Page 67 - ARUBA BANK
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Tuesday 4 June 2019
Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort participates in
AHATA’s 18 Annual Coastal Clean-Up
EAGLE BEACH – Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort locations of Aruban Beaches and shore line.
proudly participated in this year’s AHATA Coast- “In addition to maintaining pristine, natural
al Clean-up. Over 60 participants included staff beaches for the community and tourists to en-
and management, guests and EPI students of joy, it is important for wildlife that trash does not
Ciencia y Tecnologia. impede their survival. If a hatchling turtle should
walk into a plastic cup or other debris on its way
Every year during Ocean Conservancy’s Inter- to the ocean, it may not survive. Conditions pri-
national Coastal Cleanup, hundreds of thou- or to the cleanup on the northcoast made this
sands of volunteers comb lakes, rivers and scenario likely” explains Sustainability Manager
beaches around the world for trash. For over Nathaly Stanley
three decades, more than 12 million volunteers
have collected over 220 million pounds of trash. All students and teachers received a signature
Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort reusable water can-
This year, as part of this worldwide effort, AHATA teen as a gift for their efforts, a gift that is made “At Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort we feel it is our
organized it’s 18th Annual Coastal Clean-up available for all guests at the resort to eliminate responsibility to help clean-up our beaches. In
Day with 800 participants cleaning 14 different the use of plastic bottles. Aruba we are in the nature business, because
without our beautiful natural surroundings there
would not be any tourism”, says Ewald Biemans,
owner/CEO of Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort.
Every third Wednesday of the month for 24 con-
secutive years, Bucuti & Tara conducts a beach
clean-up on Eagle Beach where guests enthusi-
astically join management and staff to contrib-
ute and give back in their appreciation for their
Aruban experience. “We hope our actions,
AHATA’s actions and the world’s environmen-
tal preservation movements set an example for
our community to appreciate Aruba’s natural
beauty as a precious gift that we must pre-
serve for all of our future generations.” States
The Central Bank of Aruba announces the official emission of the
new 2019 series florin banknotes
ORANJESTAD — After an extensive promotion campaign to make
the general public familiar with the security features prior to the emis-
sion hereof, the Centrale Bank van Aruba (CBA) officially emitted the
2019 series florin banknotes on June 3, 2019 by presenting the first set of
banknotes to Mrs. Xiomara Ruiz-Maduro, Minister of Finance, Economic
Affairs, and Culture. Starting June 4, 2019, the public can obtain the new
2019 series florin banknotes at the commercial banks and can use them
for making payments.
The timeline for the emission of the new 2019 series florin banknotes is as
• June 3, 2019
Official emission of the new 2019 series florin banknotes
• June 4 - August 11, 2019
Co-circulation of the 2003 series and the new 2019 series florin banknotes
(10 weeks) tain confidence in the Aruban florin and contribute in promoting the
uniqueness and beauty of Aruba’s flora, fauna, cultural heritage, monu-
• August 12, 2019 ments, and landmarks. For future generations to be able to appreciate
The 2003 series florin banknotes are taken out of circulation and are no these as well, it is of utmost importance to continue to promote public
longer legal tender awareness for the adequate preservation and conservation hereof.
In the coming months, the CBA will continue to conduct extensive infor-
• June 4 – December 4, 2019 mation campaigns through various media channels, such as newspa-
Exchange of the 2003 series for the new 2019 series florin banknotes can pers, radios, TV, and CBA’s Facebook, Instagram and website in order
only take place at the commercial banks (6 months) to provide the public at large with important information about the new
2019 series florin banknotes. Furthermore, the CBA will hold information
• December 5, 2019 – August 12, 2049 sessions for targeted groups and will provide information materials at the
Exchange of the 2003 series for the new 2019 series florin banknotes can MFA’s, the national library, schools, post offices, and commercial banks.
only take place at the CBA (30 years) With regard to information sessions, the CBA will publish the dates, time,
and venues in newspapers, as well as on its Facebook, Instagram, and
With the introduction of the 2019 banknote series, the CBA aims to main- website. q