P. 24

A24    obituArio
                Diahuebs 6 september 2018

                              Those we love                          Mi alma tin sed di Bo, Dios mi Señor.                     "Como fue
                    can never be more than a thought away….             M’a bini den bo cas, Bo dilanti,
                        for as long as there’s a memory                 Pa mira bo poder y bo gloria.                     No sé decirte como fue
                         they live in our hearts to stay.             Bo amor tin mas valor cu vida mes,                 Ni sé explicarme qué pasó
                                                                        Mi boca lo canta bo grandesa.                     Pero de tí me enamoré "
                                                                               Salmo 63:2
                                                                Cu honda pena pero conforme cu boluntad di Dios,  Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curason nos ta participa
                                                                         nos ta anuncia fayecimento                          fayecimento di:
                                                                             cristianamente di:

                   Chee Chong Lim (Calvin)
                    19 September 1963   -   2 September 2018
                      Beloved husband, father, son, brother        Sr Sergio Jacinto Peña
                                                                        Mihor conoci como: ‘Bubu’
               Wife:                 Soosan Chai Lim
               Daughter:             Natalie Lim                        *09-09-1939  -  †03-09-2018
               Mother:               Sow Kuen Wan                      Ex crane operator y instructer
               Predeceased by father:   Wah Tung Lim
                                                               Na nomber di su:
               Siblings and family: Sok May and husband Clement Reitz  Yiunan:  Waldo y Mildred Peña y famia
               and their children Kara,
               Karina, Layla, and Clement Jr.                         Celia Peña y Randolph Cicilia y famia na
               Chee Chew and wife Nancy Lim and their children Mateo   Hulanda
               and Mariana                                            Swinda Peña y famia
                                                                      Cindia Peña y Ryan Croes y famia
               Aunt:                 Wong Lim Siew Yong                                                            Sr. Pedro Pablo de Freitas
               Cousins:  Lea and Randy Croes, children Jonathan,   Rumannan:   Lucila (Chida) Peña y famia
               Gwendolyn, Jeremy                                      Leonilda (Nora), Lai Kock y famia                  Cariñosamente como ‘Pepi’
                               Michael Wong, children Kwok Fai, Seuw Sam                                                 *29-06-1939 - †02-09-2018
               and Seuw Yi                                            Simona (Zusy) Peña y famia
                               May Wong, children Shaun and Mark      Humberto (Betico), Elvia Peña y famia
                              Julie Wong, children Seuw Chan and Seuw Ling  †Francisco (Chico) Peña y famia   Na nomber di su
                        Sok Ying Wong, children Kwok Kong and Seuw Lan  Antonio (Maiko), Ludwina Peña y famia
               Aunt:         Yok Fun Cheung                           Claudio (Robby), Cornelia Peña y famia  Esposa:  Ursula de Freitas - Laclé
               Cousins:  Edward and Agnes Cheung, children Stephanie  Narcisa Peña y famia
               and Jonathan                                           Francisco (Lino), Luti Peña y famia
                               Lydia and Ali Alipour, children Ryan and Nicole                                Rumanan: Cristina v/d Berg - de Freitas
                         Peter and Robin Cheung, children Maya and Jaden  Andres, Nela Peña y famia                     Guillermo y Betty de Freitas - Jansen
                         Mey Ying and  Hwayke Tio, children Dominique   †Valerio (Vale) Peña                  Sobrinonan: Riems y Anne Marie v/d Berg-Gerritsen
               and Kimberly
                        Yat Ming and Cecilia Than, children Luigia and Pina  Tanta y omonan: Rosendo Ferrier Penja y famia  Belia y Bart Eisenburger
                     Mey Ling and Kal Sen, children Bryan, Emory and Jay  Francisco (Shon) Hernandez y famia          Crisna y famia
               Aunt:         Milda Wong                               Angelica Hernandez y famia
               Cousins:      David Wong and family                    †Flavia (Chichi) Geerman                        Roycie Palfit
                                 Vivian Wong and family               †Crismo Diaz y famia                            Hurby Palfit
                                 Evelyne Wong
