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Saturday 13 OctOber 2018
“Divi Resorts celebrated its Excellence Awards for the 3 quarter of 2018”
Divi y Tamarijn All Inclu- Reynante Olivar, Charles
sive Resorts || Front of Patrick Lampe, Anne Ma-
the house: The nominees rie Lake-Francis, Marcelino
for employee of the 3rd Solognier, Jorge Palomino
quarter were: Latanya and Ritha Saintine.
Lake, Julio Tromp, Andres Celebrating their 15th an-
Patiño, Jerry de Mey, Nisla- niversary with Divi were:
nys Myer, Helena Solognier Rudolf de Mei, William Vi-
and Renata Williams as the cente Ore, Juan Carlos
winner. And the nominees Piña and Nelson Clotilde.
for supervisor of the 3rd Celebrating her 20th anni-
quarter were: Lorena Ala- versary with Divi Aruba All
milla and Janine Rojas as Inclusive was: Maria San-
the winner. tana Herrera.
Divi y Tamarijn All Inclu- Celebrating her 25th anni-
sive Resorts || Back of the versary with Divi Aruba All
house: The nominees for Inclusive was: Beatriz Dio-
employee of the 3rd quar- sa Uribe. Celebrating his
ter were: Gregory Tromp, 30th anniversary with The
Giovanni Geerman, Jose Dutch Village was: Johnny
Omar Castillo, Marciano Biezen. The management
de Mey and Zahaira Wer- of the Divi Resorts would
leman as the winner. And like to congratulate all of
ORANJESTAD — The Divi & Tamarijn All Inclusive Ho- the nominees for super- its nominees and winners
tels, Divi & Dutch Village N.V., Divi Golf Aruba N.V. visor of the 3rd quarter of the different properties
and Divi Phoenix Beach Resorts celebrated their Ex- were: Alim Bulla, Magaly and also thank all the em-
cellence Awards for the 3rd quarter of 2018 with the de Nobrega, Sheldon ployees celebrating their
theme of: We Are Divi on Thursday October 11th in the Taylor, Patricio Maria and different anniversaries for
Alhambra ballroom! Dwayne Morrison as the their loyal service through-
winner. Celebrating their out the years. A special
The afternoon started with the presentation of the 5th anniversary with Divi thanks to the NLG danc-
nominees for employee and supervisor of the 3rd were: Ana Marisol Bautista, ers for their wonderful per-
quarter for the different properties, the announce- Patrick Franssen, Enrique formance and also, a big
ment of the different service anniversaries and con- Quintero, Josy Puche, thanks goes to all of the
cluded with 3 great dance performances by the NLG Fabian Bermudez, Earny banquet personnel and
dancers. Stamper, Nesely Dinzey, chefs for making this event
There were also 3 delicious food stations where the Alberto Robles, Maira Mu- a success!
Divi employees could enjoy a taste of the different ñoz, Miguelina Martinez, Continue with your great
culinary flavors from the Caribbean, Asia, Europe and Betsy Rivas and Arlene Le- work and thank you all for
Latin America. onor.Celebrating their 10th being part of the Divi family –
anniversary with Divi were: We Are Divi!q
The nominations for the different categories for the
different companies were as follows:
The Dutch Village N.V.: The nominee and winner for
employee of the 3rd quarter was Bernardo Romero.
Divi Village I N.V.: The nominees for employee of the
3rd quarter were: Abel Castro, Ignalis Campos, Josy
Puche, Raquel Abreu and Virginia Thijsen – as the win-
ner. And the nominee (and winner) for Supervisor of
the 3rd quarter was Oodley Merveille.
Divi Golf Aruba N.V.: The nominees for employee of
the 3rd quarter were: Vanesah Carlo and Jessica Hen-
riquez as the winner. And the nominees for supervisor
of the 3rd quarter were: Liliana Ceballos and Freddy
Gross as the winner.
Divi Phoenix Beach Resort: The nominees for employ-
ee of the 3rd quarter were: Aengy Restrepo, Miguel
Perez, Ceferino Dalisay and Robert Lake as the win-
ner. And the nominees for supervisor of the 3rd quar-
ter were: Jose Sayin, Ramon Statie and Sebastian Su-
arez as the winner.