Page 11 - ARUBA BANK
P. 11
Monday 20 august 2018
A new start for our
special kids
PARADERA — Pasadia Briyo good care of these special
di Solo ‘Sunshine Daycare’ people. Last year was very
is a part of the Foundation hearth breaking due to a
for the mentally disabled of fire which burned down
Aruba (Stichting voor ver- their building completely.
standelijke gehandicapten The team of Pasadia Briyo
Aruba) which provides ed- di Solo together with the
ucation to all the persons of help of community of Aru-
Aruba with disabilities and ba they managed to finally
special needs. have the building ready for
the new schoolyear. Pasa-
People with special needs dia Briyo di Solo is very hap-
also have the right to de- py to see that the impor-
velop themselves and de- tance of these special kids
serve to feel at home in is being acknowledged in
their own community. At the community. The special
Pasadia Briyo di Solo they kids are very happy and ex-
give so much love and take cited to go back to school.
ents, teachers and em-
The foundation, Stichting ployees of all their schools
voor Verstandelijk Gehand- around the island a suc-
icapten Aruba, wishes all cessful start of schoolyear
their students, clients, par- 2018/2019. q