                                 Clifton Wong and family              †Mathias Rosel y famia                          Joselito Palfit
               Family in Canada                                                                                       Chela Oduber-Palfit
               Uncle:        Yun Foo Lum                       Nieto y nietanan, bisanieto, sobrino y sobrinanan,     Mirna Romero-Palfit
               Cousins:  Andrea Lum and Witek Zaleski and family   primo   y   primanan,   comer   y   compernan,   swa   y
                      Cathy and Ron Joe and family             cuñanan, ihanan                                        Albert y Nicole Laclé
                      Nancy Lum and family                                                                            Magda y Mike Talleda - Laclé
               Aunt:   Choi Harn  Lum                          Su ex coleganan di A.P.A., Astec, de Veer, Thiel,
               Cousins:  Chee Yin and Jenny Lum and family                                                            Robert y Iris Laclé
                      Suk Khuan and Carlos Pisano              Land Aruba, amigo y amiganan y conocirnan.             Mark y Katina van Ierland
                      Suk Mun and Damion Cumberworth and family
                                                               Demas   famia:   Peña,   Penja,   Rosel,   Flanegin,   Rona y Cindu Leal van Ierland
               Family Chai, family Lim, and family Wong in Malaysia and  Bosnie,   Angel,   Erasmus,   Croes,   Arnold,  Melanie y Fausto Villeda de Cuba
               all over the world.                             Montsanto,   Krosendijk,   Holmond,   Kelly,   Marugg,
               Special   Thanks   to   Luis   and   Biekel   Oduber   ,   Horatio  Marchena, Olivacce, Keteldijk, van Veen, Juladin,  Swa y Cuña:  Theresita Palfit-Boekhoudt
               Oduber , Gabriel Pichardo , Gregory Winklaar , Isgar de  Hipolite,   Wouters,   Kock,   Farro,   Jansen,   Jacobs,  Ina y Sonny van Ierland - Laclé
               Prado,   and   all   his   friends   from   ARCC.(Aruba   Radio                                               Teresita Laclé -Tromp
               Control Club)                                   Wolff,   Guerrero,   Figeira,   Martinez,   Maduro,   Ras,
                                                               Evertsz,   Tromp,   Marcano,   Boekhoudt,   Garcia,           Celine van Ierland
               Family Jim and especially Michael for those movie nights.  Herfst,   Pietersz,   Ibarra,   de   Castro,   Werleman,
                                                               Dirksz,   Chong,   Geerman,   Vrolijk,   Paesch,
               Employees   and   management   at   Oranjestad   Laundry,  Hernandez,   Danje,   Boezem,   Hardoel,   Alberts,  Famia:   Frederick y Monica Nuboer
               Jolly Holding and BSL Laundry.                  Ridderstap,   Marquez,   Davelar,   Snijders,   Frank,  Richard y Sandra Morra
                                                               Thode,   Dijkhof,   Dinal,   Rasmijn,   Cicilia,   Martus,  Tati Winklaar
               We invite family and friends to come and celebrate the life  Rosalia
               of   Chee   Chong   at   Aurora   Funeral   Home,   Saturday                                           Petronia
               September 8, 2018 from 9:00 to 12:00 p.m.
                                                               Nos disculpa si den nos tristeza nos por a lubida      Ronny Petrona
               The ARCC has graciously accepted our request to pay  algún familiar
               tribute to Chee Chong by flying remote control airplanes                                       Y tur su amigo(a)nan di FLOR DE ORIENTE.
               in his  memory at  3:00  P.M.  on Sunday   September  9,  Ta  invita  pa e  acto di  entiero cu  lo tuma lugar
               2018 at Cascabel Airfield in San Nicolas.       diabierna 7 di september 2018 na misa Inaculada
                                                               Concepcion di 2or pa 4or di atardi, despues lo sali  Demas primo(a)nan, sobrino(a)nan ta invita pa asisti
               In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to
               Casa Cuna.                                      pa Santana catolico Pastoor de Vries na Sta. Cruz.  na acto di despedida y cremashon cu lo tuma lugar
                                                                                                              diabierna 7 di september 2018, for di 9or pa 11or di
               Our apologies if in our time of grief we forget to mention  Oportunidad   pa   condolencia:   Aurora   Funeral
               any family members or friends.                  Home, diahuebs 6 di september 2018 di 7or pa 9or  mainta na Aurora Funeral Home.
                                                               di anochi.
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