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October 7, 2019 Breast Cancer
T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044 Awareness Month
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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
2nd whistleblower
adds to impeachment
peril at White House
By ERIC TUCKER, RICHARD represents both whistle-
LARDNER and JILL COLVIN blowers, said the second
Associated Press person has spoken to the in-
WASHINGTON (AP) — A telligence community’s in-
second whistleblower has ternal watchdog and can
come forward with infor- corroborate information in
mation about President the original whistleblower
Donald Trump’s dealings complaint. That docu-
with Ukraine, adding to the ment alleged that Trump
impeachment peril engulf- pushed Ukraine’s president
ing the White House and to investigate Democratic
potentially providing new presidential candidate Joe
leads to Democrats in their Biden’s family, prompting a
unfurling investigation of White House cover-up. In this Sept. 6, 2019, file photo, Energy Secretary Rick Perry speaks at the California GOP fall
Trump’s conduct. convention in Indian Wells, Calif.
Attorney Mark Zaid, who Continued on Page 2 Associated Press