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                                                                                                                           Monday 7 october 2019

            October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

            ORANJESTAD  —  The  Breast  Can-                                        27%  of  all  the  new  breast  cancer
            cer  Awareness  Month,  marked  in                                      cases is detected among women
            countries  across  the  world  every                                    between the ages of 65 – 75.
            October,  helps  to  increase  atten-                                   In Aruba there are several organi-
            tion and support for the awareness,                                     zations you can recur to for what-
            early  detection  and  treatment  as                                    ever  questions  or  information  you
            well  as  palliative  care  of  the  dis-                               might  need  such  as  Mary-  Joan
            ease.  If  visiting  Aruba  this  month                                 Foundation  Aruba,  Stichting  BOB
            you  will  most  probably  be  con-                                     and  Koningin  Wilhelmina  Fonds
            fronted with fund raising for breast                                    Aruba.
            cancer foundations in the streets or                                    All these foundations are there to
            supermarkets.                                                           give patients and their family sup-
                                                                                    port  during  this  difficult  stage  of
            Breast  cancer  is  the  most  com-                                     life. These organizations have been
            monly occurring cancer in women  According  to  research,  Aruba  working  hard  during  the  whole  this  good  cause.  Stichting  BOB’s
            and  the  second  most  common  does not differ much from the rest  year by organizing different activi-    goal  is  to  promote  early  detec-
            cancer overall. There were over 2  of world. Annually there are about  ties  for  breast  cancer  awareness.  tion  of  breast  cancer  by  screen-
            million  new  cases  in  2018.  In  low-  65  new  breast  cancer  cases  de-  Stichting  BOB  welcomes  you  to  ing healthy women between 45-75
            and  middle-income  countries  the  tected  on  Aruba.  The  women  af-  support them with participation in  years.
            incidence has been rising steadily  fected  are  between  the  ages  of  their  Full  Moon  Walk  coming  Sat-
            in the last years due to increases in  45  -  75  and  more  than  50%  are  urday, October 12. They gather at  For more information contact these
            life expectancy, urbanization and  between the ages of 45 - 64 years.  Baby Beach in San Nicolas where  organizations at:
            the adoption of western lifestyles.                                     the walk starts at 7 PM. Tickets are  Mary-  Joan  Foundation  Aruba,
                                                                                    available at IBISA (Facebook ibisa  Telephone +297 589-9999 or Face-
            Currently  there  is  not  sufficient                                   aruba). Bring your water bottle and  book Mary Joan Foundation Aruba
            knowledge on the causes of breast                                       flashlight and join them to support  Stichting BOB, Telephone +297 588-
            cancer, therefore, early detection                                                                          1212  or  Facebook  Stichting  BOB
            of the disease remains the corner-                                                                          Aruba
            stone  of  breast  cancer  control.
            When  breast  cancer  is  detected                                                                          Koningin  Wilhelmina  Fonds  Aruba,
            early,  and  if  adequate  diagnosis                                                                        Telephone +297 582-0412 or Face-
            and treatment are available, there                                                                          book  Koningin  Wilhelmina  Fonds
            is a good chance that breast can-                                                                           Aruba
            cer can be cured. If detected late,
            however, curative treatment is of-                                                                          Know that you are not alone there
            ten  no  longer  an  option.  In  such                                                                      is  always  someone  there  to  help
            cases, palliative care to relieve the                                                                       you get through this tough time. q
            suffering of patients and their fami-
            lies is needed.

            Love for Local Delight

                                                                      food,  send  us  your  favorite  recipe  from  the month of October.
            Aruba has its typical local cuisine which is honored every   your country to be published in Aruba To-
            year in the month of October. Restaurants offer specials   day! It does not matter where you come  Are you a restaurant owner and would you
            with local delicacies and give the opportunity to our visi-  from, even though we celebrate Aruban  like to connect with our readers who are
            tors to get a real taste of Aruba. For both sides, restaurants   culinary this month, the world is rich in cul-  guests of the many resorts we have on our
            and residents/guests Aruba Today has something special    tures  and  food  is  global.  We  are  curious  dushi island, please ask for our specials for
            in mind.                                                  about your favorite dishes from home. You  advertisement. Contact our sales depart-
                                                                      may send your recipe to email news@aru-    ment for more details at: +297 597-7801 or
            Are  you  a  reader  of  our  newspaper  and  do  you  love This special applies only to  email: q
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