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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 26 January 2017

               The Pisano Family Honored at the Playa Linda Beach Resort

            PALM  BEACH  -  Recently  guests  who  visit  Aruba  for  Restaurant.
            the Aruba Tourism Authority  10-to-19 consecutive years.  They  say  Aruba  feels  like
            had  the  great  pleasure  of  The  honorees  were  Mr.  a  second  home  and  the
            honoring  a  very  nice  cou-  Joseph  Michael  and  Mrs.  people  here  are  like  fam-
            ple  whom  are  loyal  and  Tracey  Ann  Pisano  from     ily  to  them.  The  certificate
            friendly  guests  of  Aruba  White Plains, New York, visit-  was  presented  by  Mr.  Er-
            as  Distinguished  Visitors  of  ing Aruba with their beauti-  nest  Giel  representing  the
            Aruba,  at  the  Playa  Linda  ful daughter Charlie.      Aruba  Tourism  Authority
            Beach Resort.                This  couple  loves  Aruba   together  with  Ms.  Pauline
            The symbolic honorary title  very much because of the     Dijo, Guest Relations & Hos-
            is  presented  in  the  name  people,  the  climate,  the   pitality Manager of the Pla-
            of the Minister of Tourism as  beaches,  and  their  favor-  ya Linda Beach Resort.q
            a token of appreciation to  ite,  the  Bugaloe  Bar  and
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