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                   Thursday 1 augusT 2019
            U.S. issues hacking security alert for small planes

            By TAMI ABDOLLAH                                                                                                    Chris  King,  a  cybersecu-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    rity expert who has worked
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            on  vulnerability  analysis  of
            Department  of  Homeland                                                                                            large-scale systems. "It was
            Security  issued  a  secu-                                                                                          never designed to be in an
            rity  alert  Tuesday  for  small                                                                                    adversarial   environment,
            planes, warning that mod-                                                                                           (so  there's)  no  validation"
            ern flight systems are vulner-                                                                                      that what the system is be-
            able to hacking if someone                                                                                          ing  told  to  do  is  coming
            manages  to  gain  physical                                                                                         from a legitimate source.
            access to the aircraft.                                                                                             Only a few years ago, most
            An alert from the DHS criti-                                                                                        auto  manufacturers  used
            cal infrastructure computer                                                                                         the  open  CAN  bus  system
            emergency response team                                                                                             in  their  cars.  But  after  re-
            recommends  that  plane                                                                                             searchers  publicly  demon-
            owners ensure they restrict                                                                                         strated how they could be
            unauthorized  physical  ac-                                                                                         hacked,  auto  manufac-
            cess  to  their  aircraft  until                                                                                    turers  added  on  layers  of
            the industry develops safe-                                                                                         security,  like  putting  criti-
            guards to address the issue,                                                                                        cal  functions  on  separate
            which was discovered by a                                                                                           networks that are harder to
            Boston-based  cybersecu-                                                                                            access externally.
            rity company and reported                                                                                           The  disclosure  highlights  is-
            to the federal government.                                                                                          sues in the automotive and
            Most airports have security                                                                                         aviation  industries  about
            in  place  to  restrict  unau-                                                                                      whether a software vulner-
            thorized  access  and  there                                                                                        ability  should  be  treated
            is no evidence that anyone                                                                                          like a safety defect — with
            has  exploited  the  vulnera-                                                                                       its potential for costly man-
            bility. But a DHS official told                                                                                     ufacturer  recalls  and  im-
            The  Associated  Press  that                                                                                        plied  liability  —  and  what
            the agency independently                                                                                            responsibility   manufac-
            confirmed the security flaw                                                                                         turers  should  have  in  en-
            with outside partners and a                                                                                         suring  their  products  are
            national research laborato-                                                                                         hardened against such at-
            ry, and decided it was nec-                                                                                         tacks. The vulnerability also
            essary to issue the warning.                                                                                        highlights the reality that it's
            The    cybersecurity   firm,                                                                                        becoming  increasingly  dif-
            Rapid7,  found  that  an  at-   This March 12, 2013 photo shows the air traffic control tower at Chicago's Midway International   ficult  to  separate  cyberse-
            tacker  could  potentially   Airport.                                                                               curity from security overall.
            disrupt   electronic   mes-                                                                        Associated Press  "A lot of aviation folks don't
            sages transmitted across a                                                                                          see  the  overlap  between
            small  plane's  network,  for  not  apply  to  older  small  of an aircraft," Troy said.  sembly  in  September,  said  information security, cyber-
            example  by  attaching  a  planes  with  mechanical  The  Federal  Aviation  Ad-       Pete  Cooper,  an  ex-Royal  security, of an aircraft, and
            small  device  to  its  wiring,  control systems.         ministration said in a state-  Air  Force  fast  jet  pilot  and  safety,"  said  Beau  Woods,
            that  would  affect  aircraft  But  Patrick  Kiley,  Rapid7's  ment that a scenario where  cyber  operations  officer  a  cyber  safety  innova-
            systems.                     lead  researcher  on  the  is-  someone  has  unrestricted  who  advises  the  aviation  tion  fellow  with  the  Atlan-
            Engine  readings,  compass  sue, said an attacker could  physical  access  is  unlikely,  industry.                 tic  Council,  a  Washington
            data,  altitude  and  other  exploit the vulnerability with  but the report is also "an im-  The  vulnerability  disclosure  think  tank.  "They  see  them
            readings "could all be ma-   access to a plane or by by-  portant reminder to remain  report  is  the  product  of  as distinct things."
            nipulated  to  provide  false  passing airport security.  vigilant"  about  physical  nearly  two  years  of  work  The  CAN  bus  networking
            measurements to the pilot,"  "Someone with five minutes  and  cybersecurity  aircraft  by  Rapid7.  After  their  re-  scheme was developed in
            according to the DHS alert.  and a set of lock picks can  procedures.                  searchers   assessed   the  the 1980s and is extremely
            The  warning  reflects  the  gain  access  (or)  there's  Aviation  cybersecurity  has  flaw, the company alerted  popular  for  use  in  boats,
            fact  that  aircraft  systems  easily  access  through  the  been  an  issue  of  growing  DHS.  Tuesday's  DHS  alert  drones, spacecraft, planes
            are  increasingly  reliant  on  engine  compartment,"  Ki-  concern around the world.  recommends  manufactur-      and cars — all areas where
            networked     communica-     ley said.                    In  March,  the  U.S.  Depart-  ers review how they imple-  there's  more  noise  inter-
            tions  systems,  much  like  Jeffrey  Troy,  president  of  ment  of  Transportation's  ment these open electron-   ference  and  it's  advanta-
            modern  cars.  The  auto  in-  the  Aviation  Information  inspector  general  found  ics  systems  known  as  "the  geous  to  have  less  wiring.
            dustry  has  already  taken  Sharing  and  Analysis  Cen-  that the FAA had "not com-  CAN bus" to limit a hacker's  It's  actually  increasingly
            steps  to  address  similar  ter,  an  industry  organiza-  pleted  a  comprehensive,  ability  to  perform  such  an  used  in  airplanes  today
            concerns after researchers  tion for cybersecurity infor-  strategy  policy  framework  attack. The CAN bus func-   due to the ease and cost of
            exposed vulnerabilities.     mation, said there is a need  to identify and mitigate cy-  tions  like  a  small  plane's  implementation, Kiley said.
            The Rapid7 report focused  to  improve  the  security  in  bersecurity  risks."  The  FAA  central  nervous  system.  Given  that  airplanes  have
            only  on  small  aircraft  be-  networked  operating  sys-  agreed  and  said  it  would  Targeting it could allow an  a  longer  manufacturing
            cause  their  systems  are  tems  but  emphasized  that  look to have a plan in place  attacker to stealthily hijack  cycle, "what we're trying to
            easier  for  researchers  to  the  hack  depends  on  by-  by the end of September.    a  pilot's  instrument  read-  do is get out ahead of this."
            acquire.  Large  aircraft  fre-  passing  physical  security  The  UN's  body  for  aviation  ings  or  even  take  control  The report didn't name the
            quently use more complex  controls mandated by law.       proposed its first strategy for  of the plane, according to  vendors Rapid7 tested, but
            systems  and  must  meet  With  access,  "you  have  securing civil aviation from  the Rapid7 report obtained  the company alerted them
            additional  security  require-  hundreds  of  possibilities  to  hackers that's expected to  by  The  AP.  "CAN  bus  is  over a year ago, the report
            ments.  The  DHS  alert  does  disrupt  any  system  or  part  go before the General As-  completely  insecure,"  said  states.q
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