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                                                                                         October 13, 2018
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                                                                                           Divi Excellence
                                                                                                                       Award                 Page 13

                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper

            A body is removed after being discovered during the search of a housing structure in the aftermath of hurricane Michael in Mexico Beach, Fla., Friday, Oct. 12, 2018.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
            Official: Searchers find bodies in hurricane-stricken town

            By RUSS BYNUM and BREN-      ies  in  and  around  Mexico  ever  clearer.  But  he  gave  Mexico Beach.             viduals who are deceased.
            DAN FARRINGTON               Beach,  the  ground-zero  no details on the number of  Miami  Fire  Chief  Joseph  We  do  not  have  a  count,
             Associated Press            town nearly obliterated by  dead.                         Zahralban,  leader  of  a  but we are working to iden-
            MEXICO  BEACH,  Fla.  (AP)  Hurricane  Michael,  an  offi-  The  death  toll  across  the  search-and-rescue   unit  tify them.”
            —       Search-and-rescue  cial said Friday as the scale  South  stood  at  13,  not  that went into the flattened
            teams  began  finding  bod-  of the storm’s fury became  counting  any  victims  in  town, said: “There are indi-        Continued on Page 3
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