Page 10 - AHATA
P. 10
Friday 28 december 2018
Yearend celebration and
awards ceremony honor
Playa Linda team members
ORANJESTAD – Playa Linda recognize the best of the
Beach Resort associates best. This year was no dif-
enjoyed a festive holiday ferent with the Employee
party held recently in the of the Year going to Rous-
ballroom of the Aruba Mar- anne de Weever, who has
riott. A dinner and dance excelled in her role in HR,
gala included a highlight in which she helps shape,
of the annual award cere- inform and enrich a close-
mony, honoring associates knit Playa Linda team. Man-
who were standouts among ager of the Year Pauline
an already highly qualified Taylor-Dijo was recognized
and dedicated team. for her outstanding contri-
butions in similarly meeting
The year-end event, as well the unique needs of visitors
as the mid-year party, is in- as the head of guest rela-
tended as an annual thank tions. Showing promise and
you to the entire team, but deserving of praise are fel-
the award ceremony pro- low honorees, Rookie of the
vides the opportunity to Year Yahaira Jimenez and
Star of the Year Maria Ma- whose expertise in Loss Pre-
tos, both from housekeep- vention continues to en-
ing. Also recognized for his hance safety at the resort.
contribution is Contractor
of the Year Leo Klaphaak Continued on Page 15