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                Tuesday 18 december 2018
             Bears clinch 1st playoff berth since 2010, beat Packers

            By The Associated Press                                                                                             goals to give San Francisco
            CHICAGO  (AP)  —  Mitch-                                                                                            its first win in the rivalry since
            ell  Trubisky  threw  for  two                                                                                      2013,  when  Jim  Harbaugh
            touchdowns,  Eddie  Jack-                                                                                           was still coach.
            son ended Aaron Rodgers'                                                                                            The  Seahawks  (8-6)  had
            NFL-record  streak  without                                                                                         their  four-game  winning
            an  interception  and  the                                                                                          streak snapped and missed
            Chicago  Bears  clinched                                                                                            a chance to clinch a play-
            the NFC North with a 24-17                                                                                          off  berth.  Russell  Wilson
            victory over the Green Bay                                                                                          threw for 237 yards with two
            Packers on Sunday.                                                                                                  TD passes to Doug Baldwin
            The  Bears  (10-4)  secured                                                                                         and Chris Carson ran for 119
            their  first  playoff  appear-                                                                                      yards and a score for Seat-
            ance since the 2010  team                                                                                           tle.  But  Wilson  was  unable
            won  the  division,  and                                                                                            to generate any points on
            clinching  with  a  rare  vic-                                                                                      his final three drives.
            tory over their heated rivals                                                                                       VIKINGS 41, DOLPHINS 18
            made it all the more sweet.                                                                                         MINNEAPOLIS  (AP)  —  Dal-
            The loss, coupled with Min-                                                                                         vin Cook had a career-high
            nesota's  41-17  victory  over                                                                                      136  yards  and  two  touch-
            Miami,  keeps  the  Packers                                                                                         downs  on  a  season-high
            out  of  the  postseason  for                                                                                       19 carries as the Vikings re-
            the second year in a row.                                                                                           committed  themselves  to
            Chicago     had   dropped    Chicago Bears linebacker Khalil Mack (52) sacks Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers   running the ball.
            nine  of  10  against  Green   (12) during the first half of an NFL football game Sunday, Dec. 16, 2018, in Chicago.    Latavius  Murray  added  68
            Bay  (5-8-1).  But  the  Bears                                                                     Associated Press  rushing  yards  and  a  score
            secured their first trip to the                                                                                     on  15  of  the  team's  sea-
            playoffs in eight years with  half  touchdowns  and  two  Wentz  and  passed  for  270  to clinch the NFC East as its  son-high  40  attempts.  The
            their  seventh  win  in  eight  interceptions.  The  Steelers  yards,  and  Wendell  Small-  five-game  winning  streak  Vikings  (7-6-1)  converted
            games.                       (8-5-1) remained in front of  wood rushed for two touch-  ended.                       each  of  their  first  three
            For a team that came into  Baltimore in the AFC North  downs in the Eagles' victory  Mack  starred  in  Sunday's  drives  under  interim  offen-
            the season with four straight  with two weeks to go in the  over Los Angeles.          big  show.  He  set  the  tone  sive coordinator Kevin Ste-
            last-place finishes, it's quite  season.                  Rookie  Josh  Adams  also  by running through a tack-     fanski into touchdowns be-
            a  turnaround.  But  with  the  Chris  Boswell,  who  has  rushed  for  a  score  as  the  le for a 19-yard gain on his  fore turning the game over
            hiring of coach Matt Nagy  struggled so badly this sea-   Eagles (7-7) kept their play-  first carry, wound up carry-  to  the  defense.  Anthony
            and trade for Khalil Mack in  son  the  team  held  open  off hopes alive with a gritty  ing 22 times and matching  Barr  and  Danielle  Hunter
            a busy offseason, the Bears  tryouts  during  the  week,  victory  over  the  Rams  (11-  a career high with the two  each  had  two  of  the  nine
            made a huge jump.            atoned  for  a  32-yard  miss  3),  who  lost  consecutive  scoring  runs  —  all  against  sacks of Ryan Tannehill, to-
            Trubisky  gave  them  a  21-  in the third quarter by drill-  regular-season  games  for  the  league's  No.  3  rushing  taling  71  lost  yards  for  the
            14  lead  early  in  the  fourth  ing  a  48-yarder  with  2:30  the first time in coach Sean  defense.             Dolphins (7-7). Miami came
            quarter with a 13-yard pass  remaining.                   McVay's tenure.              It marked the first time since  crashing  down  from  the
            to  Trey  Burton  in  the  left  Pittsburgh's defense, which  The  Eagles  scored  17  con-  Week 9 that Dallas allowed  euphoria of defeating New
            side of the end zone. After  let fourth-quarter leads slip  secutive  points  in  the  third  a team to top the 100-yard  England  with  that  double-
            stopping the Packers, Tarik  away each of the last two  quarter  and  then  survived  mark,  and  the  Cowboys  lateral 69-yard score on the
            Cohen  returned  a  punt  games,  made  it  stand.  the  Rams'  late  rally.  They  were  shut  out  for  the  first  final play last week.
