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Aqua Grill
Christmas Dinner
September 23, 2019
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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Trump, Modi show
unity between world's
largest democracies
By DEB RIECHMANN But instead of dwelling on
HOUSTON (AP) — Deafen- differences, Trump high-
ing drums marked the en- lighted the growth of U.S.
trance of President Donald exports to India, the billions
Trump and Indian Prime of dollars spent by India on
Minister Narendra Modi as U.S.-made defense equip-
they clasped hands and ment and joint military ex-
walked across the stage ercises with New Delhi.
in a packed Texas stadium “India has never invested
Sunday, sending a mes- in the United States like it is
sage of unity between the doing today,” Trump said,
world's two largest democ- adding that “we’re doing
racies despite trade ten- the same thing in India.” Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Donald Trump shake hands after introductions during
sions. Continued on Next Page the "Howdi Modi" event Sunday, Sept. 22, 2019, at NRG Stadium in Houston.
Associated Press