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Saturday 27 OctOber 2018
Aruba to Me
ORANJESTAD – We would submitting photos, text or you a happy reader every
like to portrait you! By in- any other materials, you day again.
viting you to send us your give permission to The Aru-
favorite vacation picture ba Today Newspaper, Ca- For today’s newspaper we
while enjoying our Happy ribbean Speed Printers and received some great pic-
Island. Complete the sen- any of its affiliated compa- tures from Marcia Wubben.
tence: Aruba to me is ……. nies to use said materials, She wrote: “It was my 2nd
Send your picture with that as well as names, likeness, trip and I am absolutely in
text (including your name etc. for promotional pur- love with the island! It is tru-
and where you are from) poses without compensa- ly One Happy Island! I look
to: tion. forward to going back next
and we will publish your year and would love to call
vacation memory. Last but not least: check it my new home in the fu-
out our website and Face- ture.” Thank you Marcia for
Isn’t that a special way to book page! Thank you for sharing these amazing pic-
keep your best moments supporting our free news- tures with us! q
alive? Please do note: By paper, we strive to make