Page 24 - aruba-today-20181218
P. 24

                Tuesday 18 december 2018
             Key takeaways from new reports on Russian disinformation

            By MATT O'BRIEN and BAR-                                                                                            sages exposed U.S. users to
            BARA ORTUTAY                                                                                                        a wide range of disinforma-
             AP Technology Writers                                                                                              tion  and  junk  news  linked
            Russians  seeking  to  influ-                                                                                       to on external websites, in-
            ence U.S. elections through                                                                                         cluding  content  designed
            social media had their eyes                                                                                         to  elicit  outrage  and  cyni-
            on Instagram and the black                                                                                          cism,"  says  the  report  by
            community.                                                                                                          Oxford  researchers,  who
            These  were  among  the                                                                                             worked  with  social  media
            findings  in  two  reports  re-                                                                                     analysis firm Graphika.
            leased  Monday  by  the                                                                                             DEMOGRAPHIC TARGETING
            Senate  intelligence  com-                                                                                          Both reports found that Rus-
            mittee.  Separate  studies                                                                                          sian agents tried to polarize
            from  University  of  Oxford                                                                                        Americans  in  part  by  tar-
            researchers and the cyber-                                                                                          geting   African-American
            security  firm  New  Knowl-                                                                                         communities    extensively.
            edge  reveal  insights  into                                                                                        They did  so  by  campaign-
            how Russian agents sought                                                                                           ing for black voters to boy-
            to  influence  Americans  by                                                                                        cott elections or follow the
            saturating their favorite on-                                                                                       wrong voting procedures in
            line services and apps with                                                                                         2016, according to the Ox-
            hidden propaganda.                                                                                                  ford report.
            Here are the highlights:     Former FBI Director James Comey speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill Washington, Monday, Dec.   The  New  Knowledge  re-
            INSTAGRAM'S  "MEME  WAR-     17, 2018, after a second closed-door interview with two Republican-led committees investigating   port  added  that  agents
            FARE"                        what they say was bias at the Justice Department before the 2016 presidential election.  were  "developing  Black
            Both reports show that mis-                                                                                         audiences  and  recruiting
            information  on  Facebook's  And the barrage of image-    Russian agents used rubles  posts were more likely to be  Black Americans as assets"
            Instagram  may  have  had  centric Instagram "memes"  to  pay  for  some  of  their  shared  and  commented  beyond how they were tar-
            broader  reach  than  the  has  only  grown  since  the  propaganda      ads   drew  on,  and  they  rose  in  vol-  geting  either  left-  or  right-
            interference  on  Facebook  2016     election.   Russian  attention  to  how  gullible  ume  during  key  dates  in  leaning voters.
            itself.                      agents shifted their focus to  tech  companies  were  in  U.S.  politics  such  as  during  The  reports  also  support
            The New Knowledge study  Instagram  after  the  public  allowing  their  services  to  the presidential debates in  previous findings that the in-
            says that since 2015, the In-  last year became aware of  be  manipulated.  But  nei-  2016  or  after  the  Obama  fluence  operations  sought
            stagram  posts  generated  the  widespread  manipula-     ther  ads  nor  automated  administration's  post-elec-   to  polarize  Americans  by
            187  million  engagements,  tion on Facebook and Twit-    "bots" were as effective as  tion  announcement  that  it  sowing political divisions on
            such as comments or likes,  ter.                          unpaid posts hand-crafted  would  investigate  Russian  issues  such  as  immigration
            compared  with  77  million  NOT JUST ADS                 by human agents pretend-     hacking.                     and  cultural  and  religious
            on Facebook.                 Revelations  last  year  that  ing to be Americans. Such  "These  personalized  mes-   identities. q

                                                                      First private Israeli lunar

                                                                      mission will launch in Feb.

                                                                      lay,  and  that  SpaceX,  the  time  capsule  that  will  ac-  of the craft.
                                                                      private  space  exploration  company  the  spacecraft  SpaceIL  was  founded  in
                                                                      company founded by en-       to the moon.                2011  and  originally  vied
                                                                      trepreneur  Elon  Musk,  no-  The  capsule,  in  the  shape  for  Google's  Lunar  Xprize,
                                                                      tified  them  that  its  rocket  of  a  DVD,  holds  pictures  which  challenged  private
                                                                      will now lift off in February  of  the  Israeli  public,  inter-  companies  to  try  to  land
                                                                      2019  without  providing  an  pretive  drawings  by  Israeli  an  unmanned  spacecraft
                                                                      explanation.                 children  and  other  pieces  on the moon.
             Technicians  stand  next  to  the  SpaceIL  lunar  module,  an  un-  Israel  Aerospace  Indus-  of  national  memorabilia,  But the $20 million compe-
             manned  spacecraft,  is  on  display  in  a  special  "clean  room"
             where the space craft is being developed, during a press tour   tries  manager  Opher  Do-  including  stories  of  Holo-  tition was scrapped by the
             of their facility near Tel Aviv, Israel, Monday, Dec. 17, 2018.   ron stressed that the small  caust survivors.   tech giant earlier this year
                                                     Associated Press  craft, roughly the size of a  "We  hope  that  far  in  the  when  it  became  clear
                                                                      washing  machine,  faces  future,  when  travel  to  the  none  of  the  five  compa-
             By ISABEL DEBRE              nounced  that  the  landing  a  "difficult,  arduous  jour-  moon  is  as  common  as  nies  would  meet  a  March
              Associated Press            craft, dubbed "Beresheet,"  ney"  because  it  will  have  trans-Atlantic  travel,  that  deadline.
             YEHUD, Israel (AP) — An Is-  or Genesis, will ship in Feb-  to make several orbits be-  children will be able to un-  SpaceIL  has  vowed  to
             raeli nonprofit on Monday  ruary to Florida.             fore  touching  down  on  derstand  the  lives  of  their  continue  the  mission  and
             said it has pushed back the  Propelled by a SpaceX Fal-  the  moon.  Upon  landing,  Israeli  ancestors  through  hopes  that  its  ambitious
             launch of what it hopes will  con rocket launch, the ro-  the craft is to relay photo-  this archive on the moon,"  $95  million  project,  largely
             be  the  first  private  space-  botic lander will then com-  graphs  and  collect  data  said  SpaceIL  co-founder  funded  by  South  African-
             craft to land on the moon  mence      its   months-long  about  the  moon's  ever-    Yonatan Winetraub.          Israeli   billionaire   Morris
             until February.              voyage  to  the  moon.  It  changing  magnetism  for  A  crowd  of  Israeli  report-  Kahn  and  other  donors,
             Officials   from   SpaceIL  had been slated to launch  research  by  Israel's  Weiz-  ers, clad in sanitized white  will  spur  a  new  wave  of
             and  its  project  partner,  this month.                 mann Institute and NASA.     coats,  burst  into  applause  commercial missions to the
             the   state-owned    Israel  SpaceIL said it had no con-  On  Monday,  SpaceIL  rep-  as Winetraub fastened the  moon and jump-start new
             Aerospace  Industries,  an-  trol  over  the  launch's  de-  resentatives  presented  a  capsule  to  the  underbelly  companies.q
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