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                Saturday 27 OctOber 2018

            Let’s walk and “Let’s beat it”

                                                                                                                                community that with the ef-
                                                                                                                                fort of everyone they will be
                                                                                                                                able to beat this malicious

                                                                                                                                Their  goal  is  to  reach
                                                                                                                                atleast  1000  participants
                                                                                                                                and  they’re  calling  out  to
                                                                                                                                the  entire  community  to
                                                                                                                                help them reach their goal.
                                                                                                                                With the cooperation from
                                                                                                                                the  297Runners,  who  will
                                                                                                                                be  in  charge  of  the  coor-
                                                                                                                                dination  of  the  route,  the
                                                                                                                                five kilometer walk will start
                                                                                                                                at  Plaza  Betico  Croes,  be-
                                                                                                                                hind Talk of The Town hotel
                                                                                                                                at 5:30 PM. All participants
                                                                                                                                will  receive  a  bag  from
                                                                                                                                the Mary Joan Foundation
                                                                                                                                upon registration.

                                                                                                                                Help  Mary  Joan  Founda-
                                                                                                                                tion reach their goal. Team
                                                                                                                                up  with  your  friends,  col-
                                                                                                                                leagues  and  family  and
            ORANJESTAD  —  Sunday,  upon  to  help  other  breast  the  foundation  opened  many activities throughout  walk  for  a  good  cause.
            October  28th,      2018,  the  cancer  patients  and  the  its  own  center  in  Dakota,  the  year.  Their  next  event  More  information  can  be
            Pink  Walk  2018  organized  Mary    Joan    Foundation  where anyone is welcome.  is  the  “Pink  Walk  2018”.  found  on  their  Facebook
            by  Mary  Joan  Founda-      brings  survivors  and  pa-  This  center  is  the  place  to  This  year’s  theme  for  the  page  Mary  Joan  Founda-
            tion  will  take  place.  The  tients together.           find  information  about  ev-  walk  is  “Let’s  beat  it”.  This  tion Aruba.q
            purpose  of  the  walk  is  to                            erything that has to do with  way they want to show the
            bring  awareness  to  Breast  The  Mary  Joan  founda-    breast cancer. Early detec-
            Cancer  Awareness  month.  tion does not only provide  tion  is  vital.  Women  can
            Mary    Joan    Foundation  emotional  support  to  pa-   protect themselves through
            wants  to  make  the  com-   tients and their families but  mammograms,        yearly
            munity  aware  of  the  im-  also  serves  the  commu-    check-ups  and  monthly
            portance  of  taking  care  nity  by  raising  awareness  examinations.  A  healthy
            of  yourself  and  preventing  and  by  providing  informa-  lifestyle in general is also a
            breast cancer.               tion  about  breast  cancer.  very important. No woman
                                         The  foundation  is  trying  in Aruba needs to face the
            Mary Joan Foundation was  to  reach  as  many  people  diagnosis and treatment of
            established in 2007 and of-  as  possible  with  lectures,  breast cancer alone.
            fers  support  to  all  women  seminars,  meetings,  news-
            who  are  confronted  with  paper  articles,  radio  and  Seeing  the  importance  of
            breast  cancer  as  well  as  television  programs,  get-  making  the  community
            their  families  and  friends.  togethers and other activi-  aware  of  breast  cancer
            Many  survivors  feel  called  ties.  Since  November  2009  they have been organizing

            Simadanza presents “A colorful night with Simadanza”

            ORANJESTAD  —  On  Oc-       show  is  called  “A  colorful  During their 43 years of ex-  During the show you will en-  ents  have  been  working
            tober  27th  and  28th,  2018  night with Simadanza”.     istence a great number of  joy different styles of danc-  very  hard  during  the  last
            Simadanza  Dance  School                                  students have been part of  ing,  such  as  pre-ballet,  few  months  to  make  this
            will be presenting a dance  Simandanza dance school  the  school.  Some  started  classic ballet, street dance,  show  possible.  They  did  all
            show  at  our  House  of  Cul-  was founded in 1975 by As-  dancing  when  they  were  jazz,  and  contemporary  this  with  great  dedication
            ture  (Cas  di  Cultura).  The  trid Salazar and Ina Profet.  children  and  continue  up  folklore. The students’ ages  to  present  a  spectacular
                                                                      to  today.  They  are  now  begin from 4 to adulthood.    show to the community of
                                                                      ready to delight you with a  The dances for the upcom-    Aruba.
                                                                      colorful dance show.         ing  show  are  under  the
                                                                                                   guidance of dance teach-     On October 27th, 2018 the
                                                                      The  name  was  chosen  to  ers  Kimberley  Milan,  Tracy  show  will  start  at  7:30PM
                                                                      illustrate the beauty of life.  Pietersz, Wilma Kuiperi-Jan-  and  on  October  28th  the
                                                                      Life is full of colors and col-  sen,  Ina  Profet  and  Astrid  show  will  start  earlier_  at  4
                                                                      ors are an expression of life.  Salazar. All of these teach-  PM.  Simadanza would like
                                                                      Color brings love and hap-   ers  have  been  working  on  to invite the entire commu-
                                                                      piness.  Through  their  show  different  techniques  and  nity of Aruba to enjoy to this
                                                                      they want to transmit to the  choreography to make the  spectacular  show  at  Cas
                                                                      public  that  “Dance  is  life  show special.             di  Cultura.  For  more  infor-
                                                                      and Life is Dance”                                        mation  visit  the  facebook
                                                                                                   The students and their par-  page of Cas Di Cultura.q
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