Page 23 - aruba-today-20181218
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                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 18 december 2018
            Familia preferred to return to Mets, who also add OF Davis

            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Jeurys                                                                                          ing to New York was a pref-
            Familia  would  rather  be                                                                                          erence  because  his  wife's
            a  setup  man  for  the  New                                                                                        family lives in the area.
            York Mets than a closer for                                                                                         He was 8-6 with 18 saves in
            someone else.                                                                                                       24 chances and a 3.13 ERA
            Familia  had  123  saves  for                                                                                       for  the  Mets  and  A's  last
            the  Mets,  who  traded  him                                                                                        season. He signed with the
            to Oakland last July. He in-                                                                                        Mets at age 17 and had 43
            structed  agents  Sam  and                                                                                          saves  in  2015  when  New
            Seth  Levinson  to  pursue                                                                                          York    reached  the  World
            any  possibility  to  return  to                                                                                    Series.  He  led  the  majors
            the Mets.                                                                                                           with  a  franchise-record  51
            "Honestly,  that  was  my                                                                                           saves  the  following  year
            goal,  be  back  with  the                                                                                          and was an All-Star, again
            Mets," Familia said during a                                                                                        helping  New  York  reach
            conference  call  Monday,                                                                                           the playoffs.
            three days after his $30 mil-                                                                                       Familia  served  a  15-game
            lion,  three-year  contract                                                                                         suspension  at  the  start  of
            was finalized.                                                                                                      2017  for  violating  Major
            New  York  recently  ac-                                                                                            League  Baseball's  domes-
            quired  2018  big  league                                                                                           tic  violence  policy.  Later
            saves  leader  Edwin  Diaz                                                                                          that year, he had a blood
            from Seattle along with All-                                                                                        clot  that  required  surgery
            Star second baseman Rob-                                                                                            and  finished  2-2  with  a
            inson  Cano.  Because  of                                                                                           4.38 ERA and six saves in 26
            that, Familia will return in a                                                                                      games.
            different role.                                                                                                     Last season, he was 4-4 with
            "I  want  to  pitch  whatever                                                                                       a 2.88 ERA and 17 saves in
            innings they want to put me                                                                                         21 chances with the Mets.
            in the game," Familia said.                                                                                         Davis  hit  .224  with  one
            "He's one of the best reliev-  In this May 18, 2018, file photo, New York Mets pitcher Jeurys Familia (27) delivers against the Ari-  home  run,  six  RBIs  and  21
            ers  in  the  game,  the  best   zona Diamondbacks during the ninth inning of a baseball game in New York.          steals  in  101  games  and
            closer. It's going to be fun."                                                                     Associated Press  216  plate  appearances
            New York also announced                                                                                             for  Cleveland.  His  two-run,
            Monday that it had agreed  year contract. He receives  catcher.  Familia  gets  a  $2  They  will  defer  the  same  eighth-inning homer off Ar-
            to a minor league contract  a  $2  million  signing  bonus  million  signing  bonus  pay-  amount  of  his  2021  pay,  oldis Chapman tied Game
            with  38-year-old  outfielder  payable  next  July  1,  $6.25  able  on  equal  installments  payable on July 1, 2022.  7  of  the  2016  World  Series
            Rajai Davis, who will report  million  in  2019  and  $9.25  on July 1 and Dec. 10 next  He  gets  a  $500,000  perfor-  for  Cleveland  against  the
            to  major  league  spring  million  in  2020.  The  Mets  year.  He  has  salaries  of  $6  mance  bonus  in  any  sea-  Chicago Cubs, a game the
            training.  The  Mets  also  have  a  $10  million  option  million in 2019 and $11 mil-  son  he  has  50  games  fin-  Indians lost in 10 innings.
            called a news conference  for 2021 with a $1.5 million  lion in each of the final two  ished.  He  would  get  a  $1  Davis has a .262 career av-
            for  Tuesday  to  introduce  buyout. Ramos would earn  seasons. The Mets will defer  million assignment bonus if  erage with 61 homers, 379
            catcher Wilson Ramos, who  a  $500,000  bonus  in  each  $1 million of his 2020 salary,  traded. A 29-year-old right-  RBIs and 415 stolen bases in
            finalized a $19 million, two-  season he has 100 starts at  payable  on  Jan.  15,  2022.  hander, Familia said return-  13 major league seasons.q
             AP COACH OF THE YEAR         to  be  more  involved  with  ting feedback from them,"
             Continued from Page 17       all aspects of the team.    Kelly said.
             As  he  did  in  2012,  Kelly  "I think I'm a better leader  The  Irish  rebounded  to
             has  guided  the  Fighting  of our program," Kelly told  10-3  last  season  and  en-
             Irish  to  a  12-0  season  and  AP.  "The  organization  has  tered this season with simi-
             a chance to compete for  gotten so much bigger. The  lar  expectations.  After  a
             the  national  champion-     ability  to  create  the  right  3-0  start,  Kelly  made  the
             ship.  Notre  Dame  played  energy  and  day-to-day  pivotal  move  of  switching
             Alabama in the BCS cham-     culture is difficult. I think I've  quarterback  from  senior
             pionship  game  after  the  gotten a lot better a lead-  Brandon Wimbush to junior
             2012 season and lost 42-14.  ing  that  large  group  on  a  Ian Book.
             The  third-ranked  Irish  will  day-to-day basis."       While  the  move  might
             face No. 2 Clemson in the  Kelly  is  81-34  in  nine  sea-  have  seemed  bold  at  the
             Cotton Bowl on Dec. 29 in  sons  at  Notre  Dame  and  time,  it  wasn't  necessarily    In this April 21, 2018, file photo, Notre Dame head coach Brian
             their  first  College  Football  he credited his players for  to Kelly.               Kelly watches during the Notre Dame Blue-Gold Spring college
             Playoff appearance.          helping  him  improve  as  a  "It felt like the right thing to   football game in South Bend, Ind.
             This undefeated season for  coach.                       do,"  Kelly  said.  "You  know                                       Associated Press
             Notre  Dame  seems  very  "Sitting them down and lis-    where  it  felt  risky  was  the
             different  than  that  one  tening to them is similar to  first  quarter  of  Wake  For-  week  and  things  don't  go  Stoops, UAB's Bill Clark and
             and it comes just two sea-   any good business or CEO  est when we weren't mov-       well  it  becomes  an  issue.  Oklahoma's  Lincoln  Riley
             sons after Notre Dame fin-   sitting  down  and  listen-  ing the ball effectively. But  Not  only  risky,  but  could  each  received  three  first-
             ished 4-8. Kelly overhauled  ing  to  his  employees  and  at  the  time  in  making  the  become a huge problem."  place  votes.  Clemson's
             his staff and his approach  getting  feedback  from  decision I didn't feel risky. It  The  Irish  offense  took  off.  Dabo Swinney, Army's Jeff
             after  that  debacle,  bring-  them as well. I think where  felt like it was the right thing  Matched  with  a  solid  de-  Monken,   Northwestern's
             ing in new coordinators on  I  made  some  real  strides  to  do  based  on  the  infor-  fense,  Notre  Dame  com-  Pat Fitzgerald and Florida's
             both  sides  of  the  ball.  He  was  spending  more  time  mation that I had. Clearly if  pleted  a  perfect  regular  Dan Mullen each received
             made  a  concerted  effort  with  our  players  and  get-  you don't play well the next  season.  Kentucky's  Mark  one.q
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