Page 14 - AHATA
P. 14
Wednesday 24 OctOber 2018
Honoring at Costa Linda Beach Resort
ORANJESTAD — Recently, home away from home for resort.
Darline de Cuba of Aruba so many years. Q
Tourism Authority had the We decided then and
great pleasure to honor A special statement from there that we wanted
Loyal and Friendly visitors John & Barbara Costa Linda to be our va-
of Aruba as Goodwill Am- cation home and made
bassadors. The symbolic For 22 consecutive years arrangements with Fichi to
honorary title is presented we have been coming to buy a two bedroom unit.
on behalf of the Minister of Costa Linda Aruba. We We have made wonderful
Tourism, Transportation, as stay here for 2 weeks as friends at Costa Linda.
a token of appreciation to vacationers. This year we Through the years we have
the guests who visit Aruba came a week early to cel- hosted family and friends in
between 10-20 and more ebrate our 50th Wedding our unit. Everyone always
consecutive years. Anniversary in Aruba and wants to return to this spot
at our Costa Linda! in paradise. This year we
The Honorees are Mr. John celebrated our 50th Wed-
& Barbara Locicero, resi- In 1996 we came to Aruba ding Anniversary the day
dents of George Town. for a week’s vacation with after we arrived. We were
They have been coming to friends. We were lucky to so surprised to receive a
Aruba for 22 consecutive have Costa Linda referred wonderful gift with Blessings
years and are staying at to us by a member of our and Congratulations from
Costa Linda Beach resort. family who had purchased the Management and Staff
a timeshare there. We had of Costa Linda. We ap-
Darline together with rep- such a wonderful time and preciate all the treasured
resentatives Costa Linda returned the following year memories that Costa Linda
Beach Resort, presented with more friends. The staff and Aruba have provided
the certificate to the hon- at Costa Linda made a us.
orees and handed over great impression on us and
some presents to them and before we left to return Barbara and John Loci-
thanked them for choos- home, we saw the sales cero. q
ing Aruba as their vacation representative (Fichi), who
destination and as their had given us a tour of the
Like Us on Facebook!
ORANJESTAD – Did you know ….. Aruba Today has a Facebook page
and website. We would love to welcome you to our online community! Aruba To Me Is
We would also like to portrait you! By inviting you to send us your favorite
The cover picture of the Facebook page will show another picture of a vacation picture while enjoying our Happy Island. Complete the sen-
local photographer every couple of months. We love culture and like tence: Aruba to me is ……. Send your picture with that text (including
to support our local talents, therefore Aruba Today chooses to be a your name and where you are from) to: and
platform for showcasing art. Photographer Armando Goedgedrag took we will publish your vacation memory. Isn’t that a special way to keep
the new cover picture of Aruba Today’s Facebook page, following the your best moments alive? Please do note: By submitting photos, text or
former local talents that shot the cover picture: Michael-Anthony Fowl- any other materials, you give permission to The Aruba Today Newspa-
er and Anuar Habibe. Armando’s goal is to create awareness about per, Caribbean Speed Printers and any of its affiliated companies to use
Aruban nature, especially with the youth and therefore he visits schools said materials, as well as names, likeness, etc. for promotional purposes
and he is member of Korteweg, an organization of young artists aim- without compensation.
ing to bring art under the attention of the public. A short recap: he is
an artist, film maker, body boarder and surfer, nature lover and nature Thank you for supporting our free newspaper, we strive to make you a
protector. happy reader every day.