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Monday 22 May 2017
Ride the Waves:
Get Ready for the Soul Beach Music Festival 2017!
packed weekend of music, tertainer, Tiffany Haddish,
fun and sun! Just when you and Big Sean, Saturday
thought it couldn’t get any night, May 27, by Usher, The
hotter, loyal followers and Roots and Faith Evans, and
newcomers alike are sure Sunday night, May 28, by
to enjoy the sexy, smolder- Mary J. Blige!
ing beaches and enter- So make your plans now
tainment! because the Soul Beach
The lineup for entertain- Music Festival 2017 edition
ment for the star-packed promises to be the best yet!
weekend includes perfor- Don’t miss out on the 2017
mances on Friday night, celebrations…it wouldn’t
May 26, by Cedric the En- be the same without you!q
ORANJESTAD - Join us for bean Celebrations by USA setting, all on the beautiful
the 17th Annual Soul Beach TODAY”, as well as #1 “Ca- island of Aruba. Be part of
Music Festival on the gor- ribbean Summer Festival” the action, because our
geous island of Aruba, Me- by Jetsetter Magazine. festival is sure to amaze
morial Day Weekend, May The 17th Annual Soul Beach you with sultry day and
24-29, 2017. Ride the waves Music Festival will offer a night events, the hottest
of the Soul Beach Music unique combination of ex- internationally renowned
Festival, which was voted citement and sophistica- performing artists in music
one of the “Top Five Carib- tion nestled in an intimate and comedy, all in one jam