            44  yards  to  the  15.  But  he  The  Patriots  (9-5)  missed  a  got  help  from  Los  Angeles  time in more than 15 years.  Minkah Fitzpatrick returned
            stepped  out  of  bounds  a  chance to clinch their 10th  returner  JoJo  Natson,  who  New England was the pre-    an interception 50 yards for
            yard short on a third-and-5  straight AFC East title when  fumbled a punt return that  vious team to achieve the  a touchdown in the second
            at  the  10  when  he  easily  Tom  Brady's  pass  into  the  D.J.  Alexander  recovered  feat with a 12-0 victory on  quarter and Kalen Ballage
            could have gotten the first  end  zone  for  Julian  Edel-  with 2:51 to play.         Nov. 16, 2003.               scored on a 75-yard run on
            down.                        man  was  knocked  down  After Philadelphia's Jake El-    Mack  even  outperformed  the first snap of the second
            That  forced  the  Bears  to  by Pittsburgh's Morgan Bur-  liott missed a field goal with  Ezekiel  Elliott,  who  came  half  to  bring  the  Dolphins
            settle  for  a  field  goal  by  nett.                    1:08 left, Jared Goff got the  into  the  weekend  as  the  within  21-17.  But  on  their
            Cody Parkey, making it 24-   Brady  finished  25  of  36  for  Rams  to  the  Philadelphia  NFL's  leading  rusher.  Elliott  next  five  possessions  they
            14. The Packers then drove  279  yards  with  a  touch-   18  with  4  seconds  to  play  had 18 carries for 87 yards  netted  a  staggering  mi-
            to the 9, but on third down,  down and an interception  — but he couldn't connect  and  caught  seven  passes  nus-27 yards on 16 plays.
            Jackson  picked  off  Rodg-  while  losing  to  the  Steelers  with  Josh  Reynolds  on  a  for 41 yards.           Though    Chicago     won
            ers, ending his streak at 402  for the first time since 2011  pass to the goal line as time  49ERS 26, SEAHAWKS 23  the  NFC  North  by  beat-
            passes.                      and just the third time in 14  expired.                   SANTA CLARA, Calif. (AP) —  ing Green Bay, the Vikings
            STEELERS 17, PATRIOTS 10     career  meetings.  The  un-  COLTS 23, COWBOYS 0          Robbie Gould kicked a 36-    moved a critical step closer
            PITTSBURGH  (AP)  —  Rookie  characteristically   sloppy  INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Mar-     yard field goal with 3:06 left  to returning to the postsea-
            running back Jaylen Samu-    Patriots  were  flagged  14  lon  Mack  rushed  for  a  ca-  in  overtime  and  the  49ers  son. With enough help, they
            els, making his second start  times for 106 yards.        reer-high 139 yards and two  snapped a 10-game losing  could  clinch  the  second
            in  place  of  injured  James  EAGLES 30, RAMS 23         scores  and  the  Colts  shut  streak against Seattle.    wild-card spot next week.
            Conner,  ran  for  a  career-  LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Nick  out one of the league's hot-  Nick  Mullens  threw  for  275  TITANS 17, GIANTS 0
            high  142  yards  and  made  Foles and the Philadelphia  test offenses. The Colts (8-6)  yards  and  a  touchdown  EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (AP)
            a critical third-down recep-  Eagles hope they're about  stayed  in  the  AFC  playoff  to help the 49ers (4-10) win  —  Bruising  halfback  Der-
            tion in the fourth quarter.  to  make  another  late-sea-  hunt with their seventh win  consecutive games for the  rick  Henry  had  his  second
            Pittsburgh   snapped     a  son run that begins with an-  in  eight  games  and  their  first time this season. Richie  straight  big  game  with  a
            three-game losing streak as  other big road win over the  first shutout since a 27-0 vic-  James  Jr.  returned  a  kick  career-high  33  carries  for
            Ben  Roethlisberger  threw  Rams.                         tory over Cincinnati on Oct.  97  yards  for  a  touchdown  170  yards  rushing  and  two
            for 235 yards with two first-  Foles  took  over  for  Carson  19, 2014. Dallas (8-6) failed  and Gould kicked four field  touchdowns.q
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