P. 2

                       Tuesday 2 July 2019
             NO TANKS
             Continued from Front
             "You've  got  to  be  pretty
             careful  with  the  tanks  be-
             cause  the  roads  have  a
             tendency  not  to  like  to
             carry heavy tanks," he said.
             "So we have to put them in
             certain areas, but we have
             the  brand  new  Sherman
             tanks  and  we  have  the
             brand new Abrams tanks."
             Sherman  tanks  were  the
             tank  most  widely  used  by
             the  U.S.  during  World  War
             II, but they have been out
             of service for decades. The
             M1A1  Abrams  tank  is  cur-
             rently  the  main  U.S.  battle
             Two  M1A1  Abrams  tanks
             and  two  Bradley  Fighting
             Vehicles  will  be  on  display
             as part of Trump's "Salute to
             America" event, according
             to a U.S. official who spoke
             on condition of anonymity
             because  details  of  the  ex-
             hibits have not been made
             The  Abrams  tanks  weigh
             more  than  60  tons  apiece
             and were been shipped on    President Donald Trump, joined by Vice President Mike Pence, left, and Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar, right,
             railroad  freight  cars,  from   speaks during a signing ceremony in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Monday, July 1, 2019.
             Fort  Stewart,  Georgia,  the                                                                                                  Associated Press
             nearest Army base that has
             them. The White House de-   Lima,  Ohio,  where  M1A1  Trump's  investments  in  de-  country and it's a salute to  members  of  the  military,
             clined to release more spe-  Abrams  tanks  are  refur-  fense spending.              America."                    the White House said.
             cific information.          bished.  The  plant  had  "We  have  some  incredible  "I'm  going  to  say  a  few  Last  year,  Trump  and  his
             Trump recalled his visit ear-  been at risk for closure but  equipment,  military  equip-  words  and  we're  going  to  wife,  first  lady  Melania
             lier  this  year  to  a  plant  in  remained  online  due  to  ment  on  display  —  brand  have  planes  going  over-  Trump,   hosted   service
                                                                      new,"  Trump  said.  "And  head, the best fighter jets in  members and their families
                                                                      we're very proud of it. You  the world and other planes,  at  a  picnic  on  the  White
                                                                      know we're making a lot of  too," he said.                House  lawn  and  the  presi-
                                                                      new tanks right now. We're  Trump  plans  to  deliver  a  dent   addressed    guests
                                                                      building a lot of new tanks  speech at the Lincoln Me-    from the balcony. No similar
                                                                      in  Lima,  Ohio  —  our  great  morial  during  his  "Salute  event is being planned this
                                                                      tank  factory  that  people  to  America,"  which  has  year.  Federal  lawmakers,
                                                                      wanted to close down until  been  added  to  the  regu-   local  officials  and  others
                                                                      I got elected and I stopped  lar  schedule  of  Indepen-  have voiced concerns that
                                                                      it from being closed down,  dence  Day  events  in  the  Trump could alter the tone
                                                                      and now it's a very produc-  nation's  capital.  The  an-  of  what  traditionally  is  a
                                                                      tive facility."              nual  fireworks  display  will  nonpartisan  celebration  of
                                                                      Thursday's  events  are  also  go off closer to the Lincoln  America's  independence
                                                                      expected to include a mili-  Memorial  instead  of  the  from the British by delivering
                                                                      tary  demonstration  by  the  Washington Monument, as  a  political  speech.  Trump
                                                                      U.S.  Navy  Blue  Angels  and  has been the long-standing  formally announced his bid
                                                                      other aircraft.              tradition.                   for re-election in June.
                                                                      "We're  going  to  have  a  The  event  is  open  to  the  Interior  Secretary  David
                                                                      great  Fourth  of  July  in  public and free of charge,  Bernhardt,  who  oversees
                                                                      Washington,  D.C.  It'll  be  but  a  ticket-only  area  in  the  National  Mall  and  has
                                                                      like  no  other,"  Trump  said.  front  of  the  memorial  is  helped   orchestrate   the
                                                                      "It'll  be  special  and  I  hope  being  set  aside  for  VIPs,  president's vision, and other
                                                                      a lot of people come. And  including     members     of  officials  have  said  Trump's
                                                                      it's  going  to  be  about  this  Trump's  family,  friends  and  remarks will be patriotic.q
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