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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 9 SepteMber 2019

            Ex-UK minister says Johnson

            not trying to get a Brexit deal

            By JILL LAWLESS              pelled  included  the  lon-  Johnson said this week he
            Associated Press             gest-serving  Conservative   would  rather  be  “dead  in
            LONDON  (AP)  —  A  senior  in  Parliament,  Ken  Clarke,   a ditch” than seek a post-
            minister  who  quit  British  and   Nicholas   Soames,    ponement,  leaving  gov-
            Prime  Minister  Boris  John-  grandson  of  World  War   ernment  and  Parliament
            son’s  Cabinet  said  Sun-   II  Prime  Minister  Winston   at odds — with no obvious
            day  that  the  government  Churchill.                    solution.
            is  making  little  or  no  effort  Rudd called the expulsions   Johnson’s  options  —  all  of
            to  secure  a  Brexit  agree-  “an  assault  on  decency   them  extreme  —  include
            ment  with  the  European  and democracy.”                disobeying the law, which
            Union,  despite  Johnson’s  “The  Conservative  Party     could land him in court or
            insistence that he wants a  should be a moderate par-     even prison, and resigning.
            deal.                        ty  that  embraces  people   Foreign  Secretary  Dominic
            Amber  Rudd  said  “there  with  different  views  of  the   Raab said Sunday that the
            is  no  evidence  of  a  deal.  EU,”  she  said.  “If  we  be-  government  would  obey
            There are no formal nego-    come a party which has no    the  law,  but  would  also
            tiations taking place.”      place  for  moderates  like  I   “test very carefully what it
            “What we know is that An-    am, center-right conserva-   does and doesn’t require.”
            gela  Merkel  and  the  EU  tives, then we will not win.”  “It’s  been  a  rough  week,
            have  said,  ‘give  us  your  Johnson  is  seeking  a  snap   but the reality is the prime
            proposal,’  and  we  have  election  on  Oct.  15  as  a   minister  is  sticking  to  his
            not  given  them  a  propos-  way to break the deadlock   guns  on  what  he  said  to
            al,” she told the BBC.       over  Brexit,  but  lawmakers   get  us  out  of  this  rut  that   This  Sept.  4,  2019  photo  shows  Work  and  Pensions  Secretary
                                                                                                   Amber Rudd in London.
            Treasury  chief  Sajid  Javid  last  week  rejected  his  call   we’re in,” he said.q                                           Associated Press
            insisted  that  the  govern-  for an early poll.
            ment  was  “straining  every  He is due to try again Mon-
            sinew  to  get  a  deal”  and  day, but opposition parties
            had  sent  British  negotiator  say  they  will  veto  that  at-
            David  Frost  to  Brussels  for  tempt,  too.  They  want  to
            talks. The EU, however, says  postpone  an  election  until
            Britain  has  not  produced  Britain has secured a delay
            any concrete new ideas.      to the Oct. 31 Brexit dead-
            Rudd’s resignation as work  line,  removing  the  risk  the
            and  pensions  secretary  U.K.  could  crash  out  with-
            late  Saturday  is  the  latest  out a deal.
            blow to the embattled Brit-  Opposition  Labour  Party
            ish prime minister.          finance  spokesman  John
            Johnson  says  Britain  must  McDonnell  said  “we’re  in
            leave the EU as scheduled  a  situation  where  no-one
            Oct. 31 even if there is no  can trust while (Johnson) is
            divorce  agreement  with  in  place  what  could  hap-
            the  bloc.  But  his  plan  is  pen.”
            meeting  fierce  resistance,  “We don’t believe that we
            including from some mem-     can  pin  him  down  and  I
            bers of his own party.       don’t trust him an inch, and
            Last  week  Johnson  kicked  I don’t think anyone does,”
            21  lawmakers  out  of  the  McDonnell told the BBC.
            Conservative group in Par-   Most economists say a no-
            liament  after  they  sided  deal  Brexit  would  severely
            with the opposition to pass  disrupt  trade  with  the  EU
            a law designed to prevent  and plunge the U.K. into re-
            a no-deal Brexit. Those ex-  cession.
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