Page 3 - ahata
P. 3
LOCAL Monday 9 SepteMber 2019
The Aruba Tourism Authority honor loyal visitors on the island
PALM BEACH — Recently, Kimberley Richardson
of the Aruba Tourism Authority had the great plea-
sure to honor Aruba’s loyal and friendly visitors as
Distinguished Visitors and Emerald Ambassador of
Aruba. The Distinguished Visitor certificate is pre-
sented on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, as a
token of appreciation to the guests who visit Aru-
ba 10 years and more consecutively. The Emer-
ald Ambassador certificate is presented to guests
who visit Aruba 35 years and more consecutively.
The honorees were Norman and Jennifer Kors from
the Netherlands honored as Distinguished Visitors
of Aruba. Together with them was also Grandma
Arlene Valery Oehlers who did not forget that she
was also entitled to receive her infamous Emerald
Ambassador certificate for coming to Aruba for
more than 40 years. It was an unforgettable ex-
perience as the whole family came together to
celebrate with Grandma Arlene.
This lovely family stated that they love the island
very much, especially for its year-round sunny
weather, nice sandy beaches, beautiful sunsets,
delicious variety of foods, safety, and Aruba’s
warm and friendly people.
Ms. Richardson together with the representatives
of the Marriott’s Aruba Ocean Club presented
the certificates to the honorees, handed over
some presents and also thanked them for choos-
ing Aruba as their favorite vacation destination
and as their home-away-from-home.q