Page 16 - ECEM
P. 16
LOCAL Thursday 26 January 2017
Local Press Pampered at the Riu Palace Antillas Hotel
tail with General Manager
Juan Blanco, followed by a
lovely and informative tour
of the property given by
Sales Manager Shari Sield.
In addition to pointing out
all of the lovely ameni-
ties, services and nightly
entertainment available
to guests of the resort, the
press was also impressed
to learn during the tour
that those who wish to en-
joy the Riu experience may
purchase day passes at a
ing its own private pool
area! Adding to the per-
PALM BEACH - Members of situated in different ac- sonal touch of the event,
the local media were in- commodations through- guests were greeted in their
vited to enjoy the real and out the resort, with some suites with an adorable ed-
unique “Riu Experience” enjoying the eloquently ible arrangement of hand-
this past weekend at the designed suites in the main made chocolates, a bottle
fabulous Riu Palace Antil- tower with a view to the of champagne, welcome
las Hotel.
Guests of the special week-
end event were greeted
upon check-in by the
warm and gracious recep-
tion staff who were eager
to note all of the amenities
available to their guests
during their stay.
Bellman Mervin whisked gifts, and a courtesy call very reasonable price as
the guests away to their from the front desk to make well. The day pass includes
suits, recounting in a very sure everything had gone all of the same benefits en-
kind and pleasant manner well with the check-in pro- joyed by overnight guests,
along the way how the re- cess. After an afternoon of from pool and beach use
sort has evolved over the leisure, guests of the event to dining, entertainment
years, especially all of the met in the lobby at around and libations!
wonderful, new and ex- 7:30pm on Saturday eve- After the tour guests en-
citing featured of the re- ning for a welcome cock- joyed a private dinner at
sort that the Riu has put in ocean like no other, while Rimini, the artisan Italian
place since annexing the others delighted in the specialty restaurant on
property. magnificently designed property, in the company
Guests of the event were oceanfront suites, featur- of Assistant Manager Alli-
son Briesen and Food and
Beverage Manager Justin
Carson. Aperitifs, cocktails,
live piano music and lively
conversation were en-
joyed as the culinary team
assembled the feast of the
evening under the guid-
ance of Chef David Can-
danoza and Chef Victor
Continued on Page 16