans  to  slash  regu-  vestors  sized  up  company  drop in sales at established
            crude oil fell.              vestors seeking income.      lations  on  businesses  and   news  and  developments  U.S.  locations.  The  decline
            Real  estate,  phone  com-   Investors  focused  on  the  tax foreign goods entering   out of Washington.           snapped  a  streak  of  five
            panies  and  other  high-    latest  batch  of  company  the country.                  At  an  early  White  House  quarters of increases. q
               Yahoo’s 4Q shows modest strides amid security breach fallout

            MICHAEL LIEDTKE                                                                                                     The  Securities  and  Ex-
            AP Technology Writer                                                                                                change  Commission  has
            SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —                                                                                             opened  an  investigation
            Yahoo’s  financial  perfor-                                                                                         into whether Yahoo should
            mance  improved  slightly                                                                                           have  announced  the  se-
            during  the  fourth  quarter                                                                                        curity  breaches  sooner
            while  the  company  dealt                                                                                          than  it  did,  according  to
            with  the  fallout  from  mas-                                                                                      a report in The Wall Street
            sive   security   breaches                                                                                          Journal  that  cited  uniden-
            that have jeopardized the                                                                                           tified  people  familiar  with
            $4.8 billion sale of its inter-                                                                                     the matter.
            net  operations  to  Verizon                                                                                        The SEC declined to com-
            Communications.                                                                                                     ment. Yahoo pointed to an
            The  fourth-quarter  report                                                                                         SEC filing in November that
            released  Monday  provid-                                                                                           acknowledged  the  com-
            ed  the  latest  snapshot  of                                                                                       pany  is  cooperating  with
            a  shrinking  company  that                                                                                         various government agen-
            has  been  steadily  losing                                                                                         cies,  including  the  SEC,
            ground  in  the  digital  ad-                                                                                       that  are  seeking  informa-
            vertising  market  that  gen-                                                                                       tion  and  documents  per-
            erates most of its revenue.                                                                                         taining to the breaches.
            Although       cost-cutting                                                                                         Verizon has been doing its
            helped  Yahoo  bounce                                                                                               own  review  to  determine
            back from a loss during the                                                                                         whether  it  should  re-ne-
            same  time  in  the  previous   The logo of Yahoo appears on a smartphone in Frankfurt, Germany. Yahoo Inc. reported quarterly   gotiate  the  sales  price  or
                                          financial results after the market closes, Monday, Jan. 23, 2017.
            year,  the  company’s  net                                                                 (AP Photo/Michael Probst)  cancel the deal entirely on
            revenue slipped yet again                                                                                           the premise that the news
            to extend a downturn that    streak  of  four  consecutive  applications to Verizon.   personal  information  from   of  the  security  breaches
            has lasted through most of   quarters of double-digit de-  But after striking the Verizon  more than 1 billion user ac-  will cause many people to
            CEO Marissa Mayer’s four-    clines.                      deal, Yahoo revealed that  counts.  The  break-ins  oc-   become leery of using Ya-
            and-half-year  tenure.  In  a   Yahoo’s    long-running  it had been hit by two sep-   curred  in  2013  and  2014,   hoo’s email and other ser-
            sign  of  modest  progress,   slump  culminated  in  the  arate hacking attacks that  raising  further  questions   vices in the future. A down-
            Yahoo’s revenue fell 4 per-  company’s agreement last  stole  the  email  addresses,  about    Yahoo’s    security   turn in traffic could make it
            cent  after  subtracting  ad   summer to sell its email ser-  birth  dates,  answers  to  se-  controls  and  the  timing  of   more difficult for Verizon to
            commissions,  snapping  a    vice,  websites  and  mobile  curity questions, and other  its disclosures.            sell ads.q
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