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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 18 december 2018
            Philippines' Catriona Gray named Miss Universe 2018

            Associated Press                                                                                                    quick  to  congratulate  the
            BANGKOK (AP) — The Phil-                                                                                            winner — the fourth Filipina
            ippines' Catriona Gray was                                                                                          to be named Miss Universe.
            named  Miss  Universe  2018                                                                                         "Ms. Gray truly made the en-
            in  a  competition  held  in                                                                                        tire Philippines proud when
            Bangkok on Monday, best-                                                                                            she sashayed on the global
            ing contestants from 93 oth-                                                                                        stage  and  showcased  the
            er countries and delighting                                                                                         genuine  qualities  defining
            her home nation.                                                                                                    a  Filipina  beauty:  confi-
            Gray  wore  a  sparkling  red                                                                                       dence, grace, intelligence
            dress  that  she  said  was                                                                                         and strength in the face of
            inspired  by  a  volcano  in                                                                                        tough challenges," Duterte
            the  Philippines  as  she  was                                                                                      said  in  a  statement  from
            handed  the  crown  to  the                                                                                         the presidential palace. "In
            delight of a roaring crowd                                                                                          her success, Miss Philippines
            in the Thai capital that gen-                                                                                       has shown to the world that
            erally  favored  Southeast                                                                                          women in our country have
            Asian contestants.                                                                                                  the  ability  to  turn  dreams
            The 24-year-old singer and                                                                                          into reality through passion,
            model  said  she  wore  red                                                                                         diligence,   determination
            because  "when  I  was  13,                                                                                         and hard work."
            my  mom  said  she  had  a                                                                                          An early round of question-
            dream that I would win Miss                                                                                         ing  touched  on  the  issue
            Universe in a red dress." She                                                                                       of  drugs,  a  controversial
            said  her  mom  cried  when                                                                                         subject  in  the  Philippines,
            they  saw  each  other  after                                                                                       where  Duterte's  aggres-
            she  won  the  competition,   Catriona Gray of the Philippines waves to the audience after being crowned the new Miss Uni-  sive  anti-drug  crackdown
            the 67th Miss Universe pag-  verse 2018 during the final round of  the 67th Miss Universe  competition  in Bangkok,  Thailand,   has  taken  thousands  of
            eant.  Gray  edged  out  first   Monday, Dec. 17, 2018.                                                             lives,  many  in  what  critics
            runner-up  Tamaryn  Green                                                                          Associated Press  charge  were  extrajudicial
            of  South  Africa  and  third-                                                                                      executions.  Duterte  raised
            place Sthefany Gutierrez of  televised  contest  cheered  from  which  Gray's  Filipina  Australian,  and  she  was  even   more   controversy
            Venezuela.  She  succeeds  wildly  and  jumped  for  joy  mother hails. According to  born and grew up in Cairns,  when  he  recently  joked
            Demi-Leigh  Nel-Peters  of  when  she  was  declared  Gray,  her  gown's  design,  Australia. She studied at the  that he smoked marijuana
            South  Africa.  In  the  Philip-  the  winner.  Celebrations  with its lava color and ap-  Berklee College of Music in  to deal with his busy sched-
            pines, pageants are a pop-   were  especially  buoyant  pearance,  was  influenced  Boston in the United States.    ule  of  meetings  with  other
            ular  attraction,  and  Gray's  in  Oas  town  in  the  north-  by  Albay's  iconic  Mayon  The office of Philippine Pres-  Asian leaders at a regional
            countrymen  watching  the  eastern province of Albay,  Volcano.  Gray's  father  is  ident  Rodrigo  Duterte  was  summit.q

            2018 Breakthrough: Hannah Gadsby may change stand-up game

            By MIKE CIDONI LENNOX        But it wasn't until late June                                                          it,  has  given  me  the  unex-
            Associated Press             that the "craziness" began.                                                            pected  realization  that  I'm
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Han-  That's when Netflix released                                                           not  at  all."  In  "Nanette,"
            nah Gadsby says she knows  a  filmed  version  of  the                                                              Gadsby says she's giving up
            it's meant as a compliment  show,  and  Gadsby  went                                                                stand-up comedy. But, with
            to be chosen as one of the  from known Down Under to                                                                the success of the stand-up
            year's  Breakthrough  Enter-  global phenomenon.                                                                    special,  she's  now  recon-
            tainers  by  The  Associated  Many  critics  were  blown                                                            sidered  that,  noting  future
            Press.  But,  as  with  many  away  by  the  way  Gadsby                                                            shows  will  be  something
            things, the Australian stand-  seamlessly segued from hi-                                                           closer to performance art.
            up comic and actress sees  larity  to  humanity  -  quickly                                                         Just  about  the  only  thing
            the honor from a variety of  getting  deep  and  dark                                                               that's   certain:   Gadsby
            perspectives.                about  some  harrowing  ex-                                                            won't be going Hollywood,
            "Like,  what  happens  after  periences as a lesbian and                                                            at  least  for  now.  She  said
            'breakthrough'?"   Gadsby  as a woman.                                                                              that world "would require a
            asked.  "Like,  I  could  be  a  And  while  "Nanette"  was   In this Dec. 10, 2018 photo, Australian comedian Hannah Gads-  substantial erosion of inde-
            one-hit  wonder  or  I  go  on  written  before  the  start  of   by poses for a portrait in Los Angeles.           pendent thought."
            to being a deserved star?"  the  #MeToo  movement,                                                 Associated Press  So, what is next?
            She notes: "I think I was do-  Gadsby  apparently  felt  it                                                         "Oh,  the  phone  has  been
            ing really well before all this  coming.  In  "Nanette,"  she  while  she  started  building  nette"  would  divide,  not  ringing,"  she  said,  with  a
            craziness around 'Nanette.'"  takes direct aim at straight  a primarily gay internation-  conquer, audiences.       grin. "But I'm slow. I'm a slow
            "Nanette"  is  the  40-year-  white  males  and  sexual  al  following  in  2015,  she's  "What  the  magical  thing  person. So, I need to make
            old  Gadsby's  latest  stage  abuse.                      never  experienced  what  was,  what  I  realized,  was,  my  decisions  slowly.  They
            show,  which  debuted  in  What  Gadsby  didn't  ex-      happened  after  "Nanette"  'Oh,  a  lot  of  people  are  say  that  'slow  and  steady
            2017,  and  enjoyed  critical  pect  was  that  so  many  — everything from rave re-   thinking  this.'  And  what  I  wins the race.' But I'm more
            and commercial successes  would get her. Since 2006,  views in The New York Times  thought was making me a  like  the  tortoise,  but  with
            during  its  runs  throughout  she'd made a name, and a  to fan letters from India.    marginalized  figure  —  you  the  hare's  game  plan.  So,
            Australia, at the Edinburgh  living, as a stand-up comic  In  fact,  Gadsby  said  she  know,  sort  of  a  niche  hu-  I'm  moving  as  slowly  as  a
            Festival Fringe, in New York  and  actress  in  Australia  expected  just  the  oppo-  man  —  actually,  by  being  tortoise,  but  napping  like
            and Montreal.                and  New  Zealand.  And  site: that her candor in "Na-    completely  truthful  about  the hare."q